Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/725

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GONVENTION—REPUBLI0 OF SALVADOR. MAY 23, 1870. 695 risdiction of either party, by pub> dos dentro de la jurisdiccion de una lic olilcers or depositors. de las partes contratantes, y por empleados 6 depositarios piiblicos. 8. Embezzlement, by any person 8**. El hurto, robo 6 malvcrsa- E,,,b,,mm(,,,L by or persons, hired or salaried, to the cion cometida por algnna persona persons hired or detriment of their employers, when 6 personas asalariadas con pe¤;iui· ¤°·*°'*°**» &°· these crimes are subject to infn.- cio de aquellas é. cuyo servicio esmous punishment. · tan, cuando estos delitos tengan seialada una. penainfamanto. Anrronm 31m. · Am·foULo 3°. The provisions of this treaty shall Las estipulaciones de este trata- pcmmy csc,,,,,, not apply to any crime or olfence do no se aplicaran a delitos 6 infrac- not included. of a political character; and the per- cion es de caracter politico; y el indison or persons delivered up for the viduo 6 individuos entregudos por crimes enumerated in the preceding alguno de los crimenes enunciados article shall in no case be tried for en el articulo anterior no seran enany ordinary crime committed pre- ningnn caso sometidos a juicio por N,,, P ,.0 v i 0,,,, viously to that for which his or their algun delnto ordinario cometido an- crimes. surrender is asked._ tes del que ha motivado su extradicion. . Aivrrcnn 41-::. Aarfonno 42. If the person whose surrender Si la persona cuya extradicion se when extradition may be claimed, pursuant to the pida,en virtud de las estipulaciones my be d¤f•=¤¢d· stipulations of the present treaty, del presence tratado, bubiese sido shall have been arrested for the arrestada por infracciones cometi— commission of offences in thecoun- das en el pais en donde se hnbiese try where he has soughtan asylum, refugindo, 6 hubiere sido convicto or shall have been convicted there- de ello, su extradicion podra difefor, his extradition may be deferred rirsc hasta que sca absuelto 6 haya until he shall have been acquitted cumplido la pena 6. que haya sido or have served the term of rmpris- sentenciado. onment to which he may have been sentenced. Amrxonn 5cm. Anrfouno 5··. In no case and for no motive shall En ningnn caso y por ningun p,,.,,,,,, not to d,,_ the high contracting parties be motivo las altas partes coutratan- liver their own subobliged to deliver up their own subs tes estaran obligadas a entrogar éJ°°`*{,¤i1 f & jects. Ii’, in conformity with thelaws sus propios nacionales. Si eu con- ,0 bB°}‘u{,’;’;’h;h in force in the state to which the formidad con las leyes vigentes en pm, den,,.,,i,,g_ accused belongs, he ought to be ol estado al cual pertenezca el culsubmitted to criminal procedure for pable se debiere someter a este ii. crimes committed in the other state, procedimiento criminal por infracthe latter must communicate the cion cometida en el otro estado, cl information and documents, send gobierno do este iiltnmo debera the implements or tools which were comnnicarle lcs informcs y docuemployed to perpetrate the crime, mentos, remitir los objetos del cnand procure every other explana- erpo del delito y procurar cualquition or evidence necessary to pros- era otra aclaracion que fuere neceecute the case. saria a la expedicion del proceso. Aacrrona Gcrn. Anrioono 6**. Réqulsitions for the surrender of Los suplicntorios para In ontregai Rgquisitigug, new fugitives from justice shall be made de reos fngos se liaran por los agen- to be niece. by the respective diplomatic agents tes diplomaticos de las respectivas of the contracting parties, or, in the parties oontratantcs, o en cnso do event of the absence of these from ausencia do cstos del pans 6 de la