Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/848

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818 POSTAL CONVENTION—FRANCE. ·A1=•mL 28, 1874. ‘ Antricnn 6. Marks on regis- Registered letters, which shall be reciprocally forwarded by the postal med 1¤*·¤>¤‘¤· administrations of Franco and the United States, shall be marked, on the side of the address, with a stamp, bearing in red mk the word “ O7m·rgé," or the word ** RegLctcred,” as the case may be. ` Amrmmn 7. S*=¤¤P§ 0*; ¤¤l**>*°* Ordinary letters, registered letters, samples of merchandise, and

°"s*;,}f,Yc;“°°’m°d‘* printed matter, sent either from the offices depending upon the postal

y Iadministration of France for the United States and the countries to which the United States serves as intermediary, or from the offices depending upon the postal administration of the United States for France, Algeria, and the countries to which France serves as intermediary, shall be marked on the side of the address with a stamp, indicating the date of mailing and- the place of origin. . 4_ . Anmcms S._ . _ Stamps on prepaid The postal administration of the United States shall cause to be· ’¤°'°*°'· placed on’ theaddress of the prepaid objects which the American exchange-omccs shall forward to the French exchange-offices the impression, in red ink, of the stamp “Paid." __ On `its side, the postal administration of France shall cause to be placed the impression, in red ink, of the stamp “P. D." upon the objects `prepaid to destination; and of the stamp “P. P." upon the objects prepaid by compulsion to any limit whatever of their course, which shall . bg forwarded by_ the French exchange-omces to the American exchangeo ces. _ . On matter insum— The stamp “A_;7"ragwhisae¢nent in.su3isant,” or ‘•1m·uj7ieie~ntIy prqpa·id,” as ¢=i¤¤i·ly veil- the case may be, shall be placed upon letters insufficiently paid. _ _ _ Anrrcrm 9. Letter-bins. Each of the mails exchanged between the postal administrations of the two countries shall be accompanied by a letter-bill, upon which the exchange-offices shall state, with the classiiications- established by the convention of 28th April, 1874, as follows: . lst. The nature and the number of the objects which the mail shall contain. , 2d. The number of single rates relating to the correspondence of the one_ of the two countries for the other., 3d. The weights or sums to be carried to account for each class of cormspondence. { . The office to which the mail shall be addressed shalhacknowledge the · receipt thereof to the dispatching office by the first mail thereafter. Ack,,,,wMgm,,,;, The letterbills and acknowledgments of receipt of the French ex—‘ or receipt. changeoffices shall contbrm to models D and E, annexed to the present regulations. The forms of Ietter—bill and acknowledgment of receipt, of which tho American exchange-offices shall make use in their relations with the French exchange-chives. must accord with the models hereinabove designated. -AB.TIGLE 10. Packets, rules as The correspondence described in the letter- bills Shall be divided into ¤<>¤¤¤¤¤¤¤‘¤¤df¤¤m·as rnany packets as this correspondence will admit of lines·or special artic es. Each packet shall be placed under a hbel, indicating the nature and the weight of the correspondence, as well as the number of objects and