Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/901

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INDEX. 87] 3p . Bent and Smllh, ago. Blacklstone, William IZ, Pago. gift of land to Robert Bent and Jack Smith _ ayment to, for services as a board of trade. 609 confirmed . . . ... . . . . 535 Black Lake, Mich. Bentley, A. J, _ up !~o’prie.ticn for improving harbor at 238, 456 payment 0 counsel-fees to .. .; 402 Blaogltioer, Ohio, ' Bent _ , Catharme, _ up ropriation for improving harbor at 238, 457 claim of, allowed by eomnussioncrs ... . 643 Blaciatone, Hudson _ Berry, Charles W, _ claim of, allowed by commissioners 592 char-gezpf desertion removed, and back pay Blewkwelder, Allen. M., and bounty allowed.;.. . 572 claim of, allowed by commissioners: ... 588 Berry, Martha, p Blackwell, Joseph R., claim of,_n11owed by commissioners 587 credit in accounts of, for postagmstnmps, Berry, Wzllaam P., _ envelzges, and money stolen from claim of, allowed by commissroners . .. . 640 , post-o ce at Litchfield .. . . .. 539 Berliaatn, Ihffensa P., _ · Blair, James WY, administrator claim of, a owed by commissioners 587 claim of estate of William blair, allowed by Beet, Elias L. I commissioners.. ... -.. .. 592 claim of, allowed by commissioners ..I . 592 Blair, William, Beblea Chrlstum, _ _ claun of estate of, allowed by commissionqlmm gf, allowed by qgmmrsgiquum , _ , , _ , , , 592 ers ,_____ _ _,___ , _ _ , , _ .,_, _ , , __,_ _ _ _ _ 59Q Bich:0•:;.telo,; Potaua, ,· _ 308 Blair, Plfildaantllg t to 62 me uyon ... re ea 0 so gmnin union . . 6 Bwkswqr Henry, I Blok}:. Ovary, g po cls1m of; allowed by commissioners 587 claim of, allowed by commissioners .. .. 588 Biennial Register, ‘ Blake, Marinda, vdtteen hundred copies of, to be printed 5 claim of, allowed by commissioners 588 Bionoillc, steamer, ‘ . / Blalock, Willmm, cheers and crew` of, payment in lieu of claim of allowed by commissioners . . . . 647 ‘ _ prize-money... ... . . . . .. 550 .BLank Boolca, Bzgarny, · collectors of internal revenue to be allowed writ of error from Supreme Court or United for certain · accounts cf, bow made States to Suzsreme Court of Utah to and verified .. . . . . . . 309 lie in crimin cases where accused has Blevins, Isaac, been sentenced or convlctedof.; 254 claim of, allowed by commissioners 592 Bigler Young and Company, Bloolcade, settlement and Baymont for building light- treaty provisions witlrPern concerning . .708, 709 house at eve Point . . .. 570 in treaty with Salvador .. . .. 734 Bills, Bloch Islas Breakwaler, of Congress how to be received and pre-appropriation for improving . . . .. 241, 460 served by Secretary of State on bcc0m- . Blood Mary J, ing laws .. . . 294 wicl0w's pension .. .. .. 578 Bills of Ocala, see Foes and Goats. Bloods, Bills of Exchange, , appropriation for purchase of goods, &.c., suit by assignee of, in circuit or district for .. .. 3. . . .. . . 449, 421 court ...--. .. . . . 470 deficiency appropriation for fuldlling treaty Birch, Mary,_ _ with .. . . . . ... _. . 141 claim of, sllcwed by commissioners.. .. 596 establishment of reservation in Montana tor Birch, Samuel _ _ the. . . .. 28 claim of, allowed by commissioners . ,.. 596 Blooacr, Jonas, _ . Bird, Philip HE, clmm of, allowed by commissioners 655 claim of, allowed by commissioners.. .. 565 Blowers, James, _ Bird, Samuel, appropriation for keepmg, at State lunatic claim of allowed by commissioners. . . . 581 asylum for insane convicts at Auburn, Bismarck fam! District, N. Y. . . . . . . 386 established in Dakota Territory .. . .. . .., 34 Bloyed, William, _ _ _ · appointment, Geo., of register und receiver c aim of, allowed by commissioners 582 for .. , .,,,. , _... 34 Board of Anim Qyloers, lAnd·omce to be located at Bismarck. ... . 34 to be detailed by Secretary of War to iix Bitter Root Valley, · valuation of rxgllrt oi! way through time of sale and paiymsnt of pre·empted fgrounds of Alleg eny Arsenal. r . 281 lands in, exten ed two years .. .. 15 Board 0 Auglol, Dmrlot of Columbia, _ homestead 'set extended to settlers . . . . 15 how constituted .- .. . . 118 Black, Emillia 0., duty of to examine and nudrt for settlement widow’s ensicn . .. . .. 675 the nesting debt of District of Colum- Blaelqjarag A., I _ _ bin...-; . . . . . .: .. 118,119 clam of, allowed by commmsxoners ,... 587 to make tabular statement of all claims pre- Bwvkbwm Beqimnin A., · l sented, Sw ·.------- t-- - --------- _ 119 claim oi, allowed by commissioners ‘ 649 of the funded debtcof the Distrrct ... 119 . Blackburn, Lfanacsah, · of the cities of Washington and Georgeolsim nt ‘Jolm F. Lewis` end, allowed by town, &.c .. . . .. i.-. 119 commissioners .. . . . . . . . . 596 to ascertain the amount of sewer-tax paid. . 119 Blackfoot, to issue to o1s.imants° a cortnilcate of the ep priutiou forpruchuseofgoodsiénc.,for.149,424 _ amount found due ..-· ..--. .. 119 . descloency appropriation for nliilling treaty 141 register rgarttiignxge to be kept and trans I 19 wil;]],' ,.,,, ,,.·.;,.., .. ..-...,.-,,. - _ rm 0 gms,,., ..., .1,.,, establishment of reservation in Mont-anu for to report to Congresramount chargeable to- . the . . .. . ... . . .. . 98 street-railroad companies for paving. 119 _