Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/912

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882 mnnx. Page. { _ _ Page Chippewa: of Rod Lake, Olrcmi Couy·ts--Contmuc<l. _ _ appropriations for special agent to., ..147, 421 supervision over bankruptcy cases lll territo fulfill treat stipulations with, &»c . ..152, 427 torial courts.: .. . . 182 Ohippcwas of Red fake, and Pmbina Tribe,. in Alabama, for middle and northern disgtppropriutions for payment of annuity 152, 427 tricts. cf, established .. . -.-- - 195 Ghiaolm, Patrick .L, pwvmious concerning ..---- - ------.-.-·- }95 claim of, allowed by commissioners .-.. 637 court held at Mobile, how to be known,. 195 Ohitwood, David, administrator, appellate powerrestricted to causes arisclaim of estate oi J cnathnn Phillips a1- . _ ing in southern district .. 195 Icwsd by commissioners . 650 terms in southern, middle and northern Chitwood, Russell B., districts, when to be held.: . 195 claim of, allowed by commissioners 582 in Indiana, change of terms of - 251 Ohivia, Jolm, _ to have jurisdictionof suits on bonds of depclmim of, allowed by commissioners 597 ‘uty collectors of internal revenue... 309 Choctaw and Cherokee Nation: in admimlty and maritime cases, on instancevariations of survey boundary-line between _ side of court, shall and and state facts Arkansas and Indian country from and conclusions of law separately 315 boundary-line according to treaty on consent of parties, may submit issues with, to be noted . .. . .. . 476 of fact to Jury .. ..--,- .. 315 Clwcwavlmtchie River, finding of jury to be entered of record, and appropriations for improving . 240, 459 stand as iinding of court,_uuless, &,c. 315 Choctaws, review by Supreme Court, limited to quesappropriations for payment of annuities and tions of aw arising on record, &>c 315 interest to .-.. .. ...,..153, 427, 428 in patent causes heard in equity, may sub- _ interest on trust·fund . . .. . . 174, 448 mit questions of fact to jury . 316 provision for payment of liabilities of tribe verdict of jury, how treated and proceeded to individuals under treaty of June on .. . ... . ... 316 2, 1855..., -... .. .. . 230 amount in dispute in, necessary to re-exam- Secretary of Interior to sell certain bonds of, ination of decrees of, by Supreme and pay proceeds to accredited agent, Court. . . . . . 316 &c. . . . .. . . ... . 413 act to take effect May 1. 1875. ... 316 Cholera, , to have jurisdiction of actions concernin medical officer of the Army to be detailed certain lands in Seneca Indian to inquire, Gm., into causes of ... . 286 _ lages of Allegany reservation in New townswhere prevailed in 1873 to bcvisitcd 286 York .. . . . . . . . .. 331 visits to be made under direction of Sur- accounts, &c., of clerks, marshals, &c., to geon·General of the Army, &c .. 286 be proved iu, before payment ; record - report to Congress . . .. . .. . ., 286 of approval, &,c., to be kept. -L. . 333 Surgeon-General to report information, to be in duplicate; original to Treasury, _ doc., to Secretary of War .‘ 2B6` duplicate retnnued in clerk’s oEce.. . 333 to be detailedto investigate and report on accounts of clerks; &o., for fees, &.o,, to be existence of, in Mexico .. . . .. .--. 399 proved in o en court .. . . . .. . •333 duties of officer detailed . . 399 bonds of clerks org provisions respecting 333 appropriation for . 399 shall have power to award writ of manda- Chwietiam, Thomas A., mus, to compel clerks, marshals, &c., ·· claim of, allowed by commissioners.. .. 580 to render accounts of fees, &c ... 333 Ohromatc of Potacaa, shall have jurisdiction under civil and legal rate of duty on .. . . .- 308 rights act .. . . . .. 336 Chronometrical Thermometer, original jurisdiction of . ... 470 appromiation for _. . .- . . -.. 55 no person to be arrested in one district for Church, ydia A'., trial in another in civil action before 470 restored to pension-roll ...,. - - . 634 no civil action in, by 0l'l%D8l process against Cigamcttes, see Qigars. any person, in istrict other than Cigars, that whereof inhabitant, or in which internal-revenue tux on increased; when found, except as hereinafter, &c . 470 increase not to apply; taxon certain, what suits by assignees, founded on cou- ‘ under contract, who to pay; penalties tract, not cognizable in;`.:... .. . 470 for sale, &c., before payment .. -- 339 appellate jurisdictron of .. .. 470 Cincinnati, Ohio, what causes may be removed from State appropriations for office of assistant trees- courts into, and by whom .. 470, 471 urer at -. . . . . ... :95, 355 proceedings for removal · . 471 forcustom-house and post-officebuilding-227, 394 trial of issues of fact in, except, &c., to be limit to cost .. . . . . ., .. 227 by jury .. . . . .. . .. 471 Circuit Courts, .in causes removed into, attachments of denppropriations for judges of .. 108,369 fendant’s property in State court to deiiciency appropriation for- .. . 144 hold, &c .. . . . ... .. .. 471 time of holding iuVermont.-.. .. .. 53 bonds, &c., given by either party, primin eastern district of Wisconsin .. 75, 76 to removal,to remain valid. . . . . . 471 in California, Oregon, and Nevada. .. 76 injunctions and other proceedings had clerks of, to reside permanently in their dis- prior to removal, to remain in force triots; to give personal attention to until, &tc .. . .,. ,, ,,._,__ 471 ofljicial duties .. .. 109 dismissal or remanding by,- of causes imrcmoving, or failing, Guo., omces to be _ - properly brought in or removed to . . . 472 · deemed vacant .. 109 ‘ order dismissing or remanding reviewable in the southern district of New York . 109 by Supreme Court, . . ... 472 jurisdiction of, in suits against Pacific Rail- how to proceed in ciuses removed from State rend Companies ... .. 112 court . . . ... . 472