Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/923

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INDEX. 893 Pago. ]· .-0, v<m¤<»s Seldw, _ cmum cm-rs, °° payment to, for horse k1lled by order of appropriation for salaries of .. . . . . G7, 322, 414 ~ _ >c010ne1 commanding . . . . . . . . 570 salary of, servin continuously five years Canspzrmg, and upwarg · . . . .. 70 with assignee, to fraudulently sell or dispose Consular Courts, ' of bankrupt property, penalty for 179 in Ottoman dominions or E pt may be sus- ,GOD8t7`l¢0lI0‘Ib—.B07|(18, _ _ · pended by the Presialgit, when. . 23-24 of Texas and Pacific Railway Company on acceptance of jurisdiction of certain triburecord with Secretary of the Inte- nals during such suspension .. .. . 24 mor, may be canceled, dw. . 197-198 Consular O_0Icm·.s, new mortgage to be substituted for. . 198 appropriation for salaries of --.67, 322,414 provisions concerning (see Texas and Pacific for payment of, not citizens . 70, 327 ttatlway) . . 198 for allowance to widows or heirs of, &c.. 71 Conatractum Branch of the Treasury, deficiency appropriation for salaries of . 133 salaries of olhcers, clerks, and employes in transfer in accounts of State Department 0$<¤¢ of ---- - --·---. -·- - .. . . 396 for salaries ol?. .. . . . . 403 Construction cmd Repair, not salaried, bonds cf, to be approved by appropriations for Bureau of .-.. 2, 57, 102, 300, 362 Secrets. of State. ... . . 67 Consular Agents, _ regulation of xoxvsnee of time for making provisions concerning leave of absence of, transit between posts and city of correspondence, &.c . . . .. 77 Washington. . . . 70 Consular Archives, _ duty of to ascertain whether immigrant to' declared to be mviolable, in the treaty with llnited States from China, Japan, &c., _ P¤1‘¤ ·--- - ·--·--.---- -, ---... -.- 713 has entered inte contract for service in the treaty with Salvador .. ... 745 for lewd and immoral purposes .. 477 in thetreaty with the Orange Free State,. 751 R. S. 1676 amended, as to salary of agent Consular wpd D plomatic Euqumaca and consul-general at Cairo . 483 appropriation for, for years ending June 30, consuls at Vladivostock, Fayal, and Auck- 1075 and 1876 . ... 664*1,321-328 land exempted from disability to enenvoys extraordinary and ministers plcni- gage in business. . .. . . . . 486 _ poteutiury . 66, 321 Consular Pupils, ministers resident . .-.. . -.-.. 66, 67, 321 provisions concernin leave of absence, coraceredimd to Guatemala, &c., where to respomlence, £c., of. . .. 77 _ reside . . ,..,,... . . . .66, 321 Consular- System, ministers to Hayti and Liberia . . G7, 321 amendment of act to regulate .. 67-70 charges d’aH`aires and diplomatic omeem compensation of consnls-general established ($7, G8 abroad .. . . . . . . . 67, 321 of agent and consul-general at Cairo . (57 - secretaries of legation and second secrete- of consul at_Liverpoel ... . . . . 68 ries .. . . . . . .- . .. .67 , 321 classillcation of consulates. . . . 68 allowance to secretary &c. at Paris.. . 67 compensation of consuls established. - - ,. . 68-70 iuterpretersto legations lr1C11i11a, Turkey, classification of commercial agencies .. 69 and Japan . .. .. 67, 321 annual allowance for hire of clerks at conprivate amauuensis forRobsrt C. Schenck. 67, 321 sulatos . . . ... . . . . .. . 70 eontingentexpensescfforei¥nintcrcourse.67, 322 appointment of interpreters .. . 70 allowance to consuls, &c. or clerks 327 salaries .. .. .. .. ... .. 70 consuls-generahconsuls vice·censuls,com· additional allowance to consulates in China mercial agents, and consular olerks-é22 gud Japan for expenses of interprets.- 70 · ion . . . . . . .. . . . . compensation notwithstanding, &e . . 70 maximum amount of time necessary to make for loss by exchange .. . ... 70, 327 - transit between consular, c.,- posts repayment to Brazil of money erroneously and Washington to be determined by claimed by the United States 70 the Secretary of State. ..·. . . . . 70 inierprctersto consulates in China, Japan, allowance for time not to exceed, &c 70 and Siam . . . . .. . . .. 70, 326 pay of consular clerks serving ilve years and . marshals for consular courts . ... 70, 327 upward .. . a .--··- · ··-···...- 70 miscellaneous expenses . . ... . . . .70, 327 viccconsulactingas consul xuayrecci ve cominterpreters, guards, &.c., to consulates in pensatiou notwithstanding, &c .. 70 Turkish ominions .. . .. . .. .70, 327 Consulates, , consular ellicers, not citizens of the United classilication of .2 .. _ . . . 68-69 States _,,_,.,,,... . ..,, , . . . 70, 327 deficiency appropriation for interpreters for, I l gfanish Claims Commission- 71, 327 in Qhina., apan, and Siam ... ... 133 exiean Claims Commission 71,327 for contingent expenses of consulates of survey of boundary between UnitedStates Unite States, for rent, &o. ._ .. . . 133 and British possessions .. . . .. 71 for interlpreters, guards, &c., at, in Turk- _ rent of risqns, &e., forAmeriean convicts ish ommions . . . 1.33 in (ghina, Japan, Siam, and Turkey..'!], 327 Cqmauls, see piplomatw and Consular Ojlccrc, _ _ bringing home persons_ charged with agiprgpriatien for salaries of . . . 07, .122, 414 crime . . . . . .71, 321 tran r in accounts ot State _Department F relief and protection of American seamen.71, 327 for salaries of . . . . . .. 40s services in rescuing American citizens. ..71, 327 compensation of .. ...:-. .. . . z . . . 08 expenses of executing neutrality act 71, 327 annual allowance to certain, for clerk-hire. 70 Cape Spartel light. . . . .. 71, 327 at Vllulivostock, Fayul,_and Auckland ox- i widows and heirs of deceased diplomatic empted from prohibition to engage in and consular olhcers 7.1, 327 business. . . . .. .. . .. 486 rent of court-house and 'ail in Japan 71, 328 Oonsuls, _Cmwula-gmmjal, Vice-commls, _J c., awards to British Subjects under treaty of provisions concerning, in treaty with Pern. 713 Wn,ghing@0n______ ______ ____ ____ ____ 7], recgptigg] Of, In f,;-gggy wrt]; S“\Y;y_\0y_ _ _____ 740