Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/969

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INDEX. Q3;] Pm rm. Internal Revenue-Continued. I Internal Rcvcn.uc—-Continued. h rules and regulations to he prescribed by penalties, &}c., for calc or removel before - the Secretary of the Treasury. .. 64 payment of tax V. . 339 bond to be conditioned for due delivery tolmoco may be withdrawn` for, export on board ship ... .. . · . _ 64 fromjuctory on transportation-boucl arrival at port to be notiiied by owner, in lieu of export-bond, ece`T0bai;c0z.. 312 Gro., to_collector of port . 64 penalty for frnudulcntl cloimiug, &c., . what notwe shall set forth. ... G4 drawback on manugaotured tobacco, Y owner or exporter to file with collector of how recovered; . .,.. .. . 312 jgort export—entry,, verified by oath, 64 circulating noics, · i to give export-bmi, conditioned, aw,. 64 mx ¤¤ ¤s>¤>=»i¤, ¤¤¤¤¤<1. M-, by mms, wrcollector of port to transmit clearance- P°§:t"°“i; S°“°° b°‘"k“* &2°‘ ‘‘·‘ ·‘ ·‘‘‘ 311 certificate and gaugers’ reports to col- °“ °.1f"" t l°:°1$h°S° °f mm°""1 ,b°’“k° . lector of internal revenue .. . 64 pmt mit Y °'"k°* mms, &° ···· su gouger’e report to show capacity of eesk °u °3”?"”* rlitur? °f* .h°w wd whw in wine gallons, and contents in wine, mu _°’ p°°°’ ty or fm1m`° t° mak? " 311 ' proof, and taxable gallons .-. 64 S°°x`°t°iy °f Trlmsurgv m r°1°°s° pimms . troiieportation bond to be canceled on ?g'Z""S° .m'l'l"g’ 2** °Y’;°P""'°°f i°r < receipt, Payment, &c_ _ _ _ __________ 64 iuitonp oxrou ot:onto_ otiéu ences o in- 507 Gxggo M1 *0 M ·=¤¤·¤¤*¤¤ ···= Prot e;“m°‘b‘;"“§£li '§£‘.m,’;‘§tea‘ 1;.;;.; c . . . .. 64' penalty for carrying on `business by liquor- _ uh"` ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘' » ‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 507 · dealers, &c., without payment of spo· · 88V||IK$•b!\l|kS• · I cial tax, givin g bond, &c .. . . 310 deposits in certain, exempt from taxation _ penalty' for edixing imitation stzunps es ulthough having capitol stock or trado—marks, &.c;, to cooks, &c., con- bond, &c .. . . . 64 taining, dw. distilled spirits,... 311 no tex to he assessed or collected on do- » special taxes on liquor-dealers, &,e ... 311posits otherwise, &c ,. . . 64 distillers in certain eases not subject to no fll1`l7ll0l' collection of internal-revenue · tdea1ers’ tax .. . .. 311 4 taxes Ito be mode on sill`};/\lgS of cer- D4 mul liquors tain, avin »· no cnii an c.. ... ‘ special tax of dealers in 311 Internal-1€co:en1eo 1)c;u·tn»cnt{ , tex on, how and when paid .. . ... 339 appropriation to adjust nccouuts of, not to brewers in certain cases not subject to . involve any expenditure., .. 137 dealers? tax 311 Internal—Rcvcnun Laws; ( remission, &e., of certain additional". 311 acts imposing fiucs, penhltics, &c., for of- · distillery warehouses, fonees by internal-revenue officors, may ble used by successors in business, 2 3 · &.cd, extegdcd to ell lpereone ncmg w en .. . ,... , . nu er an o ersons nvm ous y Commissioner to prescribe rules and regu- 2 3 Ilot puhlizifnougy .. . 312 Iations .. . . . . . .‘ . , nwrna ~ fcvmuw wcra, , separation by unbroken partition for stor- ‘ acts imposing fines, penalties, &c., for ofoge of spirits distilled by original oc- 3 fences by,d oxtonéled Ito all perscng cu ant . . - .. ac in un or in erno -rovenue on y lions, ego., not to be impaired ‘ 3 cnstogos lows, and to persons having ‘ existence of lieu not to be ground for re- custody of public money 312 _ fueal to approve bond .. ; . . .. 3 Infernal_-Revenue Sjarnps, · stamps _ y documentary, time for redemption oi, limcherge for providing and aflixingl, to cooks ited. . . . . - . ._ . . . 310 of distilled spirits inteudec for cx- on bank-ohecke,_ &o:.._...r . . . 310 port. reduced to ten cents 64 penalty for zulixing inutntzon of, as trqdc— may be affixed to uustampcd documents mark, &c., to eagles, &.c., eoutsumng, ’ rior to January 1, 1876 .. . .. 250 doc., distilled spirits. .: .. . . .: . . . 311 validity of instruments so stumped 250 not to be reqmrcd ou receipt in receipt-book ‘ to be amxed before judge or clerk of court of certain eovuu.:S—b=wkS ---· · ·--~··- 340 of record ,___,,.,,, .. ,. ,. , . . 250 brewery, how_ procured, &c ...,... . 484 certificate of judge or clerk to be in clorscd Ip`terna,iional Earlvibition, _ _ ‘ on instrument . . . ... . . , . 250 appropriation for engraving, &,c., cevtxilcutcs _ . · documentary, limit of time for redemp- 310G of centennial stock tori k 375 tion of .. . . .L _ .. . ‘ overumen no conum » .c o mco cx- _ stamp-tax not to be imposed on medicinal _ ponees of ., . ., .. . .. .. . . 375 articles prepared according to formula to enable lilxecutxve Departments, &,c., to S of dispensctory, &c., if formula is ro- participate m . , , .. .t. .. . . 400 ferred to on-label, &c..;--. . · 3 12 heads of Deportments outhorieed to distox on bunk-checks, &e., rote of 310 ploy ertxclee at .. . .. .. . . 400 hrewers’, how,procnrcd,·afHxed, and can- 484 A Government bu1ldmg_for,cost and payment. 400 celled. . ._ . ,..-..._ .,. or...,.. . r .. penalty for failure to affix and cancel., 484 limit of Government expenditure for ..., 400 tobncco, snum and cigars, orticles imported fer, to be admitted free of I ~ · tex on, increased ... .-.- . . ...,-. 339 _ — duty ., _ .. . . . ..._- .. -. 82 increase not to apply to tobacco orrwhich 1f. sold in United States or wxtlulmwn, ~ tax is paid before act takes ettcct _ 339 , &,c., to be snbyect to duty ..,. .: . 82 tex on tobacco, &c., to fill contract mode , penolty for sale or withdrmval without Q2 . { in writing prior to February 10, 1875, , · _ payment of duty . T . . . to be u lien thereon, and shall be paid proclzunetion by the President declming L by purclmscreunder contract 339 tune of holding, &o .. . . . . . . M4