Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/993

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rmamx 963 ‘ Ps P Minnesota, so. Jlfiaemippi, ago. epproprietious for onine of surveyor-general deficiency_ appropriation for stenogmplners m ... Z .. . 105, 211, 366, 382 to select committee on political nB:`eirs for surrey of public lends in ... 212,383 _ in .. . . . . -403 fof BEGIN il! ·-·--- . . 147, 421 post-roads established in. .,.. ·. 11, 264, 492 for interpreters · .. 148; 422 election o1 Representatives from, to Forty- for delivery of ennuities toindians in. .172, 446 fourth Congress, when to be held' 116 post—rouds established in .. - . .. 10, 262, 490 East Pascagoula to be ir port or delivery in. 481 pre-em‘ptors on public lands in, to have nd- proclamation of the President to turbulent itéonm trme for making finel proof 52 persons in Warren County, in, to dis- 854 011 ymeu .. . . .. . ergg ____ , ,,,. , ____ , ,_,__,_,,, , _,,, certain settifrs on lands in, invaded by grass- Mississippi River, , hoppers, maybe absent, &c-.. .. 81 appropriations for improvement of mouth Minnesota River, of .. . . . .,... . .. 26, 240, 458 appropriations for survey or improvement when to cease to be available . ... 458 M_ _ Bit .. . . . . ...239,458 ger survey 0; moiithhoti mma ams, _ or surve o for i t- ouse uroses. . . name of sehoonor.A1mina changed to .. 35 for lightsynnd buoyls on .. .. *220, 381 Minor, Alexander, . for improving, above falls oi Saint Aupaymentto, as pirivete of Oo. B, 12th West . thony ... . . 239, 458 Virginia els . . . .. . . 663 upper, . . ..., ... .239, 468 .Mimvr, Cornelia M., Elizabeth J1/L, and Ma/ry JZ, Des Moines rapids .. . .. 239 claim of, ollowed by commissioners."; 658 Rock lslandm ids .. ...-, .-. .. 239 Mint at Philadelphia, between mouths of Ohio and Illinois medals to be przpnred at, commemorative of Rivers . . . . . . . . 239, 458 eentenui anniyersaryof Declaration . Missouri end Arkansas Rivers, and for of Independence .. . . . ... 76 gencml improvement of . . . .239, 458 Mintar, Jon h E President authorized to direct issue of food Political gsabilities mmovod ______________ 613 gud disigsed Apmy clothing to sufferers 34 Manta and A“ay_0m°“’ · A y_over ox. o . -. .. . _ ·*·»¤·¤*¤·~·=v ¤v¤~w*··¤*¤¤~ for ····- 1?’·*·1¤¤»·*°6··*°’ 2§‘.$}3S$H.é%£‘§%¥‘{£’£3£.Z€£?`J’r°§u{:,}EZis.; Z2 MWW of Nw Unmd Staten - to be issued under direction of Secreappropriations for Director, examiner, com- {my of wm- ____ ___, _ ___,,,...,. 4; puter, clerks, &¤ ·-·-------·---·---- 96. 355 Secretary or War to mw: emma sxseleries under Director and etnshe several pgnditurgg to congress _____,__,_ _ 46 {NMS- -·--· ·· ···- ~ --·--··-~~·--·--· 96*98 Secretary of War to issue food and disused ¤°¤*·¤*£°¤* °xP°¤¤°¤ of ¤1l¤*¤ wd ¤¤¤¤·¥· Army clothing to all classes of helpless oilioes ---·--·----· · ·-·-· ·- ---··--·-- 96. 356 mud destitute sufferers by overflow of . 46 rzsgmsg pfpold Miss ---------- — ------- 91366 to report to congress issue of me and lb a i a e ie- ‘ c othin .. . . ... ‘ ¤uP°¤'i¤V>£d°¤t °m°°!'¤» °l°!`k¤» &»° -·-- 97. 356 condition? und situation of destitute wnfes end incioeutel, &.c., expenses 97, 356 pggplg ____ _ _ _____, _ _ __ _,,_ , ,,,,,,_ , 46 fre gbii 0D b¤Ui0¤ Md coin ------ · --—~· 97· 356 appropriation for supply of food or' reat Sum Francisco, Ca,].- tions ,,,_,, _ __ , ,,,,,, , ,,,, , ,,__ _ __ _ _ 46 superintendent, officers, clerks, &o 97, 356 authority of Swmtm-y to oxpjm goptom. wnges, materials nnel repairs, &o. .97, 356 my 1, 1374___ { _,___, ____ ,__, . ,,.,._, 46 fol.‘ blllidlllg', &0. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. _ 228 appropriation for pijrqbngg of {,9 bb for mnchgiery and Bxtures .. . . * 228 igguod to hq1p16m mdtgieagitum pm-. 230 at Carson, ev.- sons livin on or near e ower . superintendent sificsrs. clprks. &<> ---- 97, 356 supplies to sg wma umm direction or twlpgss, mrgqiols sud rspws, &¤--97»229»356 S Secretary or Wnr H}. . 230 u GDVBP, 0 ·-— eeretnr to report expeu i ures onnssnyer, mteltori angle clerks  %. gg grass ... . .i’. . .i . 3333 ’ WSQGS mu 01% B, ··--· - ------ - -·-·· » nuthorit to expire ep m or , ‘ ‘ as New 6l‘l0¤·¤¤- . restrictions upon expenditures .. 230 sslsries of s¤1>sri¤¤¢s¤<1s¤¤ sm! ssssrsr-9% 356 um ended tntnee ¤r,1¤»w_m»»y be um. 2:0 ssssysr ¢·> v<=rf<>¤¤ duties of ¤¤¤1¢¢r ---- 9K no w iiwsiamm execution or mmm works wages, materials, &e . ... .. 97, 350 of implovgmgnt at month of ..,.. -. ‘ 50 !‘°P¤·l¥`$ wd “·PP”·!`*W*'!B ·--··- _- - -¥· —-·- ~ 97 board of engineers to be appointed to make branch mint gt, to be contmucd as it 97 survey eggmouth 0% We . mint. ...-.- · ----· - --··-·-·----~ to re ort to cretnry o nr. ... twenty-cent silver piece to be coined nt . 477 mpmg; to bg pmgqnfgd to Congress. , . M4 foreign coinage may be 6X0c11b0d ill? ·--—-- -- 6 commission of engineers to be appointed to Mirbanc, Oil of· investigate ond report plan for remte of duty 011 . . . ... . . 308 <2lnmn.tion oi} glluyml basin of, sec mg 'gmm iggimp, 0 1g_qm4;3)·5 _ ____ _ ,___ _ _ , .

 in the District out Columbia., cri- Light-House Boo.rd,juris<liction of, extendegm 220

· miunlcourttolmve jurisdictionofpot over . .. . ._ . ‘. . . .' .]:1. . , triable in any other court, &c .. .. 193 ~ to report what light-honsoshgégf te, e-

      • 1*** *`”‘¥“"""· .,1, 583 $;“:,}"L‘.Z.%'§".IZ?s.]“.§?i“°° °'“““"` 220

c aim 0 ellowe commissioners .. .. I _ ·_ 1 .. Mi&&i0*ndr31’S0o*iety of L5;ethadiatE_g2€scapal Church, to be divided intogight-house diggiots, 2*.40 · Secretary of Interior to issue patent for cer- J runes B. Ends and others_ an _ omze I · tain. Chippewa lands to; 425 construct works to maintain chxipnef ,Misci0·n Indiana in California _ betvreen South Pass of, and Gu _ o 468 appropriations for special agent to .. .147, 421 Mexico. . .. .