Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/161

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FORTYFOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. l. Ch. 267. 1876. 135 tween Rome and the Selma, Rome and Dalton Railroad bridge, thirty thousand dollars. For the improvement of Cuchita River, Arkansas and Louisiana., Oucliim River. twelve thousand dollars. For the improvement of the harbor at Cedar Keys, Florida, ten thou— 0.,.1.,, K0y,,_ sand dollars. For the improvement of the Lower Willamette and Columbia Rivers L(,,,~.,r Wjllunlfrom Portland, Oregon, to the sea, twenty thousand dollars. Otto and Columbia For the improvement of the Upper Willamette River, Oregon, twenty Rltisligr warmthousand dollars. cttw River. For the improvement of the Upper Columbia, including Snake River, _Upper Columbia fifteen thousand dollars. Rim-. For the improvement of Oakland Harbor, California, to be applied to Oaklandllarbor. unishing training walls and dredging between them, seventy-five thousand dollars. _ For the improvement of San Joaquin River California, twenty thou- NSW J " “‘!“‘“ sancl dollars. wu` For the improvement of the Delaware River below Petty’s Island, Delaware River. lorty thousand dollars. For removing raft in Red River and closing Tono’s Bayou, Louisiana, Red Riverthirty-five thousand dollars. For the improvement oi' the harbor at Little Sodus Bay, New York, V Little Sodus five thousand dollars. ‘ B"$’· For the improvement of the Schuylkill River, Pennsylvania twenty _S c li n ylkiii thousand dollars. Rive'- For the improvement of the harbor at Bridgeport, Connecticut, ten Bridgeport. thousand dollars. ~ For improvement of the harbor at Southport, Connecticut, five thou- S°"ll¤P<>**· sand dollars. For the improvement of the harbor at Black Lake, Michigan, fifteen Black Lake. thousand dollars. For the improvement of the harbor at Saugatuck, Michigan, three Sangatuck. thousand dollars. For the improvement of the harbor at Saint Joseplfs, Michigan, Saint Josep1i’s. twelve thousand dollars. For the improvement of the harbor at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, eight M¤¤i*¤W<>¤· thousand dollars. _ For the improvement of the harbor at Sheboygan, Wisconsin, six Sl¤¤l><>yi:e¤· thousand dollars. For the improvement of the harbor at Port Washington, Wisconsin, Port Wsehingeight thousand dollars. *°“· For the improvement of the harbor at Oswego, New York, ninety Oswego. thousand dollars. For the improvement of Hudson River, fifty thousand dollars. Hudson River. For the improvement of the Appomattox River, Virginia, thirty thou- Appoinat to x sand dollars. RiV<>¤· For the improvement of the South Branch of Elizabeth River, Vir» `$¤¤¤¤ Bw¤<=*¤ ginia, five thousand dollars. . }`*I'"“b°u‘ R“'"‘ For the timprovement of Nansemond River, Virginia, five thousand YN ei. n s e m o n 0 dollars. V l*’“’*· Eor the improvement of the Yazoo River, Mississippi, fifteen thousand Yazoo River. dollars. For the improvement of White River at Buffalo Shoals, Arkansas, White River. ten thousand dollars. _ For the improvement of Perquimons River, North Carolina, two thou- _P e r q u i m o n . sand five hundred dollars. Rl'"'- For the improvement of the harbor at Charleston, South Carolina, Charleston. ten thousand dollars. _ For the improvement of the Etowah River, Georgia, ten thousand Ewweli RUM- dollars. ` For the improvement of the Ocmulgee River, Georgia, fifteen thou— 0°¤¤¤ls¤¤ River sand dollars.