Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/207

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FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Om. 289. 1876. 181 For permanent annuity, for supporbof blacksmiLh,per sixth article of 7 SW-, 912- treaty of October eighteenth, eighteen hundred and mwenty, ninth article-of treaty of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twentyfive, 7S¢_¤i¤·.2Ti6- mid thirteenth article of treaty 0i' June twenty-second, eighteen hundred U b°‘"·’ (*1* and fifty-Eve, six hundred dollars. For permanent annuity, for education, per second and thirteenth arti cies of last: two treaties named above, six thousand dollars. For permanent annuity, for iron and steel, per ninth article of treaty of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, and thirteenth article of? treaty of June twentysecoml, eighteen hundred and fifty-tive, ' three hundred and twenty dollars. For interest on three hundred and ninety thousand two hundred and iifbysevexi dollars and ninety-two cents, me five per ceutum per annum, ter education, support; of the government, mid other beneficial purposes, under the direction of the general council of the Ohoctziws, in conformity ' with the provisions contained in the ninth and thirteenth articles 0i' treaty of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-tive, and treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred mid fifty-five, nineteen thousand five hundred and twelve dollars and eightynine cents. CONFEDERATED TRIBES AND BANDS OF INDIANS IN MID Cvnfedvmbed DLIG OREGON hribes aug! bmids of

 &i1:;zs in Middle

For second of five installments, iburth series, fer beneficial objects, 1§Stet., 964. per second article of treaty of June twentyhfch, eighteen hundred and tii'ty-five, two thousand dollars. For seventeenth of twenty installments, for pay mid subsistence of 12 sm., 965. one physician, one saiwyer, one miller, one superintendent of mrmiug- · operations, mid one schoolteacher, per iburtli article of same treaty, five thouszmd one hundred dollars. For seventeenth of twenty installments, for purchasing aud keeping in repair all necessary milbfixtures, mcchuuics’ tools, medicine and hospital stores, books, and stationery fer schools, and furniture fer employees, per fourth article, same treaty, five hundred dollars. For seventeenth of twenty installments, iermlary of the head chief of said confedem.ted bands, per same article and treaty, five hundred . dollars. OREEKS. C,,,ck,_ For permanent annuity in money, per fourth article of treaty of Au- 7 sm1;.,:;<s. gust: seventh, seventeen hundred and ninety, and fifth article of treaty 11 SM-, 700- of August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, one thousand five hundred dollars. For permanent annuity in money, per second article of treaty of June 7 SLM, 69- sixteenth, eighteen hundred zmd two, mid fifth article of treaty of Au- 11 °°“°··70°· gust seventh, eighteen hundred and iifby-six, three thousand dollars. For permanent annuity in money, per fourth article of treaty of Jem- 7 S¤¤v»,287- nary twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and bwentysix, and fifth article H S“‘°·*7°°· of treaty of August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, twenty thousand dollars. For permanent annuity for blacksmith and assistant, and for shop and 7 S';=**» 28% tools, per eighth article of treaty of January tsveutyiburtb, eighteen U &’°"*‘¤7°°· hundred and twenty-six, and fifth article of treaty of August seventh, eighteen hundred and tifby-six, eight hundred and forty dollars. For permanent annuity, {br iron and steel for shop, per same articles and treaties, two hundred and seventy dollars. For permanent annuity, for the pay of ai wheelwright, per same articles of same treaties, six hundred dollars. For blacksmith and assistant, and shop and tools, per Hfch article of 7 Sw-, 419- treaty of February fourteenth, eighteen hundred cmd thirty-three, and H *“’*"·» 70** fifth article of treaty of August seventh, eighteen Iiimdred and fifty-six, eight hundred and ibmgy doilairs.