Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/230

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204 FOBTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 300, 301, 302. 1876. When wd how depriving him of the use of any of his limbs, shall receive once every

  • “'”’§}‘°d °' °°'-°‘ nve years an artinoial limb or appliance, or commutation therefor, as

mumprovided and limited by existing laws, under such regulations as the Surgeon-General of the Army may prescribe; and the period of tive years shall be held to commence with the tiling of the first application after the seventeenth day of June, in the year eighteen hundred and sevent . . _ Transportation Sno? 2. That necessary transportation to have artificial limbs fitted to be *`¤*`¤*¤h°d· shall be furnished by the Quartermaster-General of the Army, the cost of which shall be refunded out of any money appropriated for the pur- i chase of artificial limbs: Provided That this act shall not be subject to 1874, en. 298, the provisions of an act entitled “ an act to increase pensions/’ approved 18 St=¤*···78· June eighteenth, eighteen hundred and seventyiour. ‘ · Approved, August 15, 1876. - · Aug. 15, 1876. CHAP.·301.—-An Act An act to increase the cavalry force of the United States,t0 ‘—j·‘··· aid in suppressing Indian hostilities ‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United I¤<>¤¤@S<> of MW- States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United ”]"Y "“hSI“m°“t“· States be, and he is hereby, empowered to increase the number of enlisted men to one hundred for each company of such regiments ofcavalry as may be employed in existing Indian hostilities and as i11 his Limp opinion may require the same: Provided, That not more than twenty- five hundred enlisted men shall thus be added at any one time to the twenty-tive thousand authorized by the act approved July twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and seventyTsix, making appropriations for the sup- 1*>76,ch-@96. port of the Army for the iiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen ·A"“» P·°7· hundred and seventy-seven :"And provided further, That on the cessation of existing Indian hostilities, the number of enlisted men in the b°l;;1:,‘:;6g€T;&;Q Army shall be reduced to the number now established by law; and ,,,,,,,,,_ provided that the reduction shall not be made trom the cavalry force of Appropriations the Army; and the following sums are hereby appropriated out of any f¤rr¤<=r¤r¤¤g.<=t<=- moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated for reerniting and _· maintaining the same; .recruitin g twenty-five hundred cavalry men _ fifty thousand dollars; pay per annum, three hundred and ninety thousand dollars; subsistence, two hundred thousand four hundred dollars; Clothing, two hundred and six thousand dollars; regular supplies, two hundred and sixteen thousand dollars; purchase of horses, three hundred and thirty-seven thousand ive hundred dollars; transportation (wagons, &c.,) eighty-four thousand eight hundred dollars ; transportation by Rail, &:c., one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; in all, one million six hundred and thirty-tour thousand seven hundred dollars. Approved, August 15, 1876. _ Aug. 15,'1876· CHAP. 302.—An act relating to the ppomotinn of Commodores on the retired list of """""""‘°""’"°" , the Navy. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United R. S., 1460,p.2.53, Sta tes of America in Congress assembled, That Section one thousand four Am°“d°d- hundred and sixty of the Revised Statutes to wit: “There may be al- . lowed upon the retired list of the Navy nine rear-admirals by promotion _ on that list: Provided, That this section shall not prevent the Secretary _ T§¤{#}F·¤Qm¤F=1lS<>¤ of the Navy from promoting to the grade of rear-admiral 0n_ the retired '°*“°‘l IM list, in addition to the number herein provided, those commodores who have commanded squadrons by order of the Secretary of the Navy, or _ _ who have peribrmed other highly meritorious service," be amended by 0fC§?:;¤1_¢¤iiZ§r3S adding thereto the following words; ** or who, being at the outbreak of "mm ma;‘%°'°p;0; the late war of the rebellion citizens of any _State which engaged in Such ·,,,,,t,,d_ rebellion, exhibited marked iidelity to the Union in adhering to the Hag of the United States!' Approved, August 15, 1876.