Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/612

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586 TREATY-GENERAL POSTAL UNION. Oor. 9, 1874. et le Gouvernement de l’Adminis- the managing Administration and tration admise dans l’ Union. the Government of the Ad mimstration admitted into the Union. A1:·r1cLE XVIII. ARTICLE XVIII. Congress to bg Tous les trois ans au moins, un Every three years at least, a held. Congres de plenipotentiaires des Congress of plenipotentiaries of pays participant au traite sera re- the countries participating in the uni en vu de perfectionner le sys- treaty shall be held with a view of teme de l’Union, d’y introduire les perfecting the system of the Union, ameliorations jugées nécessaires et of introducin giuto itimprovements de discuter les aiiaires communes. found necessary, and of discussing common affairs. Votes_ Ohaque pays a une voix. Each country has one vote. R0 reswmtiou Uhaque pays peut se faire repre- Each country may be represented Psenter, soit par un ou par plusieurs _ either by one or several delegates, delegues, soit par la delegation or by the delegation of another d’un autre pays. country. Toutefois, il est eutendu que le Nevertheless, it is understood délegue ou les delegues d’un pays that the delegate or delegates of ne pourront etre charges que de la one country can be charged with representation de deux pays, y com- the representation of two countries ` pris celui qu’ils representent. only, including the one they repre- - Sent. Next meeting. La prochaine reunion aura lieu a The next meeting shall take Paris en 1877. place at Paris, in 1877. Toutetois, l’epoque de cette re- Nevertheless, this meeting may union sera avancee, si la demande be held sooner, if a request to that en est faite par le tiers au moins effect be made by one-third at least des membres de l’Union._ of the members of the Union. Aarronn XIX. Anrrcnm XIX. q0,,,,,,.,,,,,.,,m,‘,,q, Le present traite entrera en vi- {The present treaty shall come , and du rat mn of gueur le 1°* jnillet 1875. into force on the 1st of July, 1875. ¤*°“Y· Il est conclu pour trois ans a It is concluded for three years partir de cette date. Passé ce from that date. When that term terme, il sera considere commeinde- shall have passed, it shall be coniiniment prolonge, mais chaque par- sidered as indefinitely prolonged, tie contractante aura le droit de se but each contracting party shall _ retirer de l’Union, moyennant nn have the right to withdraw from W‘thd“‘w“]"‘ avertissement donne une annee a the Union on giving notice one year Pavance. in advance. Anrronn XX. Aarronn XX. Ineensi tenttrea Sont abrogees, a partir du jour· After the date on which the ¤i¤¤ ¤b¤>s¤·*~d· de la mise a execution du present present treaty comes into effect, traite, toutes les dispositions des all·the stipulations of the special traites speciaux conclus entre les treaties concluded between the vadivers pays et Administrations, rious countries and Administrapour autant qu’elles ne seraicnt tions, in so far as they may be at pas conciliables avec les termes du variance with the terms ofi the present traite et sans prejudice des present treaty, and without prejudispositions de Part. 14. dice to the stipulations of Article · 14, are abrogated. Ratificationto be Le present traite sera ratitié The present treaty shall be ratiprompt. aussitot que faire se pourra et, an fied as soon as possible, and, at the plus tard, trois mois avant la date latest, three months previous to de sa mise a execution. Les actes the date on which it is to come de ratification seront echanges a into force. The acts of ratification Berne. shall be exchanged at Berne.