Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/624

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598 TREATY-GENERAL POSTAL UNION. O<rr.9, 1874. llartiele 4 du traité, les livres, les ticle 4 of the treaty, books newsjournaux, les imprimes et les autres - papers, printed paper and other objets assimilés devront etre places similar articles must be placed sous bande ou dans une enveloppe under band, or in an envelope, ouvcrte, ou bien simplement plies open, or simply folded so as to adde maniere a pouvoir etre facile- mit of their being easily examined; Nnttolicm·m¤u·ks, ment veriiiés, et, sauf les exeep- and, except in the following particu- &°·»°X*`°l’*· tions suivantes, ils ne pourront lars, they must contain no manucontenir aucune ecriture, chiifre ou script writing, H gure, or mark whatsigne quelconque fait ala main. ever. _ 1‘¤·<><>fS of _1>¤·i¤t· 2) Les epreuves d’imprimerie ou 2. Proofs of printing or of music "‘¤‘·T "““ "‘“S"’· de compositions musicales pourront may bear corrections, made with a porter des corrections a la plume pen, relating exclusively to the text se rapportant exclusivement au or to the execution of the work. It texte oualaconfection de Pouvrage. shall be allowable to annex the Il sera permis d’y annexerlesmanu- manuscripts to them. scrits. g;,-,,..;,,,.,,.;..,, 3) Lescirculaires, avis, etc., pour- 3. Circulars, notices, etc., may rout etre revetus de la signature bear the signature of the sender, de Penvoyeuravec sa qualite et por- with his trade or profession, and ter Pindication du lieu d’origine et may also indicate the place of oride la date d’envoi. gin and the date. B(,.,k,_ 4) Les livres seront admis avec 4. Books shall be admitted with — une dedicace ou un hommage do a manuscript dedication or a com- Pauteur, inscrits ala main. plimentary inscription from the author. Mmktd PM·S=*S¤¤· 5) I1 sera permis de marquer d’un 5. It shall be permitted to mark simple trait les passages du texte with a simple stroke the passages sur lesquels on desire appeler l’at- in the text to which it is desired p ten tion. _ to call attention. ,,S?;°"k “““ “h‘“° 6) Les cotes et prix courants de 6. Printed, lithographed, or anto- ‘ bourses ou de marches imprimes, graphed stock and share lists, lithographiés ou autographiés pour- prices current, and market reports ront etre admis avec des prix ajou- shall be admitted with the prices tes a la main ou au moyen d’une added in writing or by means of _ _ impression quelconque. any impression whatever. O*h°l`”dd***°"S· 7) Il ne sera admis auoune autre 7. There shall not be admitted addition faite a la main, pas plus any other manuscript additions, nor que celles produites au moyen de even those produced by means of caracteres typographiques, lorsque typographical characters, if the latcelles-ci auraient pour effet d’en- ter tend to take from the packet its lever a l’imprime son caractere de general character. generalite. Wh<‘¤ to l>¤M‘ 8) Les objets susmentionnes qui 8. Such of the abovementioned l"°°"' P°“"g°· nc reuniraient pas les conditions articles as shall not fulfil the forerequises ci-dessus seront consideres going conditions shall be considcomme lettres non affranchies et ered as unpaid letters and charged taxes en consequence, a l’exception accordingly, with the sole excepseulement des journaux et des im- tion of newspapers and printed primes, tels que les cireulaires, les papers, such as circulars. notices, avis, etc., auxquels il ne sera pas etc., which shall not be forwarded donné cours, le cas echeant. in such cases. XII. XII. Echembillons. Conditions do forma. Patterns of Merchandise.—Oo¢zditions of Form. Samplesof mer- 1) Les echantillons de marchan- 1. Patterns of merchandise shall ¤h=¤¤<l¤S¢>S mm- dises ne seront admis a beneiicier‘ only be admitted to the benefit of de la moderation de port qui leur the reduced postage which is ox-