Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/658

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632 TREATY WITH BELGIUM. IWIARCH 8, 1875. _ Rcciprcccl priv— reciprocally, not to grant a.ny favor, se promettent réciproquemeut de §L°g°“ ” °° f“"°"“> privilege, or immunity to any other n’accorder aucune faveur, privi- °' State which shall not instantly be- lege, ou immunite a un autre etat, come common to the citizens and qui ne soit aussi et a Pinstant subjects of both parties respect- etendu a leurs sujets ou citoyens ively; gratuitously, if the conces- respectifs, gratuitement si la consion or favor to such other State cession en faveurde l’autre état est is gratuitous, and on allowing the gratuite, et en donnant la meme same compensation, or its equiva- compensation ou Pequivalent si la lent, if the concession is condi- concession est conditionnelle. tional. ‘ Reciprocal priv- Neither of the contracting par- Ni Pune ni l’autro des parties il<>l;<*¤ ¤¤ tc PW ties shall lay upon goods proceed- contractantes n’imposeront sur les d“°°“‘ ing from the soil or the industry of marchandises provenant du sol ou the other party, which may be im- de Piudustrie de l’autre partie, qui ported into its ports, any other or seront importees dans ses ports, higher duties of importation or re- d’autres 11i de plus forts droits exportation than are laid upon the d’importation ou de reexportation, importation or ieexportation of que ceux qui seront imposes sur similar goods coming from any Pimportation ou la reexportation other foreign country. de marchandises similaires provenant de tout autre pays etranger. Tgymigutjgu of In case either of the high con- Si l’une des liautes parties conthis article. tracting parties shall announce to tractantes notina-it a l’autre Pintenthe other its desire to terminate tion d’annuler le present article, il this article, the operation and the cessera ses effets et obligations a · obligation thereof shall cease and Pexpiration de douze mois apres determine at the expiration of one cette notification, les autres articles year from the delivery of such no- du present traite demeurant né- tice, leaving,however, the remain- anmoins en vigueur jusqu’a deing articles of the treaty in force nonciation notiiiee conformement until terminated according-to the aux stipulations de Particle XVI provisions of article XVI herein- oi-apres. after. Aacrrcrn XIII. Aarrcrn XIII. P ri vi lcgcc in In cases of shipwreck, damages En cas de naufrage, dc dommage f,;*“°* °fSh‘P“"`°°k> at sea, or forced putting in, each en mer, ou de relache forcée, cha- °‘ party shall afford to the vessels of que partie accordcra aux navires, the other, whether belonging to the soit de Pétat ou do particuliers de State or to individuals, the same l’autre pays, la meme assistance ct assistance and protection and the protection et les memes immunites same immunities which would have que celles qui seraient accordees a been granted to its own vessels in ses propres navires dans les mesimilar cases. mes cas. Artrrorn XIV. Aerrour. XIV. Reciprocal free Articles of all kinds, the transit Les objets de toute nature dont transit. of which is allowed in the United le transit est permis en Belgique, States, coming from or going to venant des Etats?Unis on expe- Belgium, shall be exempt from all dies vers ce pays, seront exempts transit duty in the United States. cle tout droit de transit en Belgique. Reciprocal1y, articles of all kinds, Reciproquement, les objets de the transit of which is allowed in toute nature dontle transit est per- Belgium, coming from or going to mis aux Etats-Unis, venant de Bclthe United States, shall be exempt gique ou expédies vers ce pays, sefrom all transit duty in Belgium. rontexempts detout droitde transit Such transit, whetherin the United aux Etats-Unis. Le transport de States or in Belgium, shall be sub- ces objets sera toutefois souinis, en Limit=¤·tic¤¤· ject, however, to such limitations Belgique et aux Etats-Unis, quant as to the points between which the aux points entre lesquels le transit