Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/662

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636 AMENDED ARTICLE-NEW SOUTH WALES. J UNE 1 AND JULY 20, 1875. Jmw 1 mid J ub' Amended article to replace Article Three of the postal convention beleoeen @75‘ the U nlted States of America andthe colonial government of New South Wales, signed at Waslmlgton the 15th day of January, A. D. 1874. _C<>¤tr=¤c¤iug pur- The undersigned bein g thereunto duly authorized by their respective

      • X[n0ndmcm O f Governments, have agreed to replace Article 30f the Postul Convention

[wml commmou of 15th Januury,1874. by the iollowing article. ‘ n . F, 1874. ,, . j1‘,m·[lQ1_*° Amxomn .5. _ No accounts to No accounts shell be kept between tho Post Departments of the two be kept. countries upon the intei·na.tiouul correspondence, written or printed, exchanged between them, but each country shell retain to its own use the postage which it collects. Rates of postage The single rate ofll1lk‘I‘llH»tl()lll1l letter-postage shell be 12 cents in the mid wcighli <>f1¤*· United States, and sixpence in New South Wales, on earch letter weigh- ‘“"· ing half an ounce or less, and nn additional rate of 12 cents (sixpenee) ior each single weight of half an ounce or fraction thereof, which shall in all eases, be prepaid at least one single rete, by inezms of postage- Uupnm 0, 8h0N_ stamps, at the office of mailing in either country. LctLers unpaid, or paid lcmis, prepaid less than one full rate of postage slizill not be forwarded, but insuliieiently paid letters on which a. sin ele rate or more has been pie _ paid, shall be iorwnrded, charged with the deficient postage to be col— leeted and retained by the Post Department of the country of destiuzttiou. Rates of posinge The United States Post Offico shall levy and collect to its own use, °“ ”°‘”°1"*I"”`“»&°· on newspapers addressed to New South Wales, at postage charge of 2 On other [muted cents ; and on all other articles of printed matter, patterns and samples ummm, sw. of iiierelizmdise addressed to New South Wznles, zi. postage charge of 4 cents per each weight of ibur ounces or fraction of tour ounces. The Post Office of New South Wales shell levy and collect to its own use, on newspapers und other articles of printed matter, patterns and samples of merchandise addressed to the United States, the regular rates of domestic postage chargeable thereon by the laws und regulu.- tions of the Colony of New South Wales. Fi-ee delivery. Letters, newspapers, und other articles of printed matter, patterns mid samples of merchandise, fully prepaid, which may be received in either country from the other, shall be delivered imc of all charge whatever. Nowspnpers,&c., N0WS[)3·[)G[‘S, will ull other klll(]S Of [)I'l1lU$ll H1313DOI' und ]_)'IlS mid subject w 1=¤»w¤ of samples of merelizindise are to be suhiect to the laws and regulations of ““9” “"“"“">'· each country respectively, in regard to their liability to be rated with letter-postage when containing written matter, or for any other cause specified in said laws sind regulations, as well es in regard to their liu.- bility to customs duty under the revenue laws. The provisions of this amended article shell be carried into operation on the 1st of July, A. D. 1875. Signatures_ Done in duplicate and signed at Washiiigtoii the twentieth dey of July, 1875, and at Sydney the iirst dey of June, 1875. [L. s.] MARSHALL JEWELL, Postmaster General of the United States. [L. s.] J. T. BURNS, Postmaster General of New South Wales. Am,mm;_ I hereby approve the aforegoing amended artielenmd in testimony thereof I have caused the seul of the United States to be aiiixed. [L. s.[) U. S. GRANT. By the resident: HAMILTON Fisn, Secretary of State. Wnsmuerou, July 29, 1875.