Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/711

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INDEX. 685 Bush, Cynthia A.,_exeeutrix, · 13*% Caldwell, Joseph F, 1’¤·§°- gyppmpriatioii or payment of claim of . 523 a ro miati I · r V Bush, Hcmyy ·de0eF88d, U . Calggwli W. for payment of claim of . o37 B £j¤81;Gi>gf,l;t*¤°¤ of P¤Y¤1¤¤t of ¤}¤·1¤1 ci ----- 523 Caeipppppgliation for payment of claim of . 428 appropriation for payment of claim of . 479 a ’ ro riation for ' Bama, 1,,,,,8,;,8 1,,7 . CalEl>)m§>a, payment of claim of . 481 3313 OT 6>lF°¤S¤°¤ of P¤·l¤€11$ ··-~ - ·--- 551 appropifiations for office of surveyor-general I 7 _______.•.___________ 'V ‘ V ‘ ( ¤PPT°Pl`l“tl°¤ fm` P¤·Ym°¤l7 of claim of ----· 524 for play of Indian agents in , B’“”°"> H";'d’;”: fOr incidental expenses Indian service in - , 5l·pp1'0[l1'l3lil0l1 fol' p3»yH16l1li of 013lHl Of. ... - 460 hgw gxpgndgd {98 Qg)0 BMW, M•{'9€¢"6l» for river and harbor · I , 115 appropriation for payment of claim of . 518 fo;·1i¤hi;.¤ta,tiO¤g on coast of _ -112 ‘:E,··• HMM, Milla and Cvmpara to sulpiy aeiieiomes in ,,.;.1,‘,;;i;.11.;;,. " ~ ¤Pl“`°PYl9¤ti°¤ for Payment of claim of ----· 471 for of50c of surveyor-general in 'SG7 Bu""', N¢¥*w% for incidental expenses of Indian sera- l appropriation for payment of claim cf. ,___ 521 ,,,6,,1 ____ _ ____________ _ ______ _ _____ 37,; BMW, Rdf6T?, _ for surveying public lands in . . . . 367, 375 appropriation for payment of claim of wife post—roads established in . -. .. 13 320 536 0f ······ · -----·-·-—-·-···- · ~---- 5754 time for holdin terms of circuit court in , Butler, Virginia, district og established .- .. . . 4 appropriation for payment of claim of. 534 indemnity school-land selections contirmed. But er,_Willlam, _ _ _ to; innocent purchasers protected ; B pplitécagy disabilities of, removed - .. 514 actual selttleiis under honicptoad and i · _ ·» _. ire-cm ion laws irotectcc · act no appropriation for payment of expenses of, lo apply to mineral lands, ctc _,? 267 in contested-election case 355 desert-lands in, mav be entered, ctc. for roc- Butts, James Eli, lumation bydrrigation . . ... 377 P°““l°¤ S‘¤`¤·'-\*°d *0- —-—-· - -—--- - ·---- - -·--- 427 right of way through Benicia Ai·senal Butts, Joseph, deceased, grounds in, granted t0N0rtl1crn Railpension granted to minor heirs of .. 427 road Company, location to be ap- Bang, Malipdq Fq·(;p(;p3, proved ; prgvjgg _______ _ _____ _ ____ _ _ L6 Bpaerrgsicép gganted to . . . . 427 grant of Lonbdb to Upiversity of} for site of ll . · ·» ic serva or · roviso . 57 appropriation for payment of account of 366 Calleins, Almeron E., y j P B.W¤‘Z¢lh JW}, appropriation for payment of claim of . 542 appropriation for payment of claim of . 529 Callahan, lfelsey H., Bynum, George W., appropriation for payment of claim of . 521 appropriation for payment of claim of . 521 Callahan, Samuel M., Bynum, ohn, appropriation for payment of claim of . 529 appropriation for payment of claim of . 459 Callon, W. P., Bgmlm, John Gray, appropriations for payment of accounts cf. 2576 appropriation for payment of claim of . 197 Calumet, Ill., Byram, James, appropriation forimprovcmeut of harl>oi· of. 137 Bai{>i>%>i§e.tion for payment of claim of . 486 Cameron., Callwripe, administréatiixi f r yrn, . ’ ., appropriation or a men 0c aim o . .:25 appropriation for payment of claim of . 432 Canfigon? Dngald A.,p y appropriation for payment of claim of . 525 C. Cameron, llugald A., deceased, _ Cables SMHMMM _ appropfiiaticn for payment of claim of estate SW , , .. . . . . . . . ... . o nnthority to construct and maintain, across Cameron, Frank F., Atlantic Ocean, granted to F. C. La- appropriation for payment of claim of . 525 trobe and others . .. 232 Cameron, James, _ Cadet Battalion, Military Academy, appropriation for payment of claim of. 529 quarteruiuster, etc., to be detailed for; sup- Cameron, Kate, _ plies, ctc., to be purchased, etc., by; appropriation for payment of claim of. 525 to perform duties of purvcyor .. 126 Cameron, Sophia, _ _ supplies to be furnished cadets at cost. 126 appropriation for payment of claim oi. 525 Ca¢let·Engineers, Navy, Cameron, Slanly, _ pensions to, for total disability, according appropriation for payment of claim of. 525 to relative rank .. .. ...,,,.. 403 Camp and Garrison Eguqeage, Army, Cadet Hospital, Military Academy, appropriation for -... . ------·----- 99 appropriations for furniture tor. . . 126, 383 Camp, Darrell M., _ _ Cadet-Midshipnicn, Navy, appropriation for payment of claim ot . 523 sea-service pay of ... . . . . 390 Campbell, Andrew, administrator, _ _ Caggett, Julia E, appropriation for payment of claim of . 43.3 appropriation for payment of claim of . 486 Campbell, Charles C., _ _ _ Cain, Augustine, appropriation for payment of claim ot. 51o appropriation for payment of claim of 537 Canqabell, Jesse, _ _ Cain, Jamea·F., appropriation for payment of claim of . 428 payment to, as partner of H. P. Jones and Canqzbell, John, _ _ Company, of drawback of tax on to- appropriation for payment of Judgment or A baeco exported .. . .. 467 Court of Claims in favor of .. . .. 347 Caldwell, E, W, Canqebell, John, administrator, _ appropriation for payment of claim of . ,... 456 appropriation for payment of claim of- 477