Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/718

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692 xmmx. Page. Page. Cole, Jerom.iah, Collina, Parfhenia J., adnwiniairairix, appropriation for payment of claim of. 481 appropriation for payment of claim of . 534 Cole, Jolm, Cologne, appropriation for payment of claim of . 527 consulate at Aix-la-Chapelle to be trans- Cole, Samuel, forred to . ... . . . . . .. 4 appropriation for payment of claim of . 527 Colonia; p0_M88i,,,l8 Colman: pmjamln C·¤“d’”·l"'l8t"“t°"s extradition convention with Spain to apply C approprjation for payment of claim of. 483 to _ _ _ L _ _ ______ _ _ _ _ ________ _ _ _______ 55,0 o eman, amea M. I · " ¤PPY°Pl`l¤tl°¤ fel Pilymwt of Mm of --•-- 480 Copigweions relative to correspondence be- C°l”'”¢f"> {*7*}*8 1)·»_ _ tween United States and certain, in · ¤PP1°Plmll°¤ fol Payuwm of claim of ··--- 460 postal convention with New South Celenee ·l<>l·n» wane ... . . . . . . mo appropriation for payment of claim of. 486 with Qucenshmd ______ ___ _ ____ _____ 638 C°Z°"ld9"`: P/wl“"'E L-: _ Colon Lying Indimzs, Cozyfgolakgalogcflor Payment of Clmm of —···· 433 appropriagions for Wichitus and other afflilancliolfice to be estabéishcd at; register and 207 g,,;,,,.ad,,?tB tubes `°````````° Z '```'```` 194’ 291 receiver to resi e at . . . ·. y S . - Gvllevllnu ·41>_¤el·e Indlene efeineene Md New approltlétilolll l. .llY;$7£r1§€? ais, 319 MF‘"F°» . . . for pay of Indian agents and interpreters ¤PP’°P¤*m°¤ to SUPP]! d°H°*°¤°l°¤ m aP' in .. . . . . . . 176 177 271 272 l“`°P'l“’°l°“ f°" ······ · ····· ·· ······· 376 for incidental expenses Indian servioe in · , f¤llee¢le·y,1Wlenv, and Oewneeiny Velnnleeew how expended .. . ioe.292 “PP’°I;:`:g;;?;ti2:‘;‘;£P1Y d°£°l°“°l°“ in °·P' 375 for exfpenses of constitutional convention l , ···· · ···· · -··· · -····· A o ,etc . . . . ..,... 6 c°"°°""V !"tf”`"“l R“’°""°= . . to supply deficiencies in n.ppropriations for upproprwmcn of amount carried to surplus Salaries of judges in ____ __ ______ 42 fund from appropriation for . 46 of Omccm of _____________ _ _____ _ _____ 364 Oollecfiny 1i’e~vcnuep·om Customs, pcstwoads established iu__ ______ _ _____ 14 320 337 ¤<>¤¤i¤;;¤;ug:§gd<>f force euirieyed ia #<> be 169 who may wrote at um gimme at .. C- ’ t Collecting lfcocnrues Publlo Lanlis; I In i i l hwg 0£(l]£;;§3,§lgtEz?3uH0 ”PPY°1’““‘°“°‘f°Y ·-·· ·· ····· ·· ···-······ 122>349 dicial district· judge marshal and Collection of Claims of Colored Soldiers, attorney fm,. ’ éismcx Mmchéd to appropriation for expenses of .. . . 119, 360 eighth circuit'. terms of court. juries_ 6] C°;g’;?gI2‘r?·;tgl‘:l;';:d“° U"“”d Slam: 108 powers and jurisdiction of United; States <>·»M·»··-1>e·—»»»~e¢¢», z·»~·~··~·¤ _ m,i,‘1~“3EZt’?4e 5;:];,;; ;»ri:;;::t:;:::: :::1 3% ““mbf“` of rm be "d"°°d· ····· · ····· · ···· · 303 powers, duties, om., of marshal, attorney, . Collectma, Intermzl Rcmmue, and 01Grk ______ _ _____ __ ________ __ __ 69 appropriationsforsalaries and expenses of.152,303 appeals and wuts of Bm,}. from supreme le Supply d°6°l°“°l°“ in ···· · ····· · ····· 363 court of Territory of, to be deternumbelr of, tollne xieeiuced; allowances to, to 303 mined; Mmmm of GX0mm0n, Bmw cequarzec . ..-. . . · ______ ____ ____ _ `· ee me ¤·>¤¤<>} of _¤n<=¤ie~1 *>¤¤<¤¤¤ were- 293 right gilpgttiitgl., from amicus of sn. 62 . h°“Bf*f’_f°* "‘““*S°.°f_€“P° bmudy ·· ‘ , prorne ecurt of Territory of, prior to certain pow us of supexvisoxs conferred on . . 1¤2 mlmmsmn of SWR_ _____ _ _____ _ _____ 62 CONC"'"` of ihxeav Dlsmcl of O°Z“'l‘bl“¤ district judge for district of Nebraska to act shall publish list of property liable to sale as judge for the district of umu_ ____ 62 iw “°“'P“Ym°“l’ °f mws? Pmcwd'8 (N, transfer of cases from territorial courts to mgs ···· · ····· · ···‘ · ····‘ · · ········ 3· 3 ‘ district and circuit courts of .. .. 62 r°p°Y° °f,S“1“”»“°· ····· · ····‘ ·· ······ 84= 398 proclamation declaring, n. State . .. 665 my ¤;;;g;;amxq¤grgy:8%i§>;Sd<>¤¤<1¤e¤¤84 398 ta of iegssimm tf, for miatstr Jotham A,. 419 taxes ou tem orary tradcsmeu to be ’ D1? P °r’ agpwvod ````'` "` ```` couecing by_ _____ _ ____ _ _’ ____ _____ _ 401 Colorado Itwer Indxwm Roaermtwn, _ _ when to be in readiness to receive taxes -. .87, 401 “PPr°P"“°“?“ l°° Surely d°H°"m°’°° m “l°' Colleges propmatiou for survey of 368 7 . appropriation for distribution of duplicate 350 Colorado Ilcr;eiory,f 1 _ f m 1 mts cfm5mm1s,;,;;,,, to ,____ ____ approprm. ions or sa anes o o eers mar number of Army officers detailed to, in- C I d 515E5e11S6B gif i{;0VlS<> ·-—--— —-- - -··- 158 d _______,___ __ ______ ____ 74 o ore o wr: an az ora Collier, llllglzsl., appropriations for collecting claims, etc., ot'119, 360 appropriation for payment of claim of . 530 Colored Women and Childrm, `COWWB Thflmfls J; _ appropriations for National Association for appropriation for payment of claim of . 530 Relief of ______ ____ _ _____ ____ ______ 109, 349 . Celina Andrew J. deceased, _ accounts or treasurer tr, to be aiiowea. 349 appropriation for payment of claim of estate 03 Columbia Hamm; for WMM", of --·- - ----··-----··-··-·--···-·-··4 a w fr 108347 Collins Daniel ppt9pm' lims, ° '‘‘``’’‘ ' ’ apprlxpriatiou for payment of claim of . 534 C°l“ml”“ -(”8W”·W{”fo"` Deaf and Dumb, 108 347 Collins, James E., administrator, **PPY°P¥`l*m°¤s l0!` —···-··--· -· ··········· · appropriation for payment of claim of . 483 Oolwmbia River, Oregon, Collins, John C., appropriation for improvement of .. 135 clothing to be issued to, in lieu of clothing for canal around the cascades ot; purchase _ destroyed ____ , __,,, ,, ..,... 554 of lend for right oi way . 138