Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/737

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INDEX. _ 71 1 . Pm »_ .. Ifourth of Jug'? to 1 f ‘ Free Goods, ‘” rccomrlngu sg mu poop c 0 Sba.tos_to have schedules of, under convention with Hu- . ]StQ]']c{]_1 Sketches Of (;()u]]t]gg’ gpg_, waiigu Ig]3,¤(]g __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ 200 625 _ _ do-Invorod on, etc ... . ... 211, 663 evidence of, how established under couvcn- Fre1;,;;10us sergxczgs recommended for ... . 664 tion with Hawaiian Islands . -. . . 6*6 ox ugusfus . eceascd Fr M `l-M tt péusigu gynutéd to of__ ______ __ ____ ;0V;g D · Fox B ill T P p 0 s coucommg, an general posml , ng c ., union treaty. . . .~... 580 pcusion gyglutgdtg _______________________ r4]_ 1; ]_ ¤ fl J — ____ ____ { Pbx, Sophiq 4., deceased, _ :i€}$i3gr;x?1 :1;ié -T.é .1 . . .. approgzxggatxon for payment of clmm of estate 526 letters, mann, gn public; businnoss {:0 be ; how ·--—-- - ----- · ----- · ----- ---- - msu- co ; perm by or fa s01y using For Thomas L orficml cnvelo es .. .. .. . 335 fsensgou gmfntcd @0 _. .:. ,: .. . . .-.. 492 Free of Postage, Fox Ifnduzns of the Mwsassqapz, public documents may be sont by Som-1.t0rs uppropr1a.¤1ons for aunmty, ctc., to ... 189,283 and members . . . . . .336, 345 Fox Indwgzs of the Missouri, Free Public Library Buildings, Fap};goprmtions for annuity, etc., to 189, 284 to be exempt from ta.xmaiou· by District of ox wer Columbia. .. . . . . 85 399 appropriation for improvement of .. - . . 136 Free Transit, Frqclional Qu.w·rency,_ _ provisions in respect @0 reciprocal privileges srlvczt coxns to be xssucd ID cxchnngo for .. . 33 of, ll] tranny with Bolgnum . . 632 substntutxon for, of legal-tender notes ox- Fr·ccdn1¢m’s Hospital, Distyict of Columbia, c1£a,ng§{lfo1£_cog1; destruction of ; part 215 Fapgropyiagsions for . -t. 109, 350 0 sm mg- un . .,... - . .. . . Wee man s avmgs am ‘u8 Ompany, . France appropriation for psnymonu of salary of clerk genéra.1 postal union treaty to include . 577 E0 House Counxnittuo to I11vestig:1to. . 371 Francis, Edward, commissioners of, may buy and sell certain appropriation for payment of claim of . 457 ro ern ‘ ; how sulcs ure to be mado.. 231 Fmmk John M deceased actgn f t op rch I · · . x 0 as 0 pr vxous u ascs um a,ppx·opriation for payrnont of claim of estate sales npproved. . ..- , 231 of .. .. . . .. -. .. ..-- . 527 Frcedmews Bureau, 1*6·auc7c, Maria, cxecutriw, appropriations to supply deficiencies in smpappropriamiou for payment of claim of . 527 propriation for .. . . . . . 365, 374 .Fr0mk Mary M. J. . - · Freeman C. L. · pension grantecfto . .. . ... 494 app1~onriati0 ns for payment of. . . . 226, 362 Frank, Paul, Dccrnmr., Harris, pen iou grunted to widow of .. . . ,. 494 appropriat on for payment of claim of . 525 Fra·nk, Freeman, S. M., ‘ public documents may be sent by mail free appropriation for pa.ymeub0f .. . . .- 362 of postage under, of Senators und. · French Broad River, North Carolina, lf ¤;3[¤1»¤ps ,. , . . ... .. 336, 345 Faporogyiguion Ear émprovcuncnb of .. -. . 134 Em: · art, ich. wencc i nary cu amy appropriation Eor improvement oflmrbor of. 133 a.pp13opris4.tions for department of . .. . . 126, 382 Frcmkéng Privilege, _ French Rqoublic, _ _ _ Senators, ctc., to have, for sondxng, obo:, mto fopsmtuo of "L1borby enl1gfnhenmg_tho public documents; term of pr1v1— _ wm·1d," presented by cmzcus of, to lege ,_,,._ , ,.,,. . ..,.. , ... ,. . .336, 34;; F I gw selegged ,..,., . .,... . .,.._.,, 410 Franklin Bm: hmm T. "”" '» 'I” J*’ ·• approoriatién for pnyment of claim of . 525 RPPYOPFWUOU f°T P¤Ym€¤Y7 of Salary Of -—-- 43 Franklin, Lewis, F' °”°,;;bM€’Tyz f b f I . f 5;,6 appropriation for payment of claim of ... . . 429 F722E5L §:‘:'E£¤S OY P¤·5’m°¤ ° c mm 0 · ---- ~ Fmmz, E. D. * . . '2 _ A · _

payrnant to for lost chock .. . . . .. . 468   gr WO mm`? Of clmm of- ···· 52]-

Frauds · * " · ’ · · - · · * Ls of to be adjusted and uppropmmons for dotectung etc .. 109, .S».4 PWPGYFY $*;**00**** ¤ _ _ to Supp]? defciency in ____ __ __ ______ ___ _ 364 French, 1<;BgEj2}}0W0d, P!‘0V1<]€d, 8*0 ---- - — - — 49-; Fr“"d“l°"t Am" . appropriations for payment of accounts of,. 376 to be stmupoaf by cc;ta1¤ Govoinnlxncnf 08}- Frwlduy, Jowph, wm? P°““ hy 0* wmug “Y S °‘mp appropriation for payment of claim of. . 528 mg ······ · ····· · ····· ‘ ·‘*’‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 64 Fr¢mde·nbe1·_q G. G. FM"° * Aagni . , name of, {0 be plncsd on retired-list ofArmy, “·PPmP"”mm for Payment Of clmm °f ‘ ‘‘°23 under rank of lionton:mt—c0l0n01 408 Frazeu MMM . ,., Friend, Garoliow, adnzinistralrix, F)a'ppmpEa$;°n for payment Of clmm of `‘'`' M3 s1ppr0priution for payment of claim of. 474

“·""” ?'" I . F was D rd, .

a·PP“;P“”*w;“ fm P"·Ym°““ °f clmm °f ’` 519 Zporogninbion for payment of claim of. 530 Frazier, J. G., _ _ Frost, R. S.,

  • PP¥ 0P¥`i¤ti°¤ for payment °i clmm of ---- — 429 appropriation for payrncnt of expenses of}

Frazier, Same, dwmscd, I I _ in contested-olootxon case .. .-.. . 355 approprimsion forpayment0fc1u1m of estate 4r7 Fruzt Ewtgwdy, f th production Etc of and _ _ ____ _ ,_.. , . . revu u xons or o I · , { - Z . HV: punishmeub0f f1‘a.uds COD;.}00Céd $h6Fo· I`0 azm, Thomas ., _ _ 393 appropriation for payment of clmm of 530 with . . .. -_.:. . ·-·- -· · mmzmw, 0. 11., _ Fw and Appqraius, {W¢¢¤w A M1/» 125 ,,81 appropriation fo; payment of clmm of .. 417 approprumons fox .. . M