Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/757

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IN DEX. 7 3 1

 “Page. P g _

Lu CfoS8F, WM-, Land-Oj)ices—Co11i;inued. a 0 may coiluguul. poutou bridge across Missis- est:1blisl1ed—

 ¤*PP* R*V€Y -···-·- - - · · ---- · -~--· . . .. 76 in Utah, (Beaver)  . . . . . . . _ 36

Ladw.·s’ M"m1um¢mtaZAas0ciafi02o, in \Vmshiugt0n Territory, (VVhibm:m) IQG of Allegheny County, Pemisylvzmin., com in \Vyomiug, (Evanston) .. . . .--. 207

 demncd czmuou, &c.. donated to   .. 5 Lands, see also Public Lands mud Indiam Reser-

Lafayeltc Square Association, vafions, appropriation for payment of claim ot . .-. . 464 P**·.$`****€**g*?(:] *;*9 Téadi *§*` §°*`*2****, *** *%*****;**1 Lager Beer ce e 0 rea. r1 am , um or rea .y mx Om {ww Paid; proviso ______ _____ 53 of Juiy 9, 1842 .. .2 . 343 Laing, Josqlb, title bq certum, selected by QH-11fOYD1!L, m

 appropriation for payment of claim of .  464 **6** of ¤°**0°1·*¤**d¤ °°*****'***°d? 1******

Lake Hurmh Muhigam cent pulelmseis protected, act; not to , - - . apply to certain .. . . -... .-.- 267 appioprmtxcn for lmrbor of refuge OD . . 137 La ld, _ C, H 8 H me ·**¤·¤v*~: °’l¤¤~=e¤ M*¤*~*~ J l E}; Afeiu le;} V ,I.l A ub Le) 104 approprmticgas for éinstallmeiits, etc., to. . .179, 274 LM} JETS PM10;] 61 IO ‘‘''‘ '‘‘ ` Lake Traceoec antee A ioux Lzdiama, _ > . . * . zygzproprialtions for iestalimegfs 1:0 .. . . 192, 287 L;:B£;;p;}3;;:°; %t payment °f clmm °f `'‘'` 531 La · Wimzcbagoahish C cippcwa ndians * . ‘ '{ . appropriations for installments to ..’ .. 180,274 fe P“Y‘“·‘“’* "f °*‘“”‘ °f· ···· 519 Lamb, EZ*€hd_» _ appropriation for payment of claim of. 536 approprmtiog for payment of claim of . 481 Lam;).um Lau,.e"c8 It N Lamb Touusan , · g d t ______ _ _____ _ _____ _ ____ _ {49 apgirppriationi for pntyrneutg of claim of . 481 LaI:SES;;;:;a$E3:; 6 O ) La'mbdm» LWN!; ¢ d”**"**$t*`“¢"W> __ approplhmtioix fill` pilylillillh of ciuim of. 432 appropriation for payment of claim of . 4.:: Lang N y cxecutogy Lambdiln, Samuel, deceased, appropriation for payment of cluim of, for appropriation for payment of claim of estate EEO, GW- ..·- · - ------·----------- · · · - **50 0f. ... ;.. .. .-.. 457 Langun, ‘w·m,as Lambert Hu h :1 nre riuti<>u,for nlymcmt of claim of. 531 , ,0 . ll P P appropriation for payment of claim of . 597 Lamgszou, Holt, Lambert, Isaac, appropriation for puymamt of claim of. 536 app1·0px·inti011 for payment of claim of . 525 Lanlwwd, Bo·{wct0;g, Lambwt John uppropmmiou or payineil 0 c mm 0 . appr0iJ1‘iutinu for payment of claim of , 5:24 L¢W*0?'**8 ¢]¢d L¤·m}Q8, NGN], Lamm John :»pp1·<>px·mtions for .. .. . . . . .. . .66, J86 > 7 , , appropriation for payment of claim of . 484 g f t 1. 1 i f 525 Lamps Navy .} .· ~ 1 l ```-

    • PP*!°P*`***é°*** f°*`- ·-·~- - -·-—··---·· · ····· 66· 386 for payment: of claim of . 531

Lanagan, Il‘7zemc¢.+:? deceased, Larlmh Wimam M “·PI”`0K;*;;'1t3:: :i‘:;,}mY“""m’ O1 cl"'"' of mmm 490 n»pp1;<>primi0u for payuleut of claim of. 5:21 ,, ’‘ '‘‘'‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ " ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ L;z.sewwu.s Books, L“°'°"'Sw"=.1"YM°`d* . . . doolm-od nou»mn.i]znblo; penalizy; prosecuappropx·m.tnon for payment of claim ot . 437 Hmm under Original Hcwou ______ gg Land-1)ist1·£c1s, Lash, Thomas 13.% 8 ew ¤~mblisbed——- uro —i:1.tion or pu mem 0 c mm o . D Beaaier, Utah .. . . . · ..-- --·- 36 L;}£}1pn,lii[o1»y C., y Evanston, Wyoming .. . . .. .. 129 appropriation lb: payment of elmm of . 5.30 Whitmmi, Wash. Ter . . . .. . . 204 Latham, T. J, Land-Graut1iuilu·ays, appl-oprimgion for payment of elzum of . 432 to receive 80 per ceutum of compensutron Lalimer, Anderson .L, fixed by lnw for carrying mail. .. 82 ;;.pp;·oprm,tiou for payment of clmm uf. 526 Land-Gremta ‘ Laimrc Jacob { oermin pi·o-omptiou, etc., entries within app;-oprimiou for payment of claum vi- .--- 53* limits of, coufzirmcd. .--- - ----- 35 Law, Abner, guardian, _ certain, to Kqusas in aid of railroads dc-  ;,m¤—op;—iM1o¤ fo; payment of elzum ot . JM lated forfeited.. . .. L -v Julia deoeaae , cost ofcsurvcy of, to be paid before lend is “;;I;propri,a,tiou for payment of claim of estate conve od .. . . - . .--. ~ of ---- -·~---—·-- ------ ·--· ----- =>· act granting lands in aid of Kansas mid Law _Lib,·m·y, supreme Court, Neoslio Valley Railroad repealed m appropyimgious f;>r books for . .168,31** pam; _____ __ ___,_, . ,_,,, -. .. . Law ]l[·i,li1qry Aoar cing Land-Nap of United States,  :]?>ropr1ui;1o11s for department of.. ... 120, .382 ·. · · - _ __ _ _ ______ _ ,..,. . > i . u· apljmpmmwns fm , upyiroprmiiions for ed1ting,etsc.. .. 148, 299 Land OMCC Mdp, _ . . . · d Sc t; b be uppropriutololi for liehogmpbing, etc.. . lcs new eglggygégi gevmc u u es . Land-‘O_[]icea, - ) E Z . . }' ’2'j '' `'``````°' a.pprop1-iatious for sularms etc. ub . .. 1.22, 349 LGTUWTJ ·f< @u, ¢¢¤ mj¢l**·$ l¤ ¤;*; i laude in Smtyes where there are,n<>, how eu- ¤*·[*\**0P;*·1{*0**joigmé* *3*** of Cm m °f··· 474 ten-sd ; prooik, etc., bow taken ; d1s— Lau·l¢·r, H gllrqrm ·, ¢¢¤f*·90 q f_ 1 i f t t position of proceeds. . .. ..-- -315 ¢¤pP1`*'>}>;%*¤1t*0** *0* P9} ****-** · · * ’ 474 Jhgliiiigcis, (Spri¤gfi¢=*<*) ---------- - -·--—- *2* L"'""" ""Fl 1?"'"”i”* { 1, - I. m_ in Iurlimm., (Indianapolis) . . . 121 11DP*‘~'>P*‘}¤·*7*<>** tm` I**Wm°“t 0 C Mm 0 ’ P 470 in 01.1.,, (Chillicothe) .. .. . ..-·· - 12* V*¤° -·-— 5- --···· · ····· * ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘