Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/761

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INDEX. 735 Page. · I/liecggrxgigiii, for payment of claim o! 531 MGGumwI?’ John Ai · Page. Mm, Gidgom (wedged, ---· - U Mgggfppzgszpsfor payment of clmm ot. 474 appropriation ior payment of claim of astute apprepriatiou ’fm· payments of claim of 429 Lucas J§}§jl·‘ · · ····· · ···-· - —~--- — ·--·- - ---·· 526 MOC0lly, George, -'`' . L apprgriétmu for payment of claim of .. 531 M£3E;{n1§Ta§J,m(l to- U HN i -`· .`'```````` 508 ncaa, arm: a . .· · . g L a,ppr<;pri:;.iiio1;;) fox} spugment cpf claim of .. 526 Mxlcgxwélfliliaivllgxr payment of clmm of- - -' 515 ncaa cis azyag Ol ., accuse - - b- f ‘ · uppiroprigatiou for paymc¤t<;f ciuim of estate Jifgmymfmt M Uhm! Of. lI 53* 0 .- . . , A____ _ __________ #31 . · - · Luckefy G89m? W., lio Mjgpfpppizzsgggéslor payment; of clmm of . 524 Il;¥I;E;L°!E_`¤¤g0¥;;;;¢i;:)’m€¤b 01 Glmm of ·.--. 536 Map{>xpp§uti;>Zu for payment of claim of . 531 ’ r i _‘¤ v _ 0 0I' avi [ uJ]pI‘0pI13.bi011 foI‘ pzlyulmlt of clam: of . 435 zqvpropriatioix for puymcub of claim of. 461 ‘" "'gt°"¤. Flaw'?: _ _ _ McCord, Lizzie E., adnzinist¢·¢¢lw·i.4:, ”RI”"°P“·“1fm *0* P*Wm'¤’¤t OY <>]$»lU1 of ---· - 463 a.pp1·0prin.ciou for pamyuxcut of c1a.imo1` . 522 Ludmgtonz A[wh.,_ _ McCord, Moses S.. deceased, 1 u¤i¥Pf;_?tg!Lig*;$¤0¤\ foI‘1I!1PFoV<·>!116¤¥i of harbor of- 133 appropriation for puymcut of claim of esmtc

  • ' " . f .. . . .. . . . ..,,_ _, _ _ r

pnltenh 01] ,111ay be extended ; proviso .. 425 Macaw]; Fnmam, . J22 L'"`tV> B- _ appropriation for payment of claim of. .,., 474 2rpp1‘0pl')3»€10D-fo1' p8~yl'DB¤i5 of claim of . 463 M‘(]C0)‘7))_(]C]@, Al(;;;gm]p;·, If”·“"¢u» Shelfon, _ _ nlppvopriution for payment of claim of. 465 Lizppwgulpgatiou for payment of clmm of. 521 ]|[g(}g;-mgwk, Vi ]]_, _ I 1 l " bi f . 2, ii C . . . . _ , ` I glcxicral postal union treaty 1:0 include. . 577 E;;;";?; 0 103 -3/ P0 a · 's,fo f _· n f l·' f fd · , mmmc of plcasurcryacht, changed to Sylph- . 139 pmol?}. - 6. fil .t\.1, f)_`: 478 Lymy—m Acylym, Dutrzcl of Columbia, McCoy, Julia, I ¤Pp1`0P1‘1=1U0¤S fo1‘ --·-·-- - ----·--·-·----- 108, 347 zzppropriamion f··r payment of claim of. 478 lynch, J·>7m,_ Mccmmy, Mm-y M., H·pp1'0pI'121,UO11 foI‘ [WRYHIOHC of expenses Of, iii ;],ppr0pri;),i;im; for lmymgpi; of glaim gf_ ____ 531 L cl O311E05E6d-610Gti0D 0380. , . ., . . , . . . . . . , MgQ;4[lgy];,’ jvwmgg, yn1J0n1V. ax ‘1·»·'·b` fr .* t f1` f. 4P-! L uppiropfigbiori for payment of claim of . 536 ful}.? ln) mw O C mm O K . yncz ner . rrif i' t;f1` f. ’l7 upp;·oprintic11 for pnyiucut of claim of . 432 Af;gE1·;l)3, (gecggc Wyman 0 c mm 0 4 0 Lyne, Jamgs {IL, _ _ uppropxmtiou for payment of claim cf. 524 · L £1p]).l'7)I5)l‘l1l(;l011 forpa.yment of cla.1111 of. 429 AfeCutc7wn, Bcrgavnin A. , yous mm z» ro rintion for c mont of clai f. "21 appi·op1~icticu for payment of claim 0I`. 457 Alclr5?z»:ie{l, William Bri, y m 0 0 — a.pp1·0priat.i011 for puymcut of claim of. 531 IVL xllclicrmol Albert, doccaxcd Mabry, Geqrgg: WY, uppmpriuinion {br pn.y1ne;u’c of claim of estate appropriation for payment of claim of . 458 or ,____,__,,,,_, . ,.___ , ,,__, _ ____, _ _ 494 M0.4 dcmw! Jqmcs, McDcr·mol, Nlcoy Ann, a¢lmi·nistmirl,1:, ' axppropriubioix for pzmymcut of claim of . 531 appropriation for pu.ymcui: of claim of . 48-1 JIGAIGG7', Q., _ _ J[cl)onald, Alc.mmicr,

npp1·0prmt10¤ for payment of claim of. 463 uppreprimioix for payment cf' claim of . 485

Alcdudrcw, Joseph, Mclknalcl, Jacob, appropriation {br payment of claim of. 531 appropriation for payment of claim of. 519 Jlcdalm, ljahilck, _ _ _ Mcbonaldz uiillidlh J., _ MlL])I)l'O1)1‘1ilC1O11 for pcymcuiz of claim ot. 476 appropriation for payment 120 . 10a) cllallum A., A Mc Iougal John appropriation for payment of claim of . 197 3~]_)}>PO})1?iQ.1~hiOl17 for payments of claim of . 429 McGampb0ll, Elizabeth, Jlclllurairz, Janws UC, _ appropriation for pnymcub of claim of . 484 appropriation for payment of clmm of . 459 JlcCandZes8, Wllson, McElwec, Timms 11., _ appropriation for salary of .. . . . . . . 2318 appropriation for payment of claim of . 531 may resign the 01h0c of judge on full pany; iilclfwcn, 1): C., _ proviso . . . - . . . . 57 appropriations for payment for SOYVIOOS Of. 104, $72 Mcflarler, John, a,dmiuislm.wr, 1l·Icl*`all, D. D., _ _ appropriation for payment of claim of. 487 :»pp1·0pri:1.t.i011 for pu-ymcut of clmm of 4v8 .}l0Gav·thy, M'm·y [9.,* · ,el[(J1'710‘l(L)llZ and Iiomwll, I _ zzpproprizition for payment of claim of. 534 znpp1·0priu.ti0u for pzmyuicuii of account; of. .. $07 · Mcvarleg, Thomas NZ, Illcbkwland and Kellogg, _ u.pproprim.ion for puayuncub of claim of. 474 appr0pr1ation for payment of account ci- .. 367 McCauley,_.luy11es, _ I illolfarlarul, 7`Immas, _ approprmtmu for pu,_ymc11t of chum of . 4.51) 3»pp1'0[)1`l1J»liOll for payment of clmm of. 474 NcClary, Jacob L., Mcbkzrlin,_1J'r?gcvnzln, _ [__ appropriation for pzxyrucut of claim of . 484 :¤,ppreprx:m0n for payment of clmm of. .>J1 Mciilemlchau, William, Jlcfive, Absalgm, _ approprizmlicu for puqymcms of claim of. 5:26 uppropriuuou for payment of clmm of . 487 JIcUlermlml, Robert, McGee, Alarfcn. .1., _ app1·0p'riution for payment of claim of . 526 :»pp1·0p1*iut;1ou for puymcut of 01:11111 of . 4S!