Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/815

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INDEX. 789 W‘m°"¤ Is?':; f t f I f Page. Wells, WiZliam,jr., Pago` approprm. non or payman 0 c adm 0 . ---, 522 · · · , · Watson, JW15S, f t f 1 f Wgmgpgzprmggggi payment of cbum of . 462 a,ppmpr1a, ion or paymcn 0 c aim 0 . 524 upymropriatiun for a c t I 1t' . *' 37 W;g$Q;jm%?}6r piying t f I _ f VW 1V0g;,,, S_ Ju P ym D 0 0 31111 0 ., . u 0 c mm 0 , I ‘· 5 · · · Watson, Mmmm 1f',=> Wzpggimztoxpu for p.»yment of clamn of . 4(i5

  • '·PPY°¥h`i*Wi°“ fw Payment of cmlill of ---- - 533 a.]>propriu.ti<;n 1or paymcut of claim of 455

Watlgr J“”f“ _W> _ Wcrningcr, A ., l i l · U Wapprp}pr1ai.t1oi} for payment of claim of. . .. . 4>:59 a.ppropr|n,t.ion [or pnyment of claim of - 463 a 8, uma]: ., _ West Virginia W3m""‘¥;l¥;;?:*';°*};°Y P*Wm°“li of claim of ·-—·- 477 u.pF1·0px‘iu.til>n¤ for river improvements in .. 134, 136

  • _ _8 · ‘ s t f tu l · tu: -

a.pp,rup1-iauon mr payment of claim of . 528 01 ltrbagtlilts l!<>1·’lll;lllge1·;i:§ . 362 Walla {Wd MWM8, post-1·0a.ds cstubliulwd in .. . . . . 24, 335, 342 appropriation for payment of extra. clerk of district court; fm- district uf, to hzwc circuit- Wm Indggglse C0¤¤¤¤1¤t<><> of- -·--- - ----- 225 H1 grprttjnzlrgsgligbivtnz), cxccphi . . 230 ' 1 0- t· d- appropriations for payments to certain . . .197, 292 Olcagcdbto Sgrgli Wll);ulll.Il . ZL {B. 443 Wea India]:. Trust-Fawas, West, Bcncmi, appropriation for interest on uon-paying _ n.pp1·0pria,tim1 for payment of claim of,. .. , 452 stocks of . . . - . . .. . . 199, 296 West, B. E, and Couqzany, Weaver, Jofdan, _ appropriation for payment of claim uf.. .. . 446 a.ppr0pr1a.t1011 for payment of clauu of . 528 West, John, Webb, Hampton N, _ _ _ aqipropriutionx for payment of claim uf. 462 claim of, referred in Commissiqucrs of Claums What, John J., fqr I`!}-6XlH[lli)GLl}l0ll aud report. .. 489 nppr0pria.ti¢>n for payment of claim cl'. . . . . 485 apprepuatiou for payment of clgmim of. 522 West, John N., Webb, John R., appropriation for payment of claim of . 533 aqiprupriatioii for payment of claim of-. .. . 531} West, Jvseph, _ Webb, Samiucl IK, adminiatrawn, _ a.pprc·pria.miou for payment of claim of . 459 appropriation for payment of clmru of. 485 mm, Malcolm, Webb, William, _ n.ppr0priu.ti¢m {br payment of claim ol`. 537 appropriation for payment of churn of . 462 JVM:/, Richard, admhzistrator, Webb, William A:,_ _ uppropx·iu.1.iou for payment of claim of . 489 political disabilities of, removed .. . . .. 545 1V0s!, Samuel, Websfcr Jcssc, _ app1·0pri:mti<m for puyment of claim uf. .533 appréprlaticll lOl' pitylfwht of Glétlllil Ol`. 459 Wm! [yiumm d“.m,",d 7V6b8W"; ·/'mav upln·opria.t,il>11 for puyrxnciit ut' claim of cstutc appropriation {0I` puyxrmut of claim ot'. 537 of ____ _ _ _______ _ _____________ _ _____ 469 W•¢d¢#¢¢» David. _ , _ nm, wuzmm v., appropriation for payment ct claim oi . 13137 :Wm.0p..iMi0u my paynwm ui- claim of _ ____ 533 Wcddlc, Joshua,- West, Wifziam W, appropriation fo!' payment uf. . 537 ampp1·0]n*iz».ti0u {br puymcut of claim of . 479 Weeks HC F., . Wrslcr James uppiopriatiou for payment to. . 362 n.pp13opx·i:mtilin for payment of claim ul'. 520 W“""4·"'”•°’{·6 qw I""“'%""¤ _ I  !!’»:.:<tcv·n. and Atlantic Railroad, Georgia, ”*PPY0PUa*m°¤“ fm` m“h“*um°“t“r “m·¤ t‘·‘·· V 19*% *286 Secretary of War nui.I10i:iz0d to rn-upuu und 4 Weighing-Maclzines for Mina! adjust settlement with .. . . -. U2 l appropriation for purclmsc of . 109 W to isguc wummxit for auncnut dma to .. 403 Weights and Measures · vstcrn. oem appropriations fo; construction, ctc., of npproprintiluns for survey of . . .. .. 116, 353 standard .. . . . 117, 354 l`V¢¢stern Slwshmw I indians, for rant of shops, atc ... ... 117, 1l8, 354 appropriations for msmllmonts to 190,285 Twilaerb, Jamb, _ __ Western Ugzioga Tclrgraph Company, _ _ _ app1·0priv.tion for payment of clmm of 4.62 Wu.pp1·0p}i;mt10u for puymuut ot clamn of. 304 W ‘ Bcvewly extern cuaant _ gppropriaticn for payment of claim of. 533 :1ppr0l>ria.tion flu puymcut of clunn of. 533 A Weir, Richard M., guardhm, _ _ Mawr, Ileyzry, _ · _ _ H u.pp!.‘0|ntln,bi0Il for payment of clzmu ui . 537 appropx‘mt10u for pu.yum.ut 01 clmiu of. 4.;.) Weiss, Charles N., W h.aIa’0 Back laland, Pwlsmoufh, M IL, pension gralptod to widow of .. . . -. 405 }; ?·})1;$)lZl&tl()l};l)l‘ utczun fog-siguui on -. 352 ` Em`} . `. Jar vnry . I Wggnsioupzautcd to . ... . . . . 495 pcnsion gruntcel to . . . ... . ..- - 45.5 Wellborn Jam.68 M, Wlwallon, John A. BL, _ _ approjlriation for payment of claim of. 479 app1·¢.npri;ition for lilbyllllbllln of clzmm of. BJ7 P ll I Wlwclcr, Qalvjn M. _ Kgppropxflgtmn for payment of claim of . 482 H ;;;pp;iz»ti}0i1 Rm pnymunt of claim of. 475 dl.? J . ¢. .. I. _ _ Wappropzlzsttgagl for payment of claim of ..,.. 489 W?;n;;rop;·/i22g:: for pxnyment of clmm ol . 459 Wlls J . me y y. _ _ _ · ;ppr0pl·rl;8tion,fox· payment of claim of . 537 npprlnximtxouyfor payment of claim uf. 5.57 Wells, Nancy WT, _ ~ W/macry, .{oJ:.iz, . · _ f Wn appro riation for payment of claim of A 52: uppr0pr1:1tion [or payment 0i <, o ...,. ., .. ' P;, IV/meow Mark, Wells, aahmgtnn, _ _ . y _ _ f _1 . I ,22 appropriation for payment of claim of . 5.57 Ll.P]_)IO}_)IlH»l101l for payment 0 a. mm o . .>