Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/125

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ICO FCRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 161, 162. 1878. J¤¤•3 7, 1878- CHAP. 161.-An act making further appropriations for continuing the improvements ··—··;·····— of Galveston Harbor, State of Texas. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqyresentatives of the United Apv¤>pri¤ti<·¤· States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of seventy-five b0(£_°“]"°“‘°“ H"' thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out ot any ' moneys not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of continuing the improvements of Galveston Harbor, in the State of Texas; which improvements are now being prosecuted under the direction of the Secretary of War, and the appropriation for which is substantially exhausted ; and that the said sum be expended under his direction. Approved, June 7, 1878. June 7, 1878. CHAP. 162.-An act regulating the appointment of justices of the peace, commis- ———-——- sioners of deeds, and constables within and for the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. Drstrict of Cc- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United l“g"’_;gcu of the States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United Pm3e_ States shall nominate and, by and with the advice and consent of the Appointment. Senate, appoint fifteen justices of the peace within and for the District Number- of Columbia. Said justices of the peace shall be assigned as follows: two in the city of Georgetown, one in Tennallytown, one in Brightwood, Term. one in Uniontown, and ten in the city of Washington. Their term of Jurisdiction. office shall be four years, subject to removal for cause. They shall respectively have the jurisdiction, exercise the powers and functions, and perform the duties as now provided by law for said officers respectively. U¤G¤i¤b6d b¤¤l· Said justices of the peace, shall be the successors of the justices of the “""‘ peace who now hold office in said District, and shall proceed in and close up all such unfinished business of their predecessors as may be brought to their attention by any party in interest, who shall present a transcript of the same, as hereinafter provided. And in like manner they shall proceed in and close up all unfinished business of any prede- T¤\¤¤¤‘iv¤¤ Qf cessor in office appointed under this act. Upon resignation or the ex-

2f,“‘“b°d b““" piration of the term of office, they shall make, certify, and deliver tran-

' scripts of any proceeding on their docket to any party in interest, or shall deliver said docket, together with all papers in all unfinished business, to their successors in ouice, at their option, and account for all 8¤¤<=¤¤¤i¤¤ to moneys in their hands. Upon the death or removal of any justice of d°"k°*°· the peace appointed under this act, his docket, books, and papers of office shall be delivered to his immediate successor in office. Justiwn Mw i¤ Sec. 2. The terms of oiizioe of all justices of the peace, now in office °ql,?°· within and for the District of Columbia shall end on the thirtieth day °m' after the approval of this act. They shall issue no process returnable Deposit of dock- on or after that day, and shall deposit their docket, books, papers, and °*“· records pertaining to their omce in the office of the clerk of the supreme court of the District of Columbia, who shall, on demand of the parties in interest, deliver to them transcripts, duly certified, together with all papers left or died with them by said parties in said case or proceeding. 2°°°*:“‘;l°°· t Sec. 3. The supreme court of the District shall have authority to Tg}:;}" mwappoint not exceeding twenty constables, who shall hold office for four years, subject to be removed by said court for cause, upon hearing. And said constables shall be the successors of the constables now hold- C<,;¤¤**¤b1°¤ ¤°W ing office in the said District. The term of office of all constables now in ° °°‘ in omce in said District shall end on the thirtieth day after the approval hereof, and they shall, on or before said day, return all process which may be held by them duly executed (except as hereafter provided), and pay over to the proper parties all moneys in their hands; all constables may duly execute and return all writs and processes in their hands at the time of such expiration of their term of office. B¤¤d¤0f.i¤¤*i¤¤¤ Sec. 4. The supreme court of the District of Columbia shall have

  • “d °°"“°“b1°“‘ the power to iix the amount and form of the bonds, and approve the

same, to be given by said justices of the peace and constables, and make