Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/240

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FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 359. 1878. 215 six, to eleventh of November, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, the sum ot hfteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For rebuilding the light house in Hooper’s Straits, Maryland, twenty Hoopers Straits. thousand dollars. For rebuilding and remodeling the light house at Cape Henry, Vir- Cape Henry. ginia, seventy-five thousand dollars. For light house at Laurel Point in Albemarle Sound, North Carolina, Laurel Point. twenty-tive thousand dollars. For beacon-lights in North Landing River, Currituck Sound, and North Landing North River North Carolina, on the line of Atlantic inland navigation, Md Nmh Fivemi and Edenton Harbor, Albermarle Sound twenty thousand dollars. Edentnn Harbor; For day beacon at Anita Rock, California, one thousand five hundred Anita Rock; dollars. For light house at Great Beds, Raritan Bay, New Jersey, thirty four Great Beds; thousand dollars. For a light house and fog-signal at Point Wilson Puget Sound, Wasli- Point Wilson; ington Territory, eight thousand dollars. For beacon-lights at Lake Memphremagog, five thousand dollars. Lake Mnrnpiiremagogg For lights to guide past Cherry Island Flats, Delaware River, ten CMM? I¤!¤¤d thousand dollars. F1*““· COAST AND GEODET10 SURVEY. Survey of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts: For every purpose and object S“" "Y °f M necessary for and incident to the continuation of the survey of the At- mum °°a’°t' lantic and Gulf coasts of the United States, the Mississippi, and other rivers, to the head of ship-navigation or tidal influence; soundings, deep-sea temperatures, dredgings, and currenbobservations along the above-named coasts, and in the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf Stream, including its entrance into the Gulf of Mexico and east end of the Carribean Sea.; the triangulation toward the Western coast and furnishing points for State surveys; the preparation and publication of charts, the Coast Pilot, and other results of the work, with the purchase of materials therefor, including compensation of civilians engaged in the work, three hundred thousand dollars. Survey of the Western (Pacific) coasts: For every purpose and object Survey of P=wifi<= necessary for and incident to the continuation of the survey of the Pa- °°‘*”°· ciiic coasts of the United States, including the resurvey of San Pablo Bay and Suisun Bay, California, the Columbia and other rivers, to the head of ship-navigation or tidal influence; soundin gs, deep sea temperatures, dredgings, and current—observations along and in the branch of the Japan Stream flowing off the above-named coasts, with observations of other currents along the same coasts; the triangulation toward the eastern coast, and furnishing points for State surveys; the preparation and publication of charts, the Coast Pilot, and other results of the work, with the purchase of materials therefor, including compensation of civilians engaged in the wok, one hundred and eighty thousand dollars. Repairs of vessels: For the repairs and maintenance of the comple- Repairs of vesment of vessels used in the Coast Survey, thirty thousand dollars. MIS- That the accountingofficers of the Treasury are hereby authorized to MMM! HM- allow, in the accounts of Samuel Hein, late disbursing-agent of the Coast Survey, the expenditures heretofore made by him and not yet passed to his credit, upon presentation by him of vouchers for said expenditures, aud to make the necessary transfers on the books of the Treasury, to close the accounts of said disbursin g-agent, if said accountingoflicers shall find that said expenditures were fully and truly made for _ _ the benefit and use of the government; and also to credit said Hein G'°d”'”“”°°“’”’· with the sum of nine hundred and fifty dollars, being the amount standing to his credit on the books of the assistant treasurer of the United States at New Orleans, Louisiana, on the second day of April eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and for which sum he has not been reimbursed: Provided, That this authority shall not be construed as authorizing or Prvviwinvolving any payment whatever of money from the Treasury. ‘