Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/243

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218 FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 359. 1878. 1g7g0h_ 180, under the act providing a permanent form of government for the Dis- Ante, p. 102. trict of Columbia, three thousand six hundred dollars. Agents at seal Salaries and traveling; expenses of agents at seal fisheries in Alaska: fisheries. For one agent, three thousand six hundred and fifty dollars; one assist- ` ant agent, two thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars; two assistant agents, at two thousand one hundred and ninety dollars each; necessary traveling expenses of agents in going to and returning from Alaska, at six hundred dollars each per annum; and additional traveling expenses for two agents, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, thirteen thousand three hundred and fifty dollars. Protection of U. Lands and other property of the United States: For custody, care S·l““d“»°*°· and protection of lands and other property belonging to the United States, five thousand dollars. Emma;,,,;;.,,, of Examination of rebel archives and records of captured property: To rcbcl archives. enable the Secretary of the Treasury to have the records of captured and abandoned property examined, and information furnished therefrom, for the use and protection of the government, five thousand dollars. · . _Merchnnts’ Na- To reimburse the receiver of the Merchants’ National Bank of Wash- °‘°“"1B‘“‘k· ington, District of Columbia, for expenses incurred in the collection of the claim of the United States against Bayne and Company, three thousand and ninety-six dollars and forty-hve cents. R. G. Haldeld. To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay R. G. Hatfield, architect, for services rendered under order of the United States grand jury at New York City in May, eighteen hundred and seventy seven, upon the investigation of the causes of the accident at the post office building in that city, which had occurred just previously, one hundred and L fifty dollars S. W. Williams. To reimburse S. Wells Williams, late secretary and Chinese interpreter to the legation of the United States at Peking, China, a portion of amount paid by him to Chester Holcombe as substitute during the absence of said Williams on regular leave, one thousand six hundred dollars. _ Holm of WW1- For the purchase of relics of George Washington from the Lewis “‘g°°“· family, of Clark County, Virginia, the purchase to be made by the Sec- - retary of the Treasury at a. price not exceeding twelve thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. _ Unsigned mi- To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to redeem certain unsigned

  • ·‘°““H’““k “°*’°“· national-bank notes stolen from the office of the Comptroller of the Currency during the years eighteen hundred and sixtydbur to eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, both inclusive, five thousand dollars, or so much

thereof as may be necessary. · UNDER THE STATE DEPARTMENT. ` Third Assistant For salary of the Third Assistant Secretary of State, three thousand b°°"°t“’Y· five hundred dollars. Co¤*-iosoot 0}- For contingent expenses of foreign intercourse proper, and of all the {’f;’£;E;°'°‘g“ "" missions abroad, and for the necessary expenses attendant upon the ex- ' ecution of the neutrality act, ten thousand dollars. _P=¤fi¤ EXP <>¤i· To enable the Secretary of State to defray additional expenses neces °"Xddm0m, Bx_ sarily incurred by the Commissioner-General of the United States to the ,,c,,,,,,,,_ International Industrial Exposition in Paris, in erecting a special building for exhibits of agricultural machinery and products; in erecting a facade, or frontage, to the space allotted to the United States in the main building; in making necessary alterations and repairs; and for transportation, forty thousand dollars; to be available immediately Monetary con- For the proportion to be paid by the United States of the joint exf°E;g°bh 20 penses of the International Monetary Conierence authorized by the act A,,,,,’P_g5_’ of February twenty eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy eight, the ` sum ol' seven thousand tivo hundred dollars. $·D-U¤¤‘i¢>¤· For compensation of S. Dana Horton secretary to said commission,