Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/246

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FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 359. 1878. 22] For purchase and repair of seats, one thousand dollars. Public gmunaslu For purchase and repair of tools, five hundred dollars. W°»¤hi¤g¤>¤lD· C- For trees. tree—stakes, lime, whitewashing, and stock for nursery, two thousand dollars. For removing snow and ice, one thousand dollars. For flowers, pots, twine, baskets, and lycopodium, five hundred dollars. For abating nuisances, five hundred dollars. For care and repair of fountains in the public grounds one thousand dollars. For improving various reservations ilve thousand dollars. For laborers employed in the public grounds, four thousand dollars. Executive Mansion: For care of and repairs, refurnishing, and fuel Executive Manfor the Executive Mansion, and care of and necessary repair to the ¤i¤¤· greenhouses, and fuel for the same, twenty-tive thousand dollars. For care and repair of bridges, one thousand dollars. Bridges. Lighting the Executive Mansion and public grounds: For gas, pay of Lighting, cm, lamplighters, gas- litters, plumbers, plumbing, lamps, lamp-posts, matches, and repairs of all kinds; lamps for Anacostia bridge; fuel for the office, watchmen’s lodges, and for the greenhouse in the nursery, fifteen thousand dollars: Provided, That no more than twenty-five dollars shall be Pmuieo. paid per street-lamp for gas; and in case a contract cannot be made at Price of gaa. that rate, the engineer in charge is hereby authorized to substitute other illuminating material, and to use so much of the sum hereby appropriated as may be necessary for that purpose. Repair of water pipes and tire-plugs: For repairing and extending Water-pipes,etc. water-pipes, purchase of apparatus to clean them, and for cleaning the springs and repairing and renewing the pipes of the same that supply the Capitol, the Executive Mansion, and the War and Navy Depart ments, two thousand dollars. Telegraph to connect the Capitol with the departments and the Gov- Department telegrriment Printing Office: For repair and care of the same, one thousand grlvbo lars. Washington aqueduct: For engineering, maintenance, and general Washington repairs of the same, fifteen thousand dollars. ¤q¤¤<i¤¤¢· Building for State, War, and Navy Departments (east wing): To com- state, War, and plete the east wing and its approaches, to be expended for plastering NWN_ D¤P=¤¤¤¤¤* and stucco, glazing, painting, carpenter and joiner work, tiling floors, b°'m'"g‘ mantels and grates, elevators, balusters for windingstairways, iron fence, lamp-posts and lanterns for the approaches, ofdce rent, and contingencies, three hundred and twenty five thousand dollars. For continuing the construction of the north wing, to be expended for gut-stone, excavations, and foundations, two hundred and fifty thousand ollars. ' That the unexpended balance of the appropriation for the statue of General George H. Thomas, made by the act of July thirty-first, eighteen Statue of Genhundred and seventy six, amounting to two thousand four hundred and eral Th<>¤¤¤¤· sixty-five dollars and fifteen cents, be, and the same is hereby reappro· }g7g;;;"%’¥j,• priated, and made available to finish the pedes al and statue. " ' MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS. One hundredth meridian: For continuing, in field and otiilce, the geo- Geographical graphical survey of the territory of the United States west of the ono ¤“¤"°5’· hundredth meridian, the supply branches of the War Departmentaiding as heretofore; for the preparation, engraving, and printing of the maps and other illustrations, and the purchase of locations for connectingstations, fifty thousand dollars; to be immediately available. Survey of Northern and Northwestern Lakes and Mississippi River: Survey ¢>fN¤1‘fb- For continuing survey of Lake Erie: determination of points in aid of Qfgstggflulug "gf State surveys and construction of maps, continuation of triangulation °’ east from Mungo and south from Chicago and east to Lake Erie, survey of the Mississippi River; for Lake Erie: completion of triangulation