Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/276

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FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Rris. 20,22. 1878. 251 No. 20. Joint resolution antin he u oI , a a [ J national soldiers' gd sailgr; mumnftfg {gd ;(tnll:dri§tttaT00h(ibfh’ t the Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, SOm;,,,,,»a,,d,,,,,1_ and he is hereby, authorized to send from some convenient government ors’ reunion at Maarseual, to be used at the national soldiers’ and sailors’ reunion at Mari- dBm? *¤‘*·iU"Y» etta, Ohio to be held in September, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, °°°‘* f°" tour pieces of artillery, and such tents, muskets, and blank cartridges as can be conveniently spared; said cannon, tents, muskets, and so forth, to be returned after the holding of said reunion meeting in as like good condition as when received. Approved, May 4, 1878. [No. 22.] Joint resolution providing for the distribution and sale of the new edition May 2*,3, 1878, of the Revised Statutes of the United States. -—————-;— ' Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the fifteen thousand copies of Revised Statthe new edition of the first volume of the Revised Statutes of the United MGS; di¤§1‘Eb¤¤i<>¤ States required by the iourth section of the '·‘Act to provide for the prep- °f1‘g$;' °£‘g;’“· aration and publication of a new edition of the Revised Statutes of the 19 S{:,_;26g United States", approved March second, eighteen hundred and seventy- seven, to be printed and bound, shall be disposed of by the Secretary of State as follows: To the President of the United States, four copies, one of which shall be for the library of the Executive Mansion, and one copy for the use of the Commissioner of Public Buildings; to the Vice- President of the United States, two copies; to each Senator, Representntive, and Delegate in Congress, to the Secretary of the Senate and to the Clerk of the House of Representatives, one copy; to the librarian of the Senate, for the use of Senators, one hundred and twenty copies; to the librarian of the House, for the use of Representatives and Delegates, four hundred and ten copies; to the Senate of the United States, tor distribution, seven hundred and sixty copies; to the House of Representatives, for distribution, two thousand nine hundred and twenty copies; to the Library of Congress, fourteen copies, including tour copies for the law library; to the Department of State, for the use of legations and consulates, three hundred and eighty copies; to the Treasury Department, including those for the use of officers of customs, two hundred and eighty copies; to the War Department, including five copies for the use of the Military Academy at West Point, fifty-five copies; to the Navy Department, including three copies for the library of the Naval Academy at Annapolis, a copy for the library of each navy-yard in the United States, u copy for the Brooklyn Naval Lyceum, and a copy for the library of the Naval Institute at Charlestown, Massachusetts, seventy copies; to the Department of the Interior, including those tor the use of the surveyorsgeneral and registers and receivers of land oifices, two hundred and fifty-tive copies; to the Department of Justice, including those for the use of the Chief and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, the judges and officers of the United States and Territorial courts, four hundred and nity copies; to the Department of Agriculture, five copies; to the Smithsonian Institution, two copies; to the Government Printing Office, two copies; and the Secretary of State shall supply deuciencies and offices newly created. And that the resi- Sale oi due of said fifteen thousand volumes, together with any further number thereafter printed and bound, shall, by the Secretary of State, be sold at the cost of paper, press-work, and binding, with ten per centum added thereto; and said Secretary is authorized to make arrangements with booksellers to keep on sale said Revised Statutes, to be sold as aforesaid, for such part of the ten per centum above actual cost as he may deem just and reasonable. And whenever the said resi- _ Additional copdue of said fifteen thousand copies shall be exhausted, said Secretary ws-