Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/394

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FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 181. 1870. 369 For improving harbor at Manistee, Michigan, ten thousand dollars. b Mauistce Har- OI`. For improving harbor at Ludington, Michigan, five thousand dollars. b Ludington Har- OI`. For improving harbor at Pentwater, Michigan, six thousand dollars. b Pentwatcr Har- OI`. For improving harbor at White River, Michigan, seven thousand five W hi to Ri vc r hundred dollars H”*`b°*`· For improving Saint Mary’s River and Saint Mary’s Falls Canal three Saint M=¤ry’sRiv— hundred thousand dollars; of which sum two hundred thousand dollars *3* *****1 °°*““l· shall be expended on the canal, and one hundred thousand dollars shall be expended 011 the survey and improvement of the river towards obtaining a depth in present channel of sixteen teet. For improving harbor at Grand Haven, Michigan, nine thousand dol- Grand Haven ]m·S_ Harbor. For improving harbor at Black Lake, Michigan, six thousand dollars. b Black Lake Har- 0I'. For improving harbor at Saugatuck, Michigan, five thousand dollars. b Saugatuck Har- 0I`. _ For improving harbor at South Haven, Michigan, seven thousand South Haven five hundred dollars. Harbor. For improving river and harbor at Saint Joseph, Michigan, six Saint Joseph Rithousand dollars. ver and harbor. For harbor of refuge at Lake Huron, Michigan, seventy-tive thousand Lake Huron hardollars. bor of refuge. For improving Detroit River, Michigan, fifty thousand dollars. Detroit River. For improving Saint Clair Flats, Michigan, repairs of canal, three Saint ClairFlats. thousand dollars. For improving harbor at Muskegon, Michigan, five thousand dollars. Muskegon H arbor. For improving Saginaw River, Michigan, eight thousand dollars. Saginaw River For improving harbor at Cheboygan, Michigan, three thousand dol- Cheboygan Har lars. ber- For improving harbor at Monroe, Michigan, two thousand dollars. Monroe Harbor. For improving harbor and river at An Sable, Michigan, seven thou- An Sable Harbor sand dollars. mid R""- For improving harbor at Toledo, Ohio, twenty thousand dollars. Toledo Harbor. For improving harbor at Port Clinton, Ohio, ten thousand dollars. b PortClintonHar- Ol'. For improving and surveying harbor at Sandusky City, Ohio, one Sandusky City thousand dollars. H*”b°*· For improving harbor at Cleveland, Ohio, one hundred thousand b Cleveland Hardollars. °¥'- For improving harbor at Ashtabula, Ohio, nine thousand dollars. b Ashtabula Har- 0I`. For improving harbor at Erie, Pennsylvania, twenty-five thousand Erie Harbor. dollars. For improving harbor at Buffalo, New York, one hundred thousand Butfalo Harbor. dollars. l•‘or improving harbor at Oak Orchard, New York, one thousand Oak Or e hard dollars. H·¤*·¤r- For improving harbor at Charlotte, New York, repair of piers, one Charlotte Harthousand dollars. bm'- For improving harbor at Pultneyville, New York, tour thousand dol- Pultneyvillc larsl HZlTbO1`. For improving harbor at Great Sodus Bay, New York, two thousand Great Sodus Bay dollars. Harm For improving Oakland Harbor, California, sixty thousand dollars; Oa.klandHarb01'. but this sum shall not be available until the right of the United States Conditions. to the bed of the estuary and trainingwalls of this work is secured, free of expense, to the government, in a manner satisfactory to the Secretary of \Var; and if said right shall not have been so secured by September first, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, said sum shall be returned into the Treasury. xx--24