Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/410

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FOIITYFIFTII CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 182. 1879. 385 O For purchase of law-books and suitable books of reference for the Tree-surylibx·¤ny. library of the Treasury Department, one thousand dollars. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed to Reimbursement pay the State of Georgia seventy-two thonsan d two hundred and ninety. °f G°°’€’°~ six dollars and ninety-ibur cents, in full settlement of advances made to the United States lor the suppression of the Creek, Seminole, a11d Cherokee Indians in eighteen hundred and thirty-five, eighteen h11n- dred and thirty-six, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, and eighteen hundred and thirty-eight; and that said sum be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed to Reimburseincn t pay the State of Kentucky, on special settlement of the third and fourth °f K°¤*¤¤kY· installments of her war claims under act of July twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, the sum of six thousand and ni11ety-one dollars and eighty-five cents, which has been confirmed by the Second Comptroller of the Treasury. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed to R¤i¤¤b¤¤‘S¤¤¤9¤# pay to the State of Peniisylvania eight thousand two hundred and thirty- °f P"“"“Y1"‘“““· six dollars and fifty-six cents, being the £l1lIOllIllC due said State on special settlement of her war claims, under the act of July tW0llby-SCVGIIHJ, 1861- ch- Q; eighteen hundred and sixty-one, entitled "An act to indemnify the States 12 Smtn 2"’· for expenses incurred by them in defense of the United States." To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to refund to the city of Balti- Rqraymerlt to more, State of Maryland, amounts advanced at the request of Major- B”1*““°’°· General R. C. Schenck, dated J unc twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, to aid the United States in the construction of works of defense, the accounts to be passed by the accounting officcrs of the Treasury, not to exceed the amounts examined, allowed, and approved by the Secretary of War, a sum not exceeding ninety-six thousand one hundred and fifty-two dollars is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. For three additional clerks in the office of the assistant treasurer of A¤Si¤*=¤¤*· *¤‘°¤¤· the United States at New Y01'](, two at the rate of one thousand Eve my N'" Y°'k‘ lmndred dollars per annum, and one at the rate of one thousand two hundred dollars per annum, for the service of the unexpired portion of the current fiscal year a sufficient sum is hereby appropriated. For salary to Charles Bryant, late special Treasury agent of the seal C. Il»·y:mt. islands in Alaska, from May fifteenth to Ju11e thirticth, eighteen hundred and seventyseven, inclusive, at the rate of three thousand six hundred and fifty dollars per annum, being a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, tour hundred {1I1d seventy-one dollars and twenty-nine cents. For proiessional services rendered 2`llld expenses incurred by F. W. F. W. Vielw. Viehe, attorney-at-law, Vi11ce11nes, Indiana, i11 the case of the United States versus H all-Neilson and others, involving the title claimed by the United States to avaluablc tract of land situated in the city of Vincennes, Indiana, three thousand one hundred and eighty-five dollars and six cents. . To pay John Sherman, junior, United States marshal for New Mex- J. Sherman, ji-. ico, for services rendered and expenses incurred in paying per diem, witnesses, bailitls, and other similar and necessary expenses in the investigation of the Una. dc Gate land grant in the Territory of New Mexico, under authority given by the act of July twentysecond, eighteen hundred and fifty-tour, three hundred and fifty-one dollars and 11lllCty-thI'€C cents. To pay I3. R. Lewis and J. J. Codec the balances due them as marshal B- R- §-•¤ri¤- and clerk respectively at the consulate-general at Shanghai, China, J· J- L°“°°· d uring their absence attending on subpoenas as witnesses before a committee of the House of Representatives, the sum of two thousand two hundred and three dollars and sixty-nine cents, to be available at once; and said Lewis and Cotiee shall receive no allowance for witness fees — and travelling expenses. xx—-25