Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/433

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408 FORTYFIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 182. 1879. Pqblic ¤¤h•>01¤, dollars; nine janitors, at fifty dollars each, four hundred and fifty dol- °°“°‘”“°d· lars, additional teachers and increase of pay by continuous service, twenty two thousand dollars; rent of school buildings, thirty thousand dollars; fuel, twelve thousand dollars; repairs to school buildings, twenty five thousand dollars; contingent expenses, including books, stationery, printing, insurance, and miscellaneous items, twenty one thousand five hundred and eighty seven dollars and thirty seven cents · for the construction of two new school buildings, purchase of lots, and furniture, complete and ready for occupancy, at thirty seven thousand Donation of lou five hundred dollars each, seventy five thousand dollars: Provided, J""' “’°°°l b“*’d”9- That two lots on square one hundred and fifty eight, sou th side of Massachusetts avenue and west of Seventeenth street, belonging to the United States, may be used by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia for school purposes and they may erect one of said school houses Supermlsionofcon- thereon: And provided, That the inspector of buildings of the District 8#*“¤¢W>¤- shall have authority and control over and supervision of the construction and repairs of all school buildings if the Commissioners deem best to delegate the same to him; in all, four hundred and seventy five thousand dollars. _ Metropolitan po- For the Metropolitan police, as follows; One major and superintendh°°· ent, two thousand six hundred and sixty six dollars; one captain, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one property clerk, one thousand eight ~ hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; three surgeons, at four hundred and fifty dollars each, one thousand three hundred and nfty dollars; six detectives, at one thousand three hundred and twenty dollars each, seven thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars; ten lieutenants, at one thousand two hundred dollars each, twelve thousand dollars; twenty sergeants, at one thousand one hundred and forty dollars each, twenty two thousand eight hundred dollars; seven acting sergeants, at one thousand and eighty dollars each, seven thousand five hundred and sixty dollars; seventy three privates, class one, at nine hundred dollars each, sixty five thousand seven hundred dollars; one hundred and twenty privates, class two, at ten hundred and eighty dollars each, one hundred and twenty nine thousand six hundred dollars; sixteen station keepers at five hundred and sixteen dollars each, eight thousand two hundred and fifty six dollars; eight laborers, at four hundred and twenty dollars each, three thousand three hundred and sixty dollars; two telegraph operators at seven hundred and eighty dollars each, one thousand five hundred and sixty dollars; one messenger, nine hundred dollars; one messenger, three hundred and sixty dollars; one major and superintendent, mounted service, three hundred and sixty dollars; one captain, mounted service, two hundred and forty dollars; fifty lieutenants, sergeants and privates, mounted, at two hundred and forty dollars each, twelve thousand dollars; rent of police station houses and police headquarters, six thousand two hundred dollars; fuel, one thousand five hundred 3Il(l. forty three dollars; repairs to station houses, one thousand two hundred dollars; miscellaneous expenses, including stationery, gas, telegraphing, ice, washing, printing, meals to prisoners, repairs to van, and so forth; twelve thousand one hundred and eighty four dollars; in all three Provieon. hundred and nve thousand two hundred and forty dollars; Provided, That all new appointments shall be made to class one; And provided, That the number in any class shall not at any time exceed the number herein designated. Fm><1¤p¤r¢m<>¤t- For the iire department and fire alarm, as follows: Two commissioners (one of whom shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Interior to represent the interests of the general government on said board of commissioners), at two hundred dollars each, four hundred dollars; one commissioner and secretary, four hundred dollars; one chief engineer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one assistant engineer, one thousand four hundred dollars; one superintendent of tire alarm telegraph, one thousand five hundred dollars; two telegraph operators, at one thousand