Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/542

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FOR1‘Y·FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 77. 1878. 5].7 Alonzo and Virginia Berry, administrator and administratrix of the M¤1'5’I¤¤d» ¤¤¤· estate of Otho Williams, deceased, Washington County, eight hundred "““°d· and forty dollars. Eliza M. Blackford, executrix of the last will and testament of H. V. S. Blackford, deceased, Washington County, one thousand three hundred and ninety-eight dollars and twenty cents. Jacob B. Bleeker, executor of the last will and testament of Jacob Bleeker, deceased, Washington County, three hundred and forty dollars and five cents. John W. Brown, Montgomery County, one hundred and seventy dollars and fifty cents. · James J. Brengle, administrator of the estate of Lawrence J. Bren gle, deceased, Frederick County, one hundred and one dollars and ninety- seven cents. d Mary Claggett, Frederick County, four hundred and ninety-eight 0 ars. Nathaniel Claggett, Montgomery County, one thousand one hundred and thirty-five dollars. Robert G. Connell, Montgomery County, six hundred and twenty-six dollars and fifty cents. Barnes Compton, Baltimore, one hundred and ninety dollars. Joseph and Thomas F. Cover, administrators of the estate of John Cover, deceased, Carroll County, five hundred and forty dollars. Jacob H. Cost, Washington County, fifty-tive dollars and twelve cents. Lewis C. Corkerly, and Lewis C. Corkerly, executor of the last will and testament ofJohn C. Herring, deceased, Frederick County, ninety- five dollars. Sarah R. Cronise, executor of the last will and testament of Gideon Cronise, deceased, sixty seven dollars and eighty cents. Patrick M. Dayton, Allegheny County, seven hundred and seventy dollars. A. M. V. B. Deanar, administrator of the estate of Christian Deanar, deceased, Washington County, one hundred and thirty-nve dollars and fifteen cents. Mary H. Duphorne, Frederick County, one hundred and eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents. George W. Easterday, Washington County, forty-seven dollars and live cents. James B. Elgin, administrator of the estate of Mary Elgin, deceased, Montgomery County, one thousand one hundred and twenty-three dollars. Solomon Eavey, Washington County, three dollars. Thomas H. Etchison, Frederick County, one hundred and thirty-five dollars. John Fauble, Frederick County, forty-five dollars and six cents. Daniel Grove, Frederick County, twenty-four dollars and fifty cents. B. F. Graves, Washington County, two hundred and eighty-one dollars. William L. Haller, administrator of the estate of Jacob Haller, deceased, late of Frederick County, sixty dollars and fifty-six cents. John Hammond, Washington County, five hundred and fifteen dollars. James W. Inskeep, Alleghany County, one thousand three hundred and seventy-three dollars and seventy-five cents. Elizabeth J arboe, Montgomery County, one thousand and forty-two dollars and fifty cent . George S. Kennedy, Washington County, thirty dollars. _ Samuel L. King, trustee of John Hager, Washington County, eighty- four dollars. Jolm W. Long, Frederick County, eighteen dollars. Mary Marlow, Frederick County, four hundred and forty-five dollars and fifty cents.