Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/796

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CON`VENTION—UINIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. JUNE 1, 1878. 771 tionfaitparvenixydansle premierse- tion transmits, in the first half of International mestre dc chaque annee, au Bureau each year, to the International Bu- B“*`°”»“ °°*`F°· international, une serie complete de reau, a complete series of statistical Sp°Hd°“°°‘ renseignements statistiques, se rap- details relating to the preceding portant a Pannee precedente, sous year, in the term of tables filled up tbrme dc tableaux dresses d’apres according to information from the les indications du Bureau interna- International Bureau, which distional, qui distribue a cet eiiet des tributes for this purpose formulas formules toutes préparees. already prepared. 6. Les correspondances adressees 6. The correspondence addressed par les administrations de l’Union by the Administrations of the an Bureau international, et rice Union to the International Bureau, rersa, sont assimilees, po1u· la fran- and rice rersa, is assimilated, as chise de port, aux correspondances regards freedom from postage, to echangees entre lesadmiuistrations. the correspondence exchanged between the Administrations. XXX. XXX. Attributums du Bureau interna- Duties of the International Bureau. tional. 1. Le Bureau international dresse 1. The International Bureau pre- I¤wf¤¤?i<>¤¤·i une statistique génerale, pour pares general statistics for each B““°""‘ d‘"”"“· chaque annee. year. 2. Il rédige, a l’aide des docu- 2. It publishes, by the aid of the ments qui sont mis a sa disposition, documents which are put at its disun journal special en langues alle- posal, a special journal in the Germande, anglaise et francaise. man, English, and French languages. 3. Tous les documents publiés par 3. All the documents published le Bureau international sont dis- by the International Bureau are tribués aux administrations de distributed to the Administrations l’Union, dans la proportion du of the Union in the proportion of nombre d’unites contributives as- the number of contributing units signées a chacune d’elles par Parti- assigned to each by Article cle XXVIII precedent. XXVIII. preceding. 4. Les exeniplaires et documents 4. The additional copies and supplementaires qui seraient re- documents which may be applied clames par ces administrations sont for by these Administrations are payes a part, d’apres leur prix de paid for, separately, at prime cost. revient. 5. Le Bureau international doit, 5. The International Bureau d’ailleurs, se tenir en tout temps a must, besides, hold itself always at la disposition des membres de the disposal of the members of the l’Union, pour leur fournir, sur les Union, for the purpose of furnishquestions relatives au service inter- ing them with any special informanational des postes, les renseigne- tion they may require upon quesments speciaux dont iis pourraient tions relating to the International avoir besoin. Postal Service. 6. Le Bureau international in- 6. The International Bureau struit les demandes de modification makes known demands for the ou d’interprétation des dispositions modification or interpretation of qui regissent l’Union. Il notifie les the stipulations which govern the resultats de chaque instruction, et Union. It notifies the results of toute modification ou resolution each application, and any modiiicaadoptee n’est executoire que deux tion or resolution adopted is not exmois, au moins, apres sa notifica- ecutive until twomonths, at least, tion. after its notification. _ 7. Dans les questions a résoudre 7. In the questions to be decided pur Passentiment unanime ou par by unanimous assent or by the mala majorité des administrat-ions de jority of the Union Administrations,