Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/834

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Aaronbury, Edward,
reimbursement of losses of 497
Abandoned Property,
appropriations for examination of records of 218, 384
for defending suits for seizure of 233, 398
for deficiencies in 121
in return of proceeds of 421
Abbott, B. Vaughn,
payment to 117
Abbott, George W.,
payment to 637
Abernathy, Mary E., administratrix,
payment to 643
Absecom, N. J.,
appropriations for protecting site of light-house at 214, 381
Abstracted Bonds,
appropriations for interest on certain. 86, 315
Academy of Sciences,
to co-operate with National Board of Health 484
to consider and report plans for scientific surveys and distribution of reports, etc 230
appropriation for payment of claims certified to be due by. 420
shall settle account of Tennessee for keeping military prisoners 260
shall settle accounts of Commissioners, etc., of District of Columbia 105
shall examine claims under exhausted, etc., appropriations 130
not to allow claims willfully excessive. 524
to settle accounts of officers, etc., on Huron. 498
of C. N. Sanders, paymaster lost on Huron. 498
binding of 207
appropriation for extra pay to clerk of House Committee on. 11
for payment of, of certain persons for services approved by House Committee on 41
certain appropriations to be paid only on order of House Committee on 11
of United States attorney for District of Columbia, how audited and paid. 7
of poetmasters, deficiencies in, to be notified to sureties 281
under amendment to postal convention with New Zealand 699
with Victoria 706
Acklen, J. H.,
contested-election expenses of 256, 400
before consuls, etc., of deeds, etc., to lands in
District of Columbia validated 353
Acook, Lucy C.,
payment to 503
Acquia Creek, Va.,
appropriation for improvement of 152
Acting Assistant Surgeons,
in Navy, to be examined for appointment, etc 294
further appointment prohibited 295
Active List, Navy,
appropriations for pay of 48, 284
Adams, Alfred B., deceased,
payment of judgment to administrator of 234
Adams, John C.,
payment to 637
Adams, J. F., administrator,
payment to 649
Adams, Martin, administrator,
payment to 631
Adams, Mila,
payment to 650
Adams, Samuel,
payment to 515
Adams, Samuel V.,
pension to 615
Adams, Jeremiah B. N.,
payment to 554
Adams Express Company,
payment to 122
Addington, John,
payment to 653
Addison, Jonathan,
payment to estate of 637
Additional Article,
to postal convention with Canada. 701
with Newfoundland 702
Additional Compensation,
to clerks employed upon refunding debt 384
no part of appropriation for temporary clerks, Treasury Department, to be used for 188
Addoms and Glover,
payment to 120
appropriation for damages to schooner, etc. 380
Adjutant-General, Army,
appropriations for expenses of Department of, at headquarters 1, 146
for salaries, etc., in office of 195
Adjutants, Army,
forage for horses of 151
Adkerson, John H.,
payment to 505
Adkins, Aurelius,
payment to 661
Adkins, Elias,
payment to 661
Adkins, James,
payment to 661
