Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/903

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878 mnnx. Page-. Page. Kentucky River, l King, Matthew, _ appropriation for improvement 01, from , payment to. ... . . . . . . 504 mouth to Three Forks .. . ... 370 5 King, Nancy, examination and survey ef, and of naviga- g payment to . . . . . . . ... 523 ble tributaries . .. 161 King, Samuel L., trustee, r Kcnwortlzy, Thomas R, P¤§’m0¤t lQ· -·-··-·-·-· · -··-· · ····· · ····· **17 payment t0_ ____, _ _____ _ __.__ ,_ __ ____ 523 Kvrg,’S¤¢·¢:57it0., 659 Km-by, Errwzbm, amend, K};‘*?> *,;*5**,,, °· ····· · · ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ " " ‘‘‘‘‘‘ payment to estate of. .. .- 4. ... 520 pg§mcgt’t0 ____" ____ ______________ 655 Ke"`, Nancm · King William D. v=~>‘¤¤¤¤r m ~----------- -- --—·—--- - ------- 553 puymentto _,_,,, _ _,___________ _ _____ 422 Kilxmglltatglhl 649 Kingsbury, Gteergq W,, t t 224

  • _------.-..---'-`--'.----`--" * I ( * 0, _____ _ ____ _,______ _

Key West Kai·bor,_ Fla., Kgzgwnggo EJ“m§;E1;,_

mppr0prmtion for 11gI1t—h0u e at northwest paovmént ',0" _’ N. _" _ _ nu In n- 644

passage of . ... -... .. 381 Kindatom John my K6'?/» J'-WP]': _ payment to .. . , .. ..,,,,,,___, 120 Im·5'm€¥}t to-- ·--- - - - - ·---·-· -- -- --·-—-- —- · 507 Ki nninglaam , Ira, Key. Vvume peyment lo. ... . . . . . . mn 1»¤·ym¤¤* f<> -------· -- ---··-—·---- - ------- 557 · Kinsey, John G., Keykmdauy Joh"; I payment to . , , , _ , ,___ _ _ _ _ _____, _ ____ _ (533 payment to . . .. . . . . . .. . , . - . . . . 655 Kimingw, 0],,.,,8,,m,, Kickupvv Indians. payment of judgment to __ ________ _ _____ 7 appropriations for interest, etc., to . .. .71, 302 Kiowa, Indiana, , Ihr deaclcncms for °°H°°°mgv ctc ···-··-· 429 appropriations for installments, etc., to. . . 66, 297 KM. Hgrvgaegr, 64, it? subsgtmce, em., ef. . . .. e4, its Paym D ·-·;·_· ···· j· ···· —·• -··· · • ---- · J 01‘d0 cieneies h1_,., , _,,_ __ ____,____ 4 Kidd: S'g;”:t“dm'”'“h“h”$: rr 8 payment item trust funds of, to heirs of Abel 396 paym 0 .. . . 4 ..-.. . . .. ee _ LBO_ _____ _ _____ _ ____________ - Kidd, Thomas, administrator, Kirby Aidrmv J payment to .. . . -. .. . . 558 puykont to _ _ _ ______ _ ______ _ _____ _ _____ 552 1i’·¤s Maw, Kirby, Mary .L, Payment to -·-·-· · ---··---· ~· · --·---—---· 639 payment to __,_ , ___,, _ ______ _ __ _ ____ ____ 552 Kwbvm, Frank 0-. Kem, A. 12., aamimemmr, payment .0f Judgment to. . .. . . . . . . 411 payment to ___________ _ __________________ 507 Kimbra, E. K, deceased, K{,•k James payment to estate of .. . .-. .. . . . 667 pagrmont @0 ______ _ ____ _ ______ ____ ________ 659 Kimbro, Samuel, deceased, K,,,.],` James damaged r•=¤·vm¤¤* ’¤¤ ¤¤*¤*~> of- ——-- - -——· - ---—- — ----- 667 - payment to em.m’0f . . 507 Kimbrough, James, deceased, I K,,,.], John O_ payment to estate of. . .. . . 643 { 1,,,3,),,1,,,,,),, m’ ____________ _ _____ ____ ____ ____ 558 Kimmell, Manning M, Kirk ,;,,8,,1,;, political disabilities . . . 590 ,,,,,3,,;,,,,,,* tb _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ ______ 639 Ki ng’a River Reservation, K,,.],,_ W M_ administrator appropriation for goods, etc., for Indians en . 120 Payment t}, ____ _ _____ _ ______ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ 507 Kwa, Andrew 0-, Kirkland, charm K., wm¤¤# *0 —----· ------———---- - ------ 501 payment to .. . . . . eau KM0, Cynthia 0-, zznkzm, num, emma, Payment to ---··---·· - —---· - ---·---—----- 655 payment to tm of . ...,, , _____ _ _____ 645 King, Edward, administrator, Kirkpatrwk, Adam D., payment to . -.. . . . .. 558 payment to . . . . - ... . . . . . . 639 King, George C'., Kirkpatrick, Danni, deceased, claim of, referred to Claims Commission 566 payment to estate of . . . . . . . . . . 659 King, George P., Kirtlcy, Ambrose, · payment to ... 564 payment to . . . . . . .- .. 630 King, Gideon, Kirwan, Thomas, payment 1:0 .. 630 payment to --.. .. ..-. 565 King, Guilford D., deceased, Ktskadden, William, payment to estate of. .. . . . 552 payment to ...,,. -. .. . . . . . , , , 414 King, Henderson, ‘ Kiskiminitas River, Pa., paydnent to .. .- .. 630 examination and survey of ., . . ,,,. 162 King, Im TK, administratoi·, Kite, Peuben, payment to . . . 520 4 payment to ,,,,,, _ ,,,,..,., , ,___, , __,_,__ 564 King, Ireclcll H., K lamalh Indiana, Kpaiyming to -- .- .. 630 Knppreiyérietiens fer installments te , , , ,72, 302 ing, . . ine, am deccawl puymentltou .. - ... .. 558 payment to estate ef. . . , .. .. . . ,,,, (339 King, J. LL, Kline, Mary, e.wcutrix, payment to. . . .. .. 636 payment to .. . - .. 639 King, James K., { Knapp, Peter, payment to . ,. 558 ‘ payment to .. . . . .. . . 639 King, Jonas L., Kneedson, Ale, payment to . . . . . . . . _ . . _ . - . . . . 523 . payment to .. . . . ... . . 504 King, Kinchen W1, deacased, . Knight, Albert G., payments to estate of ... , . . . .. 558 , released from judgment and bond . 668 King, Martin, deceased, ; Knight, Alexander, payment to estate of , . . , . , 523 i payment te ..., .. . . .. . . . . . . . . 521