Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/444

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414 ronrrsrxrn eonennss. snss. III. en. 131, 132. 1881. March 3, 1881. CHAP. 131.-An act tg an£nV•1thle_acg1g’nc1¢;rp1>r¤1in(g th; Onnitol, North 0 Smeg and ————-——·———· 011 BSI!] ll &1W3y OID8D. Be it enacted by- the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Capitol, North 0 States of America in Congress assembled, That the act to incorporate the S“°°? wd Sfculil Capitol, North O Street and South Washington Railway Company, ap. X7js]§"gt°“ Mproved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-tive, be, and the y OID11B1I1y. _ . . . . Act of meorpor- same is hereby, amended, so as to authorize said company, at 1ts disativu ¤·m¤¤<1¤d=_ eretion, to remove its track from Ohio avenue and Twelfth street south. S£7518°}é8 lblr west, and lay a singletor dougole t1;_a<3<],jand run its ca3~sBthereon,tigomr;gS " _’present line at the in ersec on 0 0 avenue an ourteen s 1; Rom south, along Fourteenth street to C street southwest, eastward1y along G street southwest to Virginia avenue, to connect with 1lJS present hne at the junction of said avenue and street; and also to lay a smgle or double track from 1hS present lme on P street and Eleventh street northwest, north along said Eleventh street to Boundary street · and to lay a single or double track commencing at the intersection of (Justreet and Eleventh street southwest, running thence south on Eleven street to Southern termi- Water street south, running thence easterly on Water street south to mls- M street south, which point shall be the southern terminus of the road: Ame. Provided, That the said company shall complete the tracks and run its cars along the streets named within six months from the approval of this act. jljerms and cpu- Sec. 2. That should any part of the track extension herein authorized dm°£¤ 0;,1,-1 0*%* coincide with portions of any other duly incorporated street railway, the “°°* °w ·‘“°t° ‘ relative condition of the chartered rights may be adjusted upon terms to be mutually agreed upon between thebompanies, or, in case of disagreement, by the supreme court of the D1str1et_of Columbia, on petition iihed there1n by gither party, and on such notice to the other party as t e court may or er. BFM° f*é°*W°°¤ _ Sec. 3. That the fare between the Bureau of Engraving and Print- 1n‘g°;:({’ ing and the nearest junction with any intersecting road shall be two and nearest juno- camistion with any intersecting road. Rishi °f WW Pf Sec. 4. That any other duly incorporated street-railway company in T;';` c°':1';°:':?;1g the District of Columbiashall have the right to run its cars_ over that .,,,,,1 tm,k,_ portion 0; die rouge hereiribefore named sough of Pepnsylvania 3V0f!;!}?, upon suc air an equita e terms as may e agree upon etween e said companies; and in the event that the said companies shall fail to agree upon satisfactory terms, either of said companies may apply by pet1tion to the supreme court of the District of Columbia, which shall prov1de for proper notice to, and hearing of, all parties in interest; and shall have power to determine the terms and cond1tions upon wh1ch, and Eno xigegulatrojps under which, the said company or companies using the rae s over ie route before named may use and enjoy said tracks an the amount and manner of compensation to be paid therefor. ’ _ Emo. 5. That Congress may at any time amend, alter, or repeal this ac Approved, March 3, 1881. _ March 3, 1881. CQAP. 132.-An act making appropriations to supply deficiencies in the appropria- ··—·—;— gméisafpr the nsoal yeaxi efndinig Jungmtllgrgiethh eighteen hundred and éightykvgr prior years am or ose ob th t' o e Treasury in accordance with section font 02,8 theoaot of (jI:(n(:)1f¢1:ui·Itege1(ith(;é;ightmn §;¤(3;!;>£` giligpgggshty-Blght, heretofore paid from permanent appmpdatlom, and D··‘¤¤i¤¤¤v er- Be it enacted by at s · · a - 1,1 1881, _ _ enate and House of Representatives of the Unite g2g9g],?,: xiu-,1 States Q/` America in Congress assembled, That the following sums b0,&11d