Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/5

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. V Page. Graashpppers, An act for the relief of settlers on the public lands in districts subject to grasshopper _ mcursions. July 1, 1879 .. . .. . ..,, , _,___,,____ _____ _ _____ ____ 48 Qumme. An act to put salts of quinine and sulphate of quinine on the free list. July 1, 1879.. 48 · RESOLUTIONS. Professor Joseph Henry. Joint resolution authorizing the printing of a portrait of the late Joseph _ H61117, to accompany the memorial volume heretofore ordered, Apu] 18, 1879 ____ ___ _ ______ 4S National Board of Health. Joint resolution relating to the organization of the National Board of Health, April 18, 1879 ,___ , ,,__, _ ___________ _ __________,____ _, ,,._,, ,,,. ,,._,. , ,,._ _ ,,__ 49 Public Birding. _ Joint resolution authorizing the Public Printer to bind in cloth two volumes of _ Sailing Directions for the United States Hydrographic Office. June 9, 1879 . . . . 49 Szdrzey and Melbourne Expositions. Joint resolution in relation to the international exhibitions to be held at Sydney and Melbourne, Australia, in eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, and eighteen hundred and eighty. June 10, 1879 .. . . ,,,__,,___ ______ _ ____ _ ____ _ ______ 49 Wu.·aM·n_qton’s birth-place. Joint resolution directing a monument to be erected to mark the birthplace of George Washington. June 14, 1879 . . .. .,.. . ...,. 50 tguuranwttno Hulks. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to place vessels and hulks at the disposal of commissioners of quarantine or other proper persons at the ports of the Unite;] S1;3,1;35_ June 14, 1879 _,__ __ _____,.,,_ , _ , _ ,,_, _ , ,_,__,___,_, , , _ , .,., , ,,__,.,,.,,_,,, 50 l'roj?:ssar Edward Fontaine. Joint resolution accepting trom Professor Edward Fontaine, of Louisiana, certain maps, drawings, and explanations of the same. June 19, 1879 . . . 50 I’nbIic Printing cmd Binding. Joint resolution to print five thousand copies of the Final Reports of the United States Centennial Commission upon the International Exhibition and Centennial Celebration of eighteen hundred and seventy-six. June 20, 1879 .. . . . .. . .. ., 50 Uczmit 1fiwr bridge. Joint resolution relating to a bridge across the Detroit River at or near Detroit, Michigan. June 20, 1879. .. .. ,.. . ,. . . , .,._, 51 smulry civil appropriations, anumdments. Joint resolution to repeal certain clauses in the sundry civil appropriation act, approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, and for other purposes. June 20, 1879 . ... . . .-., .. . ... . 51 Pay of House employes. Joint resolution fixing the date on which the pay of committee clerks, pages, and laborers of the House of Representatives, who are paid during the session only, shall begin for this session, and for other purposes. June 24, 1879. .- .. . . . . .. 53 [hm-(}_(7ice, Washington, D. C. Joint resolution authorizing the appointment of a commission to lease a8l; for a city post-office in the city of Washington, District of Columbia June 27, 1 .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . 53 I7nih·¢1 States Centennial Gmumiosion. Joint resolution to provide for the purchase of the stereotype plates of the final reports of the Centennial Commission upon the Centennial Exhibition of eighteen hundred and seventy-six. June 27, 1879.. . . . .- .. . . 53 Iluslrirzgton Monument. Joint resolution authorizing the completion of the foundation of the Washington Monument. June 27, 1879- , . . . .. . . . .. . . 54 Vidm¢rrlo—Gu.lindo drafts. Joint resolution relative to certain accepted drafts and other papers in the Department of State. June 28, 1879 . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 54 .1.·ou·cr Post Grand Army of the Rqaublic. Joint resolution donating granite blocks to Mower Post Grand Army of the Republic of New Orleans, Louisiana. June 28, 1879 . . . . 54 Mississippi River. Joint resolution authorizin a survey of the Mississippi River near Lake Concordia, Louisiana., and Cowpen Bend, Mdssissippi. June 28, 1879 . ..,... 54 Home- mul Senate employe'::. Joint resolution in relation to committee clerks, pages, and other employees of the Senate and House of Representatives, and for other purposes. July 1, 1879.. 55 House employes. Joint resolution to pay the employees of the House of Representatives borne on the annual roll one inonth’s extra pay. July 1, 1879 .. . .. .. . . .. .. . .- .. 56 llryl’x United States Import Duties. Joint resolution to supply Congress with Heyl’s United States import. Duties. July l, 1879 .. - . . . ---. .-. 56 STATUTE II.-1879-’80. Distilbd spirits. An act authorizing an allowance for loss by leakage or casualty of spirits with- . drawn from distillery warehouses for exportation. December 20, 1879 .. .-:... . . 59 Portraits and vignettes. An act relating to printing impressions from portraits and vignettes. Dep °°’“,.,.."°‘ ”**”°· 1. ‘‘‘‘ i; ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ e- ‘‘‘‘ rt. ‘‘‘‘‘‘ "‘w="‘t.a"‘.1‘2.1; ‘‘‘‘‘ t.;" "° emion aima. n ac ma in appropria ions or epaymen o mva an o er pen 1 ns of the United States for the iiscgl year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty- one. January13,l880 .. . ... . _. .. .,.. 59 Block Island, tel rap). An act to authorize the laying8p:` a telegraphxc cable from the mam land in Rhode elzland to Block Island. January 14, 1 . ..-- ·- - - ------ -- --·--· - - - - 60 Land district in Dakota. An act to establish a land district in the Territory of Dakota, and locating the odicc at Grand Forks. J suuary 21, 1880. . ..-..-.--·· · --·-- ---~··- ---·~· - ----- · --·-· 60 Revised Statutes. An act to amend sections twenty-three hundred and twenty-four and twenty- three hundred and twenty-five of the Revised Statutes of the United States concerning mm- _ eral lands. Ja.nun.ry22, 1880 .. .. .. . . ., . . · 61 Harbor at Delaware Brcakwater. An act directing the removal of obstructions from the harbor at Delaware Breakwater. J auuary 23, 1880 ----- _- ----- ; -··- · ·~--· · -···--···- · --·· · ·---· · - - -;- 61 Right of way across Water Shops Pond. An act granting a right of way across Water Shops Pond in Springfield, Massachusetts, to the Springfield and New London Railroad Company. January Gl 24,180..; . ... .. .- ..------ - -----------·------- --· ----- ---- ·--- ~-