Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/59

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FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 34. 1879. 29 by section twenty of act of March third, eighteen hundred and seventy- nine, census act; also to enable him to provide offices for the Geological Survey, and offices for additional accommodation of pension clerks, three , thousand dollars. Unnnn THE ARCHTTECT OF THE GAPI1‘OL.—FOF person in charge Capitol heating of heating apparatus of the Congressional Library and Supreme Court, ”·PP”mt“s> cw eight hundred and sixty-four dollars; for one laborer in charge of water closet in central portion of the Capitol, six hundred and sixty dollars; for three laborers for cleaning rotunda, corridors, and dome, at six hundred and sixty dollars each; for the pay of six watchmen employed on the Capitol grounds, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; in all, seven thousand eight hundred and twenty-four dollars. Ormcn on Aunrroa on Riunnoiln Accounrs.-For Auditor, three Auditor or Railthousand six hundred dollars; book-keeper, two thousand four hundred road Accounts. dollars; assistant book—keeper, two thousand dollars; railroad engineer, two thousand dollars; one clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; one copyist, nine hundred dollars; traveling and other expenses, one thousand five hundred dollars; incidental expenses, two hundred and fifty dollars; in all, fourteen thousand and fifty dollars. SOUTHERN CLAIMS COMMISSION. For pay of three commissioners to the tenth day of March, eighteen S¤l¤»1"i¢>¤· hundred and eighty, at the rate of five thousand dollars per annum each; one clerk, at the rate of two thousand five hundred dollars; one stenographer, at the rate of two thousand five hundred dollars; one messenger at the rate of one thousand two hundred dollars; three additional clerks, at the rate of one thousand two hundred dollars each; in all, seventeen thousand two hundred and twenty-two dollars and twenty-one cents. For compensation of three investigating agents, at five dollars per Investigating day when actually employed; also traveling expenses of agents, fees **S‘*¤*¤S· and mileage to government witnesses, costs of summoning government witnesses, fees to commissioners for taking testimony, fees for abstracts and exempliiications of public records relating to claims and claimants, six thousand dollars: Provided, That said agents shall give notice to Nottoo to claimclaimants whose claims it is proposed to investigate of the time and “”“· place of taking testimony, who shall have the right to cross examine every witness who may testify in behalf of the government; and said Testimony. agents shall also take at the same time the testimony ofany and all witnesses who may be presented by the claimant, on his paying the expenses thereof; and all such testimony, both on behalf of the claimant and the government, shall be taken under the law and rules which usually govern the taking of testimony; and the judges of the Southern Claims Commission shall prescribe and publish rules for the taking of the testimony, and shall provide in all eases for full and fair notice to be given of the time and place thereof; and sections two, three, four, Bmwfive, and six of the act of March third, eighteen hundred and seventy- one, authorizing the Southern Claims Commission, are hereby repealed, to take effect on and after the tenth day of March, eighteen hundred and eighty. _ _ _ For contingent expenses, namely, office rent, furniture, fuel, station- Contingent. ery, printing and binding, postage and expressage, labor, and assistance to shorthand reporter when needed, four thousand dollars. Unrrnn STATES ENTOMOLOGICAL Commission.-To provide for the Cotton-worm. investigation into the habits of the cotton-worm and other insects injurious to the cotton-plant and to agriculture, with a view of preventing their injuries, five thousand dollars. POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Tnmn ASSISTANT I)OSThIASTER—GENERAL.—Ill the office of the Third Increase offorcr \ Assistant Postmaster-General the following increase of force over that