Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/677

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FORTYSIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 175, 176. 1881. ($47 OF THE STATE OF VIRGINIA. virgin, To John H. Beery; the sum of five hundred and lift three dollars. To Martha E. Beasley, guardian, for the use and bbnent of Amanda John, Susan and William Beasley, her children, two thousand five hunt dred dollars. To John C. Davis, three hundred and twenty six dollars. To William Heflin, five hundred and sixty dollars. I To Bransom G. Jones, one thousand five hundred and ninety-ilve do1· ars. · To Lewis Kelley, one hundred and twenty-five dollars. To Elliott Patton, senior, four hundred and seventy-seven dollars. To Mary L. Payne, six hundred and fourteen dollars. To James W. Pettigrew, eight hundred and ninety-one dollars. To Mary Ann Reid, administratrix of Horatio Reed deceased, six hundred and fifty dollars. To Lucy _J . Wiseman, four hundred and eight dollars. _'l‘o Fannie S. and Mary A. Scott, three thousand seven hundred and ninety dollars Approved, March 3, 1881. CHAP. 176.-An act directing the payment of certain awards in favor of parties March 3, 1881. therein named. -—-—-——-- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqwesentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Awards by Court 'lreasury be, and he is hereby, directed to pay, out of any money in the 2fCl*;l1m“f°{,"9"°* Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the following-named persons SH32u2d A,}$;(l 111 the State of Tennessee the sums found to be due them by a court of amounts found claims created by Major-General George H. Thomas, in the year eighteen rl ¤ ps ¤ was of hundred and sixty-four, composed of Colonel H. C. Gilbert, of the Nino- °l“""‘““t’“· tecnth Michigan Regiment of United States Volunteers, as president, and Captain Hubbard, Lieutenant Colville, Doctor John B. Armstrong, and S. L. Colville, members, to wit: J- M. Bragg, three hundred and twenty-three dollars. R. C. Belcher, two hundred and fiftynine dollars and sixty cents. John G. Brown, sixty-five dollars. Will Cummings, one hundred and twenty-five dollars. I Collier, one hundred and twenty dollars. ‘ Stephen Cope, nfteen dollars and twenty cents. G. P. Cummings, one hundred and eighty dollars and nfty cents. Nancy Clendennm, sixty-three dollars. John Evans, twentyfive dollars and sixty cents. W. R. Eddings, ten dollars. James M. Evans, two hundred and sixty dollars. George Flanegan, five hundred and thirtythree dollars. W. Faulkner, seventy-five dollars. Robert Gamble, ninety-eight dollars and sixty cents. Micayah Gilletine, fifty-two dollars and fifty cents. Isaac Grizzel, one hundred and two dollars. John H. Hopkins, one hundred and ten dollars. Tempa Hays, one hundred and ninety-eight dollars. Dickson Hillier, seventy-three dollars and twenty cents. J. Hooten. one hundred dollars. _ J. A. Jones, two hundred and sixty-four dollars and eighty-four cents. Jesse Locke, one hundred and twenty-ive dollars. (#.Yrus Lytle, one hundred and ten dollars. Thomas B. Locke, five hundred and twenty-two dollars. G. C. Moilitt, two hundred and seventy-seven dollars. J. and J. R. Macon, four hundred and seventy-one dollars. J. E. Medley, two hundred and seventy dollars and eighty cents.