Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/762

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732 CONVENTION-FRANCE. Dmonmsnmn 29, 1879. mately on general shall find that it owes to the other trouvera oréanciere de Pautre Ad

    • °°°¤¤*· a sum exceeding twenty-five thou- ministration pour une somme su.

sand francs, or five thousand dol- perieure a vingt-cinq millefrancs lars, the indebted Administration ou cmq rmlle dollars, l’Adm1n1strashall pay the approximate amount tion debitrice devra envoyé le monof such indebtedness, with the least tant approximatif de sa dette, dans possible delay, to the other Admin- le plusi bref delai, a Pautre Admiistration. nis ra on. Such payment shall be entered Ce paiementformera un a-compte as a credit in the next general ac- a valoir sur la liquidation du procount. chain compte general. Anrronn 18. Anrronn 18. Paid orders- The orders shall remain in the Les mandats resteront en la pos. ` possession of the Administration session de l’Administration qui les which shall have paid them. But aura payes. Mais chacune des each of the two Administrations deux Administrations s’engage a agree to place, temporarily, at the mettregnomentanement, ala dispodisposal of the other Administra- sition de Pautre Administration, tion, any paid order the transmis- tout mandat paye dont celle-ci desion of which shall have been re- mandera communication. qucstcd by the latter. · Anrionn 19. Aurronn 19. Form Of Order Each of the two Administrations Ghacune des deux Administra- §Qb€,§g’f°dl_, {#23 reserves the right to employ in the tions se reserve, pour Pavenir, la us}, msdvef future, for its issues, the form of faculte de faire usage, pour ses open order in use between the coun- emissions, du modele de mandats tries of the Universal Postal Union it décourvert, en vigueur dans les rethia} subsggbimgétgthe Arrangement lations entre les pays de l’Union o une , . Postale universelle, signataires de Parran ement du 4 `uin 1878. In such case the two Administra- Le cis écheant, l]es deux Admitions will tix, by mutual agreement, nistrations regleront d’un commun the arrangements necessary to se- accord, les dispositions necessaires cure the execution of the measure pour assurer Pexecution de la meprovided for in this Article. sure prevue au present Article. Ancrronn 20. Aurxcnn 20. R¤g¤I¤*i0¤¤’¤¤»k° These Regulations shall take of Le resentlte lement sera execu- $gQ2?0$1°,g?,§°§; feet the day upon which the Con- toire E partir di? jour de la mise eu {Orca yentiton of December 29th, 1879, vigueur de la Convention du 29 dé· IS Pu in orce. cembre 1879. ‘ Done in duplicate and signed at Fait en double et signe a Wash- Washington, the_29th of December, ington le 29 decembre 1879, et a

879igé1(d at Paris the 3d of Febru- Paris le 3 fevrier 1880.

YY1 · PostmasterGenera1of theUnited Le Ministre des Postes et des _ mm _D Telegraphes de France: S*g¤3»*>¤1‘<*¤· m-m..m.‘i?,d“§...2L’j"‘ D. M. KEY. §;;;;g;g;¢n;g;;;;¤g:·;, A])_ QQQHERY,