Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/852

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622 mnnx. V Pago. C la R t C t' d Pago- . - onsu r epor s- on inue . · O05b53m3g;?:,, _,_,_ , _.,,. _ _,,,, . ,.,,. , , 646 for distribution of; proviso .. -. . .271, Conley, Joseph ,4,, on rates of yvages, etc .. . . -. ..,... payment; to , . .,-. ,, ,.., .. .-.. 627 Consular élervtce, 134 339

  • "·’y» —’M·’·"·· 5,., eP,P;°g;gz§;?,2§;;,- --~-··-·············· Em

_ __ . o , . ..- . -----·--· C01;,;g,!;;,(;:1t2)l;,f;)0;`- H · I t fh b t 182 C far packing laws, etc., for . . 23, 216, 391 ‘ ,`v n o ar ora . onsa s

mm for lmpm mm appropriations for salaries of ..   . . .. 135, 340

district court for, November term changed. 41 denciency appropriatmn for contingent ex- n post-routes established in . -----·..» 92, 355 pauses of » · .· · - -.---- - --·-- 29% » consent of Congress to agreement for bonu- for salaries of .» . ... 427 dary line between New York and Cvmsuls-General, _ ( V State Of; proviso ____ _ _ ______ _ _ _____ 351 appropriation for salaries of . 134, 160, 340 war claim, deficiency appropriation for pay- Cwttagzoua Dtseuses, · _ _ mem; of ____ _ _____ _ ____ _ _ _ _____ _ , 417 appropriation for investigahug, of (1011188010 deficiency appropriation lor tenth iu8m]]- 3U11B60S- T - - - - · y ------ _· ·_ -—·· · ··-·- ·- 30 ment to State of . . .. _. . . 243 for refrigerating ship to d1s1nfect vessels West Meriden, First National Bank of} au- infected yvith · .. .· ... z-.. 1 thorized to change its name .. .. 373 act to ppeyent introduction of, into United 5 Connecticut River ¤· *38 ···- - - - · —---·- -· - - · -·-- - ·--- - appropriatpon )for improvement of, belovirm 473 rletaipof oigieers tc; execute;:. 1;-.5- {5: . . 7 Hart ord__ _ _ _____ _ _________,____, , . quaran .1nes a IODS oproven in 1*0 uc 1011 for improvement of, between Hartford and of . . . . .  » »..- _ » . . ---- - I . - 47. 442 Holyoke .. . . .. . . .. . . 192 Secretary of Treasury to teollpatinformation 442 Connell James H. re ative to, in nea ca e. . . paynient to .. .. .. 573 Contentnta_Creek, N._C., Connell, William G., I appropriation for improvement of . 475 payment to . . . . .. . . ., . . . . 6:20 Contested Electionsé t f f 4,7 Cons trac appropriations or paymen 0 expenses 0 . .> topcommit offense against United States, Continental Congress, etc., liability of parties . . . . . 4 appropriationfor carrying into effectresolu- Construction Brunch, Treasury Department, tion of, for erection of monument in appropriation for salaries in .. .. ..23, 217, 392 memory of Brigadier General Herk- Construction and Repair, Navy, imer .- . . . .. . .. .. . . . 163 appropriations for salaries, etc., in Bureau Cpztinacrat Expenses, of .. . . .. .. . . .. . 23, 230, 405 egis ative— for supplies for . - . . .. r . .87, 335 Senate . . . . - . - . .. 23, 65, 212, 306, 385 for civil establishment of ...,..,... .87, 336 House .. . . - . 23, 65, 214, 387 denciency appropriation for Bureau of 432 Capitol police .. . . . . 23,212, 387 Consular Clerks, Library of Congress . ... 23, 215 appropriation for salaries of .. . . . . 135, 340, 344 public printing . .. . . . . 215, 390 Consular and Diplomatic Appropriations, executivefor diplomatic officers ... -.. -134,339 Executive office .- . . .. . . 23,215, 390 for consular officers .. . . . . .. . .134, 340 State Department .. . . .. . . . .23, 216, 391 for shipping and discharging seamen ..,. .140, 345 consular service ..,... - . . -23, 140, 345 for prisons and prisoners. -.-.. . ..--. . 140, 345 foreign intercourse . -..-. . . . . 134, 340 for relief and protection of seamen .-.. .. .140, 345 Treasury Department --.. . ...-.. . . 220, 395 for rescuing shipwrecked Americans .-... 140, 345 independent treasury .--...-..--. - . - .223, 398 for Cape Spartel light . -. . ...- 140,345 mints and assay oiiilees -. .. -.225, 400 for expenses under neutrality aet . -,.,. ., 140, 345 Life-Saving Sepvige ________.,- . ...-. 261, 438 for Spanish Claims Commissions .-.. . . . . . 140, 345 War Department and bureaus ..-... - . - .220, 402 for alloifgance to widows, etc., of deceased Army and headquarters .110, 112, 227, o cers. . . .. .. . .-. 140, 345 arsenals l.---..,--...-.. . ..-.. . . , ` for compensation and expenses of commis- Military Academy .- . ----. . . 153, 2520 sioners to negotiate treaty with China. 133 Navy Department and bureaus . . . .229, 405 for contingenttexpenses of foreign inter- ilavy and departments of ._..A.. -. ` COUISG, e 0 . . .- 134,340 'aval Academ ..,. . . .. .. .. .. , ` for loss by exchange on consular service.- 139, 345 Marine Corps __,, , ,,,.. . ... 90, 338 for packing the laws for consular serviceél 2g, Inperior Department and bureaus ...--- 6 3 1 ndian service ... .  » Consular O,Z?l06¢‘8, ’ territorial government . . . .. .225, 400 appropriations for salaries of .. . ,.,,. 134, 339 surveyorsgenem,1 , _,,,,. , . . 273, 449 to certify sanitary history of vessels depart- Post Office Department ... ..· ----- -235» 412 ing from port where contagious dis- y postal serviee . .,... . . . . .178, 375 68»S0 exists; fees . ... 5 Agricultural Department ... . . 295, 384 in Be1gium,frights, privileges, and immuni- I Department of Justice .. . . ..-- · · - Y19S 0 ---- - --·-· - . . . .- . 776 District of Columbia .. . . - . - · - ~> , the Netherlands . .. . . . 662 judiei;;,l— sanitary reports by . . . . . . . 6 courts and commissions . . . .236, 413 regulations tg bg furnished to _ __,__ , ____ , 6 Court of Claims _,,__, ,, ,,,_,, , .- , .,,. -237, 413 not citizens, appropriation for . .. 139, 344Contract Surgeons, Consular Regulations, appropriation for pay of', in army .. 31,111, 346 appropriations for purchase of manuscript Contracts, of, and editing and printing reviseof. 239 for Indian supplies, to be advertised, etc.131, 501 Consular ltcports, _ · · l for mail looks, keys, bags, etc., for p0Sw1 3,pp]i()pr;;],UOn for P;-lnmug _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 27], 39] l ggpvjgg ______ _ _ _ _ _______ _ _____ _ _ _ _ 178, 375