Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/89

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PUBLIC ACTS CF THE FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS or mm UNITED STATES, _ Passed at the second session, which was begun and held at the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, on Monday, the ytrst day of December, 1879, and was adjourned without day on Wednesday, the sixteenth day of June, 1880. Rurrnnnronn B. HAYES, President: WHLIAM A. WHEELER, Vice-President, and President of the Senate. ALLEN G. THURMAN was elected President of the Senate pro tempore on the seventh of April, 1880. He was again chosen on the sixth day of May, 1880. SAMUEL J. RANDALL was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives on the eighteenth day of March, 1880, and acted as such until the twentyfdrst day of March, 1880, when he authorized JOSEPH C. S. BLACKBURN to act in his stead as Speaker pro tempore for one day. On the twenty-sixth day of April, 1880, Mr. BLACKBURN was appointed Speaker pro tempore, to act as such for three days; and on the twenty-fourth day of May, 1880, Mr. BLACKBURN was again appointed Speaker pro tempore, to act as such until the return of the Speaker. CHAP. 1.-—An act authorizing an allowance for loss b leakage or casualty of spirits Dec. 20, 1879. withdrawn from distillery warehouses fgr exportation. ———;—-——— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States ly` America in Congress assembled, That where spirits are with- Distinsd spirits. drawn from di tillery warehouses for exportation according to law, it shall be lawful, under such rules and regulations and limitation as shall be prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, with the ap- ‘ proval of the Secretary of the Treasury, for an allowance to be made for Allowance for leakage or loss by an unavoidable accident, and without any fraud or '°’%’°“’“;l9°» •”` negligence of the distiller, owner, exporter, carrier, or their agents or Qfmgn ?m.°`”m,'f,',m_ employees, occurring during transportation from a distillery warehouse mm, to the port of export; nor shall any assessment be collected for such loss or leakage where the same has not been paid on distilled spirits exported since the first day of May, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight. SEO. 2. That where the spirits provided for in the preceding section Tm not to bg M- are covered by a valid claim of insurance in excess of the market value mated to extent of thereof, exclusive of the tax, the tax upon such spirits shall not be re- °”°°*"”° *"’””“"°*’· mitted to the extent of such excessive insurance Approved, December 20, 1879. CHAP. 2.-An act relating to printing impressions from portraits and vignettes. DW- 22. 1879- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- vi°f ury at the request of a Senator, Representative, or Delegate in Congress, Qgtm may be {ui the head of a department or bureau, art association, or library, be, and named, sw, he is hereby authorized to furnish impressions from any portrait or vignette which is now, or may hereafter be, a part of the engraved stock of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, at such rates and under such conditions as he may deem necessary to protect the public interests. Approved, December 22, 1879. CHAP. 4.-A t aki 'ati nsf th t flid d th en- Jan. 13, 1880. sions of the Statleg fzglglgggscalyeagrmdinggdxddd thirtigh, eigalilteeii hiilndmd ""—°`°;"" and eighty-one. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and Pensions, 1881. the same are hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not Appropriations. 59