Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/93

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FOBTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. .Ch. 17, 18. 1880. 63 Georgia, be transferred to, and henceforth form a part of the southern district of Georgia. ’ Sec. 2. Said southern district shall be and hereby is, divided into two Southern dis divisions, to be known as the eastern and the western divisions of the *·*`i°*- southern district of Georgia. The western division shall consist of forty- E““°"“ di"l?l°“· three counties, to wit: Bibb, Monroe, J ones. Twiggs, Houston, Crawford sisgesmu dM°` Baldwin, Willrinson, Laurens, Pulaski, Dooly, Macon, Taylor, Upson; · Pike, Butts, Jasper, Putnam, Hancock, Warren, Dodge, Wilcox, Telfair, Sumter, Schley, Marion, Talbot, Harris, Muscogee, Chattahoochee, Stewart, Webster, Lee, Terrell, Randolph, Quitman, Clay, Calhoun, Dougherty, Baker, Early, Miller, and Mitchell. The eastern divi ion shall consist of the remaining counties in said district. No additional Clerk aud mu clerk or marshal shall be appointed in said district. Wl- Sec. 3. A term of the circuit court and of the district court for the Terms at Macon, southern district of Georgia shall be held at Macon in said State on the Gsfirst Mondays of May and October in each year. Sec. 4. All suits not of a local nature in the circuit and district courts S uits brought against a single defendant, inhabitant of said State, must be brought in Whsm defendant the division of the district where he resides; but if there are two or ’°?,E‘}f§·0r mo d more defendants residing in different divisions of the district, such suits f,,,,d,,,,,,,,_ N °` may be brought in either division. All issues of fact in said suits shall Issues or fmt. be trieid at a term of the court held in the division where the suit is so roug t. Sec. 5. Prosecutions for crimes or offeaises hereafter committed in either of the sub—divisions shall be cogniza le within such division; and _ all prosecutions for crimes or offenses heretofore committed within either PP°S<>*>¤g>¤<§¤ fm` of said counties, taken as aforesaid from the northern district, or com- mitted in the southern district as hitherto constituted, shall be com= wd_ menced and proceeded with as if this act had not been passed. Sec. 6. Civil actions or proceedings now pending at Savannah in Civil actions said southern district, which would under this act be brought in the £;l’1d;‘§“D220§?)‘,T“,?§ western division of said district, may be transferred, by the consent of 00,,;,,,,, ’ all the parties, to said western division; and in case of such transfer, _ Pa.pers,;Er1es,and all papers and files therein, with copies of all journal entries, shall be Journal <>¤¤¤¤¤· transferred to the deputy clerk’s office at Macon, andthe same shall be proceeded with in all respects as though it was originally commenced in the western division. R 8}, f .,6 Sec. 7. In all cases of removal of suits from the courts of the_State of fmgggto 20g3B- Georgia to the courts of the United States in the southern district of Georgia such removal shall be to the United States courts in the division in which the county is situated from which the removal is made ; and the time within which the removal shall be perfected, in so far as it refers to, or is regulated by, the terms of the United States courts, shall be deemed to refer to the terms of the United States courts in such dlS1€§n8. All grand and petit jurors summoned for service in each divis- Jurowsresideuoe. ion shall be residents of such division. mesne and final process, r>1rooess,t_g;moe subject to the provisions hereinbefore contained, issued in either of sa1d M1 °X°°“ l - divisions may be served and executed in either or both of the divisions. Sec. 9. This act shall be in force from and after the nrst day of July Act takes ouest anno Domini, eighteen hundred and eighty. All acts and parts of acts imngopesls provine inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. · Approved, J auuary 29, 1880. . .-— to rovide for circuit and district courts of the United States Feb. 4, 1880. C$A§>ldmbuéu8£;o, ailid transferring certain counties from the northern to the *··"·*‘-"'_""" southern district in said State. ‘ he Senatea/nd Hcmco Representatives of the United _ _ . . Stft;¢$t0;"Z0 in Congress asaembled,fThat the counties of Union, d,g,,§,,°1;`§3;.E,,°¥§· Delaware, Morrow, Knox, Go hocton, Harrison, and Jefferson, hereto- oiuo.