Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/1103

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1076 rDX. Fags Gordon, H. T., administrator, payment to .............................. 677 Gordon, Henry T., administrator, payment to .............................. 678 Gordon, ? 0., ?ent to .............................. 762 pa?en? to .............................. 762 Goship Baad of ?s?e approp?ation for in s?al?ents, etc., to .... 79, ?3 Gosling, ?illiam, payment to .............................. 724 G?s,F. M., admin?rat? of J. D., pa?men? to .............................. Unit? 8ta? flue ? e? ?d con- veyed, &e., to; proviso ................. 752 Gould, ?. ?., payment to .............................. ?o? J? ?., pa?en? ? .............................. ?t ?ad?, ?a?g, ap?intment of bo? of ?e? to ?1? site, etc., for ....................... 474 appropriations for .................. ?, ?, 6? appmp?a?o? for ?p? of ?gen$ ?- ?e of ?e D? of Columbia ..1?, deficiency for ............................ for ?ti? ? ?? for ............ for imp?vemcnt and e?a of ......... 3? appro?ation for fire?aea? for, mg ........ : ....................... G?eld, d?e? .................. approp?ation for wa?r?1o? ?r the .... tbr ?fi?g .......................... payment for ex? work in the, authorize. 4? mmov? of ma? ?m?% an?o?.. apg?p?a?on for eompleUon of ?a-waU, at ................................ ?, 618 ?aa?s ?, ?. Y., * app?adon ?r ?pmvem?t of ........ ?yment ? .............................. ?, J? A, ?a?eng to ............................... kam? T?., U?ted Sta?s dictet co? ? ?ve j? ?etion, e?., of ?to? ?nex? ? nowhere ?et of T? .......... may? ground in W?t? 8? mi?, and rotted withou? paym?$ of du?, etc ................................ 4? Grand A?g of the Republic, ?a? of Con- d?n? Ga?, ?e., ? P?t, D?viUe, ?a ....................... ?n M. Stolon P? B?a?e, Ohio ............................... ?9 Dahl?n P?t, Sew York City ........... ?ia?ion, Englew?, I11 .............. ?9 Wi?am Logan R?man P?t, ?o. 1, ?dfo?, ? ..................... ?4 1 River? M? ................... ?o. ? M?blehe?, ? ........... P?I, Pe? ?di?a ...................... ?ne? H?n Po?, Kokomo, Ind ...... P?t, Clarinda, Iowa ..................... P?t, Ke?uqua, Iowa ................... ?5 Ch?l? 8umnar P?, Gmve? ? ... P?t ?o. 1?, ?r, ? .............. ?5 Page. G?ra.nd .drmy of the ?e?ublic, donation of con- dem,ed cannon, etc., to--Continued. 3,. W. Dripps Post, No. 74, Moquoketa, Iowa .............................. 375 George Strong Post, Fairfield, Iowa ...... 375 Lawrence, Mass .......................... 376 Post, Peabody, Mass ..................... 376 George H. Thomas Post, Indianapolis, Ind. 376 A. E[?Burnside Post, No. 109, Chicago, Ill. 376 Edward Pye Post, No. 179, Haverstra?v, N. Y ............................... 376 Post Bosworth, Portland, Maine .......... 65 Post No. 75, South Abington, Mass ........ 65 Charles Lowell Russell Post, No. 7, Boston, Mass ............................... 65 McPherson Post, No. 73, Abington, Mass.. 65 Wilfiam H. Bartlett Post, No. 3, Taunton, Mass .............................. 65 Sampson Post, No. 22, Rochester, N. H .... 66 E. E. Sturtevant Post, No. 2, Concord, N.H .............................. 67 Storer Post, No. 1, Portsmouth, N. H ...... 67 Wetsol-Compton Post, Hamilton. Ohio .... 68 General Shunk Post, Marion, Ind ......... 68 Anna M. Ross Post, No. 94, Philadelphia, P? ................................ 128 l'ost, Westminster, Mass ............ 150 Jeff. C. Davis Post, No. 16, Vincennes, ?'?; 150 Otis Chapman Post, No. 103, Chicopee, Mass .............................. 154 Abe lanceIn Post, No. 29, Council Bluffs, Iowa .............................. 171 Post Dick Lambert, Irgnton, Ohio ........ 171 Nelson Post, No. 194, Newport, Ky ........ Post No. 14, Logansport, Ind ............. 34? Post, Winchester, Ind .................... 348 Eugene A. Rawson Post, Fromant, Ohio .. 348 Robert D: Lathtop Pos?, No. 138, Depart- m?nt of N?w York ......... ? ...... 348 Post No. 20?, New Brighton, Pa ........... 349 Post, Georgetown, Mass .................. 349 Post, ?Vhitehaven, Pa .................... 349 Post No. 75, "Tip" Best, of Montrose, Iowa .............................. 393 loan of tents to encampment of, depart- ment of Pa ......................... 742 loan of tents to encampment of the, at Bis- marck Grove, Kans ............ t?.-" 744 loan of tents to national encampment at Baltimore, Md ..................... 744 G,'G,? ?av?t Atica.. appmprlat?on for ?tmprovement of harbor at 195 ?r?d M? Had?', 6h?dP?fl a?ia'ation for improvemoat of ......... 196 rai?, Mich., appropriation for harbor of refuge at ..... 195 estabHslunent of life-saying station at .... 56 GTand Ri?er, Mich., appropriation for improvement of ........ 203 ?�a?d Ri?tr ?and Ute ?ppropriation for installments, etc., to .... 81, 445 eficienc.v appropriation for .............. 278 Grand ROn 'de ?4gency, Oregon, appropriation for support, etc., of Indians a$ the ............................. 84, 448 ?rtm&ta?, Robert, I?ir of G?r?, paymenS to guardians of ................. 680 G?rant, ?flbert, readjndication of case of, by Court of Claims, authorized ................. 750 uty on .................................. 504 ? ct?tk, dut? on .................................. 507 appropriation for improvement of? at Mas- sena ............................... 206