Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/1140

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NDrX. 1 113 Polk, Ruben, l'age. payment to .............................. 771 Polk, Sarah Childtess, pension to ............................... 652 Pollard, Doctor F., payment to .............................. 6S8 Pollock, James, payment to .............................. 794 Pollock, Samuel, pension to ............................... 652 Pollock, William J., credit in account of ...................... 714 Polygamy, penalty for, in Territories, etc ........... 30 persons ?uilty of, disqualified for Territo- rial or Federal appointments ............ 31 Polka l?dians, a?ropriation for installments to .......... 76, 440 eficiency for aupport of ............... 278 Pool, Nicholas, payment to .............................. 688 Poor of District of Columbia, appropriation for ....................... 1? 465 Poise, John, poPayment to ............................... 670 duty on ?mpor?ed ......................... 503 Port Chester, ?V. Y., appropriation for improvement of harbor at 192 Port Climton, Oldo, appropriation for improvement of harbor at 194 Port J?ers?, 3]'. Y., appropriation for improvement of harbor.. 193 Port Orfor? Orego% appropriation for ]mrbor of refuge at ...... 209 Port Royal, 8. C., appropriation for Imrohase of site for coal- ing dock, etc ...................... 324,627 Port Toward, Waski?gto,n Territory, appropriation for purchase of land for fine hospital at .................... 305 Port Washi?gtoa, Wis., ?ppropriation for improvement of harbor at 196 Po?ta? La/?, M/o., appropriation for improvement of harbor of refuge at ........................... 195 appropriation for purchase of site for light- . station aS .......................... 310 Porter, duty on ................................. 505 Portsr, D. payment to ............................... 664 Porter, E., payment to ............................... 696 Porter, Eliza F., widow oJ James E., pension to, increased ..................... 733 Porter, Emery J., P, payment to ............................... 782 0rt?, George K, payment to ............................... 670 Porter, James poPrayment to .............................. 689 ter, payment to .............................. 785 Pdrt?r, payment to .............................. 688 Porter?ld, ?enn? M., paym?n? to .............................. 689 Porllasd, Ms., appropriation for improvement of harbor at ................................. 191 ?tablishment of life.saying station ....... 55 Port of Dallycry, est?blishmen? of, at-- Kansas City, Mo ....................... 215 Saint Joseph, Mo ....................... 215 Pe?mbin?, D?kotat, disconfirmed ........... 566 Page. Portsmouth, '32 H., appropriation for improvement of harbor at 191 establishment of life-saying station ....... '55, Portsmouth, Ohio, donation of condemned cannon, etc., to Ladies' Soldiers' Monument Society of ................................. 52: Port?gal, agreement with, for exchange of postal money-orders ...................... 915 relief of wounded of armies, etc., in conven- tion with .......................... 94{) Posey, Peter D., poPayment to .............................. 78? st. Marking Maohines, appropriation for purchase of ............ 333, 454 Post-O?ces, deficiency appropriation for additional clerk-hire in ........................ Post-O? Clerks, appropriation for salaries of .............. 54, 454 Post-Off? D?partment, appropriations for salaries, etc., in the...251, 56? tbr service of the ....................... for contingent expenses ................ 25?, 561 for rent of b,rilding for money-order office ............................. 253, for repairs, etc ........................ 333, 627' for passenger elevator in ................ 33? for fuel, etc ............................ deficiency, for .......................... 586 to suppl?r deficiencies in the revenues of servace of the .................. 55, 281, 59? deficien.c?y for additional clerks in ....... for certined claims, etc., of ............. 595 Pest-O?ce Railway Employds, classification and rating of compensation of 185 Post- ? ?ite, old, N? Yo?'lt, 2g. Y., sale of, authorized ........................ 17? Post-?mt?s, - established '? Alabama .......................... 14, 350, ?72. Alaska .......................... . ...... 351 Arizona ........................... 14, 352, 573, Arkansas ......................... 14, 351, 573 California ......................... 15, 352, 573 Colorado .......................... 15, 352, 573 Connecticut ........................... 15, 573 Dakota ............................ 15, 353, 573 Delaware ............................ 354,574 Florida ....................... e .... 16, 354,574 Georgia ........................... 16, 354,574 Idaho ............................. 16, 355, 574 Indian Territory ................... 17,355, 575 Iowa .............................. 17, 355, 575 Illinois ............................ 16, 356, 574 Indiana ........................... 17, 356, 575 Kansas ............................ 18, 356, 575 Kentucky ........... ; ............. 18, 357, 575 Louisiana, ......................... 19, 358, 576 Maine ............................. 19, 358, 576 Maryland ......................... 20, 358, 5?6 Massachusetts ..................... 20, 359, 576 Michigan .......................... 20, 359, 576 Minnesota ................ 20, 360, 576 Missouri ........................... 20, 360, 577 Mississippi ........................ 20, :?59, 577 Montana .......................... 21, 3?0, 578 Nebraska .......................... 21,361,578 Nevada ........................... 22, 363, 578 New Jersey ........................... 360, 578 New Hampshire ................... 22, 361,578 New Mexico ....................... 22, 361,578 New York ......................... 22, 361.578 North Carolina .................... 22, 361,578 Ohio .............................. 23, 363, 579 Oregon ............................ 24, 363, 579 Penns?lvani? ...................... 24, ? 579