Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/17

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nl-` `V , 1 THE PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS O F C O N G R E S S CONTAINED IN THIS VOLUME. Acre on THE Fourr-SEVENTH Corzcnnss or THE UNITED STATES. (STATUTE I.—1881—’82.) Page. Mary Lincoln. An not granting additional pension to Mary Lincoln. February 9, 1882 .. . . 647 Isabella S. Mpl2¢;g82An act to restore certain articles of silverware to Mrs. Isabella S. McRae. February , . . ... . . . ... . . . . ... . 647 Theophilua P. Chandler. An act for the relief of Theophilus P. Chandler. February 11, 1882. .. 647 Sidney P. Luther. An act for the relief of Sidney P. Luther. February 11, 1882 . .. .,,.,,.. 648 E. J. Gurley. An act for the relief of E. J. Gurley. February 11, 1882 .. -..- --- .. -..- 648 Warren Hall. An act for the relief of Warren Hall. March 9, 1882. .. .--. . . . . 648 Paulina Jones. An act for the relief of Paulina Jones, widow of Alexander Jones, deceased, late of Company E, Second North Carolina Infantry. March 15, 1882 . -. ...,.. ... .. ... . 648 Charles Collins. An act for the relief of Charles Collins. March 15, 1,882 -. .. .-. . . . 648 S. Rosenfeld and Company. An act for the relief of S. Rosenfeld and Company. March 15, 1882 649 Frank D. Yates and other:. An act for the relief of Frank D. Yates and others. March 15, 1882 649 William J. Anthony. An act directing the issue of a duplicate check to William J. Anthony, a pensioner of the United States. March 15, 1882 . . . . . . . .-.- .. . , 649 Olive Ste henaon. An act granting a pension to Olive Stephenson. March 15, 1882- .--- 650 George Wicks and Company. An act for the relief of George W. Wicks and Company, of Louisville, Kentucky. March 16, 1882. . - ... .. . . . . . . 650 Elizabeth Tg Goldaboroagh. An act granting a pension to Elizabeth Wirt Goldsborongh. March 6 0 16, 1 . . . . .. . . . . - . . . ... .- .. 5 Steam-pgow mlghincry. An act poladmitfree of duty certain steam-plow machinery now at the port 600 o San rancisco. Marc 7,188* . .. . . .-- .---. . . . . ... " Henry P. Rolfe. An act for the relief of Henry P. Rolfe. March 17, 1882 ..-. .. 650 Susan Manhall Mamie. An act for the relief of Susan Marshall Massie. March 21, 1882- . .-... 651 Pequonnock National Bank. An act directin the issue of a check to the Peguonnock National Bank {n place of lpne lagofore issued to Jguliaett Prescott, a pensioner o the United States, and 651 ost. 23, ---.-..---.. . .-.. . -... - -- - . . . . .-.-.-.. Samuel Pollock. An act granting a pension to Samuel Pollock. March 30, 1882 .. . . . . . . 652 Edward Hatch. An act to authorize the accounting officers of the Treasury to settle the accounts of Brevet Mayor-General Edward Hatch, United States Army, chairman and disbursing officer of the specia Ute Commission appointed under act of Congéss of May 3, 1878. March 31, 1882- 652 Pensions, Lucrclia R. Gmjleld and others. An act siranting pensions to Lucretia R. Garfield, Sarah Childress Polk, and Julia Gardner Tyler. arch 31, 1882 .--. -. .. . - 652 Cyrus C. Clark. An act for the relief of Cyrus C. Clark. April 1, 1882 ..-... . - 652 Henry 0. Waggonzr. An act to pay the creditors of the late Henry O. Waggoncr, late consular clerk at Lyons, France. April 1, 1882- .--... .--. .--. .- .. . --... . -..-..- .-- .- - 653 Man A- Davie. An act granting a pension to Mary A. Davis. April 1, 1882 -. . ..-- 653 H. V. Philpatt. An act or the relief of H. V. Philpott. April 1, 1882 .-.-- -. . ..-.·-·-· 653 P. B. Perry, senior. An act grantinp a pension to P. B. Perry, senior. April l, 1882. .-.. ---. ..-... onli George G. Snyder. An act for the re ief of George G. Snyder. April 5, 1882. -... . . ...-..-.-... 653 John BZ Schabinger, guardian. An act for the relief of John H. Schabinger, guardian of Susan Mc- _ Knott an Martha MeKnatt, minor daughters of James McKnatt, deceased. April 5, 1882. .- 654 Peter Gallagher. An act for the relief of Peter Gallagher. April 11, 1882 ... 1-- ------..·· - --·-- 654 Alfred E. Lee. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to remit certain custom dues and custom·honse charges to Consul-General Alfred E. Lee. April 15, 1882 ...·.-.- . -..--.·-- · 655 XXII--II XVII