Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/224

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FORTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sus . I. Ch. 375. 1882. 197 Improving Merrimac River, Massachusetts: Continuing improve- Merriman River. ment, nine thousand dollars. Improving Taunton River, Massachusetts: Continuing improvement, Taunton River. twentyfive thousand dollars. For construction of a harbor of refuge at Woocls Holl, Massachusetts, Construction of fifty-two thousand dollars. lg=;;l;•_,:•g;,·;f¤s¤ ¤¤ Improving Providence River and Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island: Providence Riv- Continuing improvement, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. :;t:g‘:yN“"“€°“‘ Improving Connecticut River, Connecticut : Continuing improvement _C ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ <= li i <= ¤ li below Hartford, forty-tive thousand dollars, five thousand dollars of E;v;;,:‘°‘}1C,;’;,‘;';°1 which for the improvement of the channel of Salmon River. ' Improving Housatonic River, Connecticut : Continuing improvement, _H 0 u s a t 0 n i •. two thousand dollars. R"°’· , Improving Thames River, Connecticut: Continuing improvement, Thames River. thirty-five thousand dollars. Improving channel between Staten Island and New Jersey at Eliza- Sglzsncl bcgwltg _ bethport : Continuing improvement, forty thousand dollars. ,,,1,, W y, at Z8 po . Removing obstructions in East River and Hell Gate, New York: Rvmovins 0b- Continuing operations, two hundred thousand dollars. ‘{g';°::::,§·,,{'::ff Gate. Improving Hudson River, New York : Continuing improvement, ten Hudson River. thousand dollars. _ Improving Niagara River, New York : Continuing improvement, one Niagara River. thousand five hundred dollars. Improving Newtown Creek, New York: Continuing improvement, fif- Newtown creek. teen thousand dollars. Improving Ticonderoga River, New York: Continuing improvement, _Ti¤ 0¤d¢>r0g¤ five thousand dollars R"°'· Improvement Cheesequakds Creek, New Jersey: Continuing improve- 0h¤¤¤¤q¤nk¤’¤ ment, iitteen thousand dollars. °"°°k· Improving Elizabeth River, New Jersey: Continuing improvement, E1i=¤b¤*»hBiv¤r- eight thousand dollars. » » · Improving Mattawsn Greek, New Jersey: Continuing improvement, , lattswanvmck. six thousau dollars. · Improving Kanssquan River, New Jersey: Continuing improvement, _M a n asq u a n seven thousand dollars. R“’°’· · Improving Passaic River, New Jersey: Improvement above Newark, Pasnie River. seven thousand dollars; from Pennsylvania Railroad Bridge to mouth of river, forty-three thousand dollars. Improving Bahway River, New Jersey: Continuing improvement, Rahway River. seven thousand dollars. Improving Bancocas River, New Jersey: Continuing improvement, Raucoens River. ten thousand dollars. Improving Raritan River, New Jersey: Continuing improvement, Raritan River. twenty-ive thousand dollars, of which sum ten thousand dollars shall be - expended on the south channel between Crab Island and Karney’s Dock. _ Improving Raritan Bay, New Jersey, from Perth Amboy and South Bmw B•¥· Amboy to the main ship-channel of Great Kill, fifty thousand dollars. Improving Cohansey Creek, New Jersey, five thousand dollars. C°h°¤¤°¥ c*’°°*· Improving Salem River, New Jersey: Continuing improvement, one Salem River. thpusand hveshundred dollars. N J C tm nt, Inbu m rovin brews ury iver, ew ersey : on ’ ning improveme B • • thirt5?thous%nd dollars, of which sum ilfteen thousand dollars for the Bouth Shrewsbury River and fifteen thousand for the north and main branch of the Shrewsbury River. _ _ Improving South River, New Jersey : Continuing improvement, ten South River. ng e w eney: ghnprevmt, oo ir ge t In do Woeebrldg J Gontinuin w at in - ave tmvjsnaouers » M me