Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/263

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236 FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 380. 1882. 33%..*% "f.ff2£;§.’2§L2}.““"$’ €“"‘*?’ “‘°" “¥?“°“°‘%’ "°“§‘F°’.f‘“3 C1 n s . ereo wen y·seven iousan one un r· and eighty dollars. And hereafter no expense for printing exceeding three thous:;ndb sfzven dhundred and fifty dollars, including printing aws Jonrna s i s an necessary printing of the same nature shall b incuired for any session of the legislature of any of the Territories. 6 Contingent ex- For contingent expenses of the Territory, to be expended by the gov- 1¤¤¤¤¤¤- ernor, Eve hundred dollars, Dakota. TERRITORY OF DAK01*A.—For salary of governor two thousand six uEg:¤’¥d1$ hunélrledlellollars chicti justice and three associate judges, at three thou. - M_ san o rs ea · am secretary at one thousand eight hundred d 1. tm' lars, sixteen thousand four hundred dollars. g I- 0 Legislative ex- For legislative expenses, namely: For per diem and mileage of twelve P¤¤¤¤¤- members of the council and twenty-four members of the house of repre- _ sentairves of the legislative assembly · compensation of oillcers of legislatrye assembly; stationery and blanks for secretary’s office and legislatrye assembly; printing; rent of secretary’s office and storage of govgnlgrlezrgt iprgperty; postageilrenltt of legislative halls; light, oil, and · n ; messenger an po er- c er in secretary’s 0ilice· repairs and purchase of furniture- and incidental tw —fi’ . sand nine hundred and thirty-four dollars aridpgxstyseentistlty V0 thou I Pcggrltingent sx. Forélcgntmgent expenses, to be expended by the governor, five hundred dollars, rum. Tmnnrronr or Inano --For salarv of o e t th . d ‘

 9f   lgxlpalrlegl dolla;ra:}lch‘ielt1jr;s°t’icc; and tgvo assgcmtbnigilgg? at thlgeleltheii

' eu. _ ‘ re ary a one onsan 'hth l d - xgidauvo B larls, thirteep thousand four hundred dollars. mg um rc dol x- ·or egrsa ive expenses namely: For per di f °d t 1>¤»ms. members of counerl, and ot speaker and membercfsmoi) hgh?] oinrepgg sentatxves; per diem of employees of council and house of representatives; mileage; statronery; fuel; lamps, oils, and candles· brooms and clusters; iitting up and preparing legislative halls and committee-rooms and removrng furniture; rent of same; record books; repairs to furniz ture and purchase of matting; new desks; arm-chairs- printing· fuel fcgi secretary’s office; clerk-hire for seeretary’s oiliee during sessionpce euzleégrgigpg an;} letter-press posagage and seals for secretary’s . _ ; _ ran po er·mci ent expensesf t ’ - Tnglseszrfan hmmrg for rent of secretar·ygsS<$i§ir•;5eflhl>:a(;·1y*ii)·•o<;lnlis·, moms or pu rc rt . ‘ hi hu twémyuim donm and _ uP;););; y, twenty eight thousand and ngmvieed or printing therevised law ofth Th laxés, etc. or-lgo much thereof as may beznecessaryc timtolvy, t me thousand d01mm, t' B - ° 3 6 ,,,.,,§;Q_mg° t °’ dmg:,3§::?°“t xP€““$» to N xpcnded by the governor, five hun- H un. - Tn; sngrgyy ,.5 g,,,,_ six lm§ggg$l3¥ MPN;`:*·N€·"F°*’ mlm'! of g0V61*¤0r, two thousand mm, chic,. ju th urs, c ref Justice and two associate judges at three uu., cm ousand dollars each; and secretary at one thousand eight,hundred Lpgmm dollgpsiegirteen thousand four hundred dollars. V g B ~, ve ex- ‘ S B IVB Olpellses namely: For i] m ‘ - P°°8°°' £‘;fIé’g¥*;fql;‘t$*;*l?5*” a11d_ inilwges for presildiiigcand lsbllligrldibbgetlbcgeisz . com t — n s- ‘ · -’ mx_. i~&t, 3Q2s5i,’.1’..*’.,I..z.·.f‘2‘.$I.'i*‘i.§{.’..‘2.?$£Z;?';‘2..’§L’I.‘;¥§}‘%0¥“f鑧‘ _· e assem y; uel am lights for le 'slati r l· ‘ ‘ - 0; ,,,,,,,.2;,,,.5,,8 mum and mom eircom f gl H3 mlls; printing; rent · and mama er mr "cmmY,s§0mce· or government property; porter ,-I , . _ 8 _. ,_p0Stage• stationery and mrinti · p,,,,,_,,,_ Sxzdmgl,;'§ifAmgdn£;·'dm;gF% fspmrs, telegraphrng, twenty-due thrall; chietbinstice, and the speakgaof theugd Pm0d0d, That qw governma 0 m c 0 h president of the council during the last slew of mPmmut%twcs’ and me mm wustrggug c Tm.,.m,ry of Mcumm shan mmm the ssron of the legislature of the Wm · n the ca i _ ¤ B 3 board, who shall assemble at t, em., 1,,,,. p tal of the Territorv on the c ll t' h ell, duties. or- 3 majority memo? Shah have a 0 t 9 SOYBYDOI'; and such board, Q power to organize any new county not