Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/316

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FORTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Szss. I. C11. 391. 1882. 289 For contiqgom: expenses equipment and recruiting: For extm cx- Cvutiugcut cxpchsgs of tmunu g-gships, freight and transportation of equipment stores, P°““°°· grmtmg, aqvcrtrrxug, tclcgmphing, books and models, postage, cartnckcts, fcrrmgc, noo, apprehension: of dcscrtcrs and stmgglers assistance to vessels in distress, continuous-service certificates ami goodconduct badges for enlisted men, school-books for training-ships, extm. madalsfor boys, and emergencies arising uudcr cognizanco of Bureau of Eqmpment and Bwruiting unforeseen and impossible to classify, fifteen thousand dollars. - For the civil establishment at navy-yards and stations, nine thousand Civil ¤¤¢=¤b|i¤h- ono hundred and twenty five dollars and eighty-seven cents, m°”*· BUREAU OF YABDS AND DOCKS. For general maintenance of yards and docks, namely: For freight Yardssmddocks. and transportation of materials and stores, books, models, maps, and drawings; purchase and repair of Hm engines; machinery, and patent rights to uso the soma; repairs on swam iirc-engines, and attendance on the same; purchase and maintenance of oxen and horses, and driving teams, carts, and timber-wheels for usoin the navy-yards, and tools and repairs of tho same; dredging; postage and tclcgrams; furniture for government houses and mfficcs in the navy-yards; coal and other fuel; candles, oil, and gas; cleaning and clearing up yards, and care of public buildings; attendance on fires ; lights; iirc-engines and apparatus; for clorical and incidental labor at uavpyards; water-tax, and for toll and lurrisgeo; mnt ofolloors quarters at Lnnguolsland; pay of the watchman in th¤mvy·y¤·d¤· uminrawningmd pwkiugboxes, two hundred am! twenty thousand oohms. For contingent expenses that may arise at 1mvy—yards and stations, Contingent oxtwenty thoumud dollars. - p¤¤¤¤¤· For the civil establishment at navy-yards and stations, eighteen thou- Civil cshblinhsand nine hundred add fifty-thrco dollars and twelve cents: Provided, ¤¢;*· r That if the Secretary of tholfavy shall hndtbatwcrk zvtallthounvy- "'°'°· yards now msnintainodcannotbo carriodon during Em current ibm! — your with advantage to the service and oommmyto “¤iQQU§'8tHD£f& . the amountsin this act appropristcdfor tho nsiutnnanocofgrndcivi - establishment at the navy yards, he shall not make any deiiucucy for _ those purposes, but he shall suspend work at those yudswhuo ho Buds Su?¤¤¤io¤ or it can best; be dispensed with, and shall close such yards and transfer vcr . etc., at all perishable property and stm·cs.therefm0m to other use Y*"**· therein, and report the facts and the reasons govcming Ins actmn to the next session of Congress; and at the yards so closed only such 015- cers and employees shall be retained as are necessary to presorvo and take cam of the property of the government, and all other persons shall be transferred or discharged: Proqidod jirtlwr, Tlurt th0 ¤avy— P,.,,‘,, yard at Washington, District of Columbm, may, at the chscrctum of Work atjnavy- the Secretary of the Navy, be maintained as a manufacturing yard for ¤ tho Bureaus of Equipment and Recruiting and Ordnance, and that work may be continued in the rope-walk in the Boston nayy-yard; And procidul further, That nothing herein shall be held to mtoxjfcro mm. with tho permanent improvement of any navy-yard as now authorized by law, or theaexpcnditurc for such purpose of any money appmpmtod 0¢>¤gr¢¤¤ <¤'¤fo1'· . what the Secretary of the Navy bc, and ho is hereby, autjhorxzcd and Navy-yan, Nordireotcd to ascertain on what terms can be had such addmoual buds ¤1;· m and vatornout contiguous to the Norfolk 11uvy·yax·d as are doomed Ghuodummmd necessary for the connmction of a wor-dock, and ouch other works as 1,,,; md nm. aro demanded for the sufficieut cagrsexty ond GEGIQDGY of that yard; nouemwmmk, mmmat he report. tho result of suc nogotrsdons to the next seaion M ot grae. . . I. That who Secretary of the Navy shalt appomt a eummxssimn, to ogmnst cqmusm to of thz¤opor•o¤s,onoof whom sba1lb0app0i¤t¤dhmntboImoolIc¤r•¤•¤¤• •¤¤ N- xxx:.-19