Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/37

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]() FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 24. 1882. For photolithographing or otherwiseproducing copies of _ drawings destroyed or damaged by fire, or otherwise exhausted, including pay of mg? °m'°°ght°' temporary draughtsmen, ten thousand dollars. GENERAL LAND OFFICE. M.;;;;;,,,,,,; c;,,,k,_ To enable the Secretary of the Interior to increase the clerioal force of the General Land Office for the remainder of the current fiscal year, p,,,,;,,_ twenty-five thousand dollars: Provided, That such additional force shall be employed to expedite the issue of patents to mmeral, agrnculturzli Compensation. and other land entries now in arrears, and at a compensation to be iix by the Secretary of the Interior, but in no case at a rate greater than one thousand two hundred dollars per annum for each clerk. Rerroducingtle- For reproducing worn and defaced township plats for the use of the {:;*:8 *¤*¤• iP general and local land-ollioes, fifteen thousand dollars. PENSION OFFICE Pay or clerks. For the payment of the clerical force in the Pension Uiiice for the remainder of the cmrent fiscal year, seventy-three thousand nine hundred dollars. UNDER THE COMMISSIONERS OF FISH AND FISHERIES. Completion of To complete the steam—vessel authorized by act of March third, eight- ¤*·¤¤¤¤* fw mh een hundred and eighty-one, for the prosecution of the work and investi- ““’ Fm‘°“°"* gations of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries forty-two thousand 21 Stat., 440. dollars, l 1-mos-ashes. For propagation of food-tishes, and their distribution to the rivers, lakes, and ponds of the United States, thirty-five thousand dollars. Fishing Battery. The Secretary of War is authorized to use the unexpended balance of the appropriations for the improvement of the Susquehanna River above and below Havre de Grace in the construction of the channel and breakwaters of the “Fishing Battery" below Havre de Grace. NATIONAL MUSEUM. Exhibitioncascs. To expedite the work of constructing the exhibition cases in the new building for the National Museum during the present fiscal year, thirty thousand dollars. ` POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Additional clerks. For additional clerk·hire in post-oliices, one hundred thousand dollars. ifggécaggm For payment to letter-carriers, twenty-five thousand dollars. u,.n.,·.§.§t,,‘ mu. That the sum of thirty-five thousand dollars of the amount appromugers. priated “ for mail route messengers ” under the act approved March first, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, making appropriations for the service of the Post Olhee Department thr the tiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty~two, and for other purposes," is hereby transferred and made available for the payment of routeagents. Reqceegenm. For route-agents, ten thousand dollars, miie: (jay post For railway post oflioe clerks, forty thousand dollars. Rent or building _ To enable the Postmaster General to rent a suitable building or build- S4; money order ings for the use of the money order office of the Post Onioe Department, o",';?, and of the money order division of the Auditor of the Treasury of the A,,,;,,,,, of 1-,,,,, Post Otiioe Department, three thousand dollars in addition to the sum env. appropriated by the “Act making appropriations for the Post Omoo Deli SM-, W5- partment for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and for other purposcs,” approved March first, eighteen hundred and eighty-one ; and so much of the proviso in said act as limits the amount that may be paid for the annual rental of building or build-