Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/578

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. FORTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 128. 1883. 551 pushons for observation and report of storms, and for the construction, mamtenancc, and repairs of military telegraph lines, forty thousand dollars: Pajomdcd, That the Secretary of War shall each year, in the P"°""°· annual estxmutcs, report to Congress the number of persons so cmploycd, and the amount paid to each. IN mm 01*1*101: OF THE QUAn·r1·¤m1AsrEn-GENEnAL.—Onc chief Offico or Qumclcrk, at two thousand dollars; seven clerks of class ibur; nine clerks '*°'m‘?**°*G°“°"P1· 0f' class three; twenty-four clerks of class two; fifty—0nc clerks of class Ohggllff °1°'k* 'md ono; <~:1ghb clerks, at one thousand dollars each; twenty copyists at nine ` hundred dollars each ; one female messenger, at forty dollars pcr month ; two messengers; two assistant messengers- six lalwrcrs; one laborer, two hundred and 1:wcnty·ffive dollars; one ilzmalc laborer, two hundred and forty dollars ; one charwoman, one hundred dollars; one engineer, at cnc thousand two hundred dollars; one fireman; and tivo watchman; ono mechanical engineer, at one thousand six hundred dollars; one dmughtsman, at ono thousand eight hundred dollars; and superintendent of building, two hundred and fifty dollars; in all, one hundred and sixtyseven thousand and ninety-five dollars. For the following clerks and others to be employed by the Quarter- Clerks, wpyim, master-General in the investigation of claims for settlement by the Md °*h¤¤·>· Treasury Department under the act of July fourth, eightecn hundred and sixty-four: One clerk of class four; two clerks of class three; four clerks of class two; eleven clerks of class one; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; eleven copyists; three assistant messengers; one watchman; and twentydivc agents, at one thousand four hundred dollars cach; in sll, seventy-three thousand irlvc hundred and eighty o ars. ·· A For por diem of the agents employed while traveling ou duty, at not Agents. exceeding three dollars pcr day each, and for act;ual.ucocssary expenses for transportation, thirty thousand dollars. . In mm Omrrcm on zum Comussmr Gmumznn.-One chief clerk, at- commanny- two thousand dollars; ono clerk of class four; three clerks of class 6*6*;*3**-f I k three; four clerks of class two; fourteen clerks of class ono; nine cmksjzndgmzonf clerks, at one thousand dollars each; ono assistant messenger; two gm, laborers; superintendent of building, two hundred and fifty dollarsand two gvatchmcn ; in all; forty-three thousand seven hundred and tlm·ty' dollars. 4 In mm OFFICE or 1·¤1:‘Smm1z0N-Gmu¤n4.L.—Onc chief clerk, at Ohico or sutwo thousand dollars; twcnt;y·fonr clerks of class four; thirty-two B°(<;*;€*°;,*°'¤{· k clerks of class three; sixty-two clerks of class two; ono hundred and d"k;°;nd°°:fmj seventy-three clerks of class onc; one lmndrul and nine clerks, at one · thousand dollars each; one snatomist, at one thousand six hundred dollars; one engineer in division of records museum, ut one thousand four hundred dollars; eighteen assistant messengers; one messengcr boy, at three hundred sixty dollars; aight: watchmcu; two superintondents of buildings, at two hundred and nity dollars each ; and if teen laborers; in all, five hundred and $hi1'E]'·tW’0 thousand two hundred and eighty dollars; and not less than three hundred of tho clerks in the Surgeon-Gcncral’s Officc shall be exclusively engaged in preparing and making reports to expedite the scttlcmcut of pension applications called tbr by the Commissioner of Pensions. IN mm Omvmm 0F mm Cmmv OF Omnuucm.-·Onc chief clerk at two 0mm of cucror thousand dollars; three clerks of class four; two clerks of class three; 0¤l¤Q¤¢;_¤- I k two clerks of class two ; twcntsytwo clerks of class one; two clerks, at dgQ;:ud°“;:n{ one thousand dollars each; two messengers; one assistant messenger; ’ one laborer; in all, forty-four thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars. In nm Orman OF um Psmmmn-Gmmnn.-Ono chief clerk, at mm:°m¥°7‘ two thousand dollars; six clerks of class four; seven clerks of class Chiu- ,,1,,,}, ‘ three; twelve clerks of class two; ninc clcrks of class ons; four clerks, clerks, and others. at onc thousand dollars cuch· ono assistant mcsscngcr; ssvcn watchmon; superintendent of building, two hundred and fifty dollars; and tivo laborers; in all, sixty-fom· thousand nine hundred and ten dollars.