Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/106

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78 FORTYEIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 180. 1884. FULFILLIN G TREATIES WITH INDIAN TRIBES. Apaohes,Kiowas, APACHES, KIOWAS, AND COMANCHES. and Comanches. Y 15 Stat., 584, 590. For seventeenth of thirty installments, as provided to be expended under the tenth article of treaty of October twenty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, concluded at Medicine Lodge Creek, in Kansas, with the Kiowas and Comanches, and under the third article of treaty of the same date with the Apaches, thirty thousand dollars; For purchase of clothing, as provided in the same treaty, twelve thousand dollars. For pay of carpenter, farmer, blacksmith, miller, and engineer, tive thousand two hundred dollars; For pay of physician and two teachers, two thousand five hundred dollars; in all, forty-nine thousand seven hundred dollars. Cheyennes and CHEYENNES AND ABAPAHOES. Arapahoee. 15 Stat., 596. For seventeenth of thirty instalments, as provided to be expended under the tenth article of treaty of October twentyeighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, twenty thousand thousand dollars; . For purchase of clothing, as per same article, ten thousand dollars; For pay of physician and teacher, as per thirteenth article of same treaty, two thousand one hundred dollars; For pay of carpenter, farmer, blacksmith, miller, and engineer, as per same article, four thousand five hundred dollars; in all, thirty-six thousand six hundred dollars. Chickaeaws. GHICKASAWS. 14 Stat., 774. For permanent annuity, in goods, three thousand dollars. Boise Fortdband BOISE FOBTE BAND OF CHIPPEWAS. of Chippewas. 14 Stat., 776. For nineteenth of twenty installments, for the support of one black- _ smith and assistant, and for tools, iron and steel, and other articles necessary for the blacksmith shop, as per third article of treaty of April seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, one thousand five hundred dollars ; For nineteenth of twenty installments, for the support of one schoolteacher, and for the necessary books and stationery, as per same article of same treaty, eight hundred dollars; ’ For nineteenth of twenty installments, for the instruction of Indians in farming, and purchase of seeds, tools, and similar necessaries, as pe1· same article of same treaty, eight hundred dollars; For nineteenth of twenty installments of annuity, in money, to be paid per capita., as per same article of same treaty, three thousand tive hundred dollars; . For nineteenth of twenty installments of annuity, in provisions, ammunition, and tobacco, as per same article of same treaty, one thousand dollars; For nineteenth of twenty instalments of annuity, in goods and other articles, as per same article of same treaty, six thousand ilve hundred dollars; in all, fourteen thousand one hundred dollars. Chippewasof the CHIPPEWAS OF THE MISSISSIPPI. Mississippi. so smc., 904. For thirty-eighth of forty-six instalments to be paid to the Chippewas ua sm., 720. of the Mississippi, per third article of treaty of August second, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, and fifth article of treaty of March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, one thousand dollars; 10 Stem 1167- For last of ten instalments of annuity, in money, last series, per