Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/344

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316 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 145. 1885. lars each; one hundred and forty privaws, class two, at one thou- Staticn-k•¤p¤r¤· sand eighty dollars each; seventeen station-keepers, at seven hundred Laborers. and twenty dollars each; eight laborers, at four hundred and twenty dollars each· one messenger, seven hundred dollars; one messenger, five hundred dollars; one major and supermtxept, mlounted, twg hundred and forty dollars- one captain, moun , wo nndred an forty dollars; twenty lieutenants, sergeants, and privates, mounted, at two hundred and forty dollars ewh; one driver, three hundred and sixty dollars ; one ambulance driver, four hundred and eighty dollars; Rent, fuel, etc. one assistant ambulance driver, three hundred dollars; rent of seventh New •*¤*i¤¤ i¤ precinct station-houses and substation at Uniontown, and police head- '°'°'“‘h P’°°i""°· quarters, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; for_ fuel, two thousand dollars; purchase ofl sate and erection af ntswistaltion m seventh precinct, fifteen thousan o ; repairs s on- ouses, one C¤¤¤i¤s¤¤* <¤- thousand five hundred dollars; miscellaneous and contingent P°“°°'· including stationery, books, telegraphing, photographs, prmting an binding, gas, ice, washing, meals for prisoners, biéulrnitnse béapdlrppmrs to sam police equipments and repairs to same s an -c o ing insignia, of onlce, horses, harness, and forage, repairs to van and ambulance, patrol wagon and pay of driver, and expenses incurred in prevention and detection of crime,. and other necessary items, eleven thousand dollars; in all, three hundred and thirty-mne thou- Plmlco. Zend seven hundred tzenty dglllarsz ggviidggxldlaagl hetiegfgesytlx; ommissioners shall u one o ar e m P<>1i¤¤ r¤li¤f each policeman, which sum so deducted shall be added to and form a md- part of the present police fund,to be invested in United States or District bonds by the Treasurer of the United States, and be held by him subject to the drafts of the Commissioners for expenditures made in pursuance of law, and suchexpcnditures shall be accounted foras required by law £3"ll‘;°.L‘E2’£°§??“‘°°,3fi£° ””$’.?.f’t“§“? i°‘.‘}‘i°;2,°f.£?i“.‘} “3;“" "° ““°" r » _ ny man nju r sease contracted in line of duty, or having served not less than fifteen years, shall become so permanently disabled as to be discharged from service therefor- and in case of his death from such injury or disease, leaving a Pmdn. widow or children under sixteen years, for their relief: Provided further, ilghat suchf shin] not exceed for airy one policeman or his family t e sum o lars per month· an a sum not exceeding` seventy- llve dollars may be allowed from said fund to defray the funeral expenses of any policeman dying in the service of the District. - Gameweu alarm To purchase for the seventh police precinct ten Gamewell alarm tele-

  • •!¤8¥•Ph!¤d£ graph and telephone police stations, two thousand six hundred dollars,

m' ’°h°° or so much thereof as may be necessary. Fon rim Fnm Dnmnrunnr. Fire department. For one chief engineer one thousand eight hundred dollars · one nre marshal, one thousand dollars; one clerk, nine hundred dollars; two ignrmlmgnuacung as assistant chief engineers, at one thousand two hun- 0 ars eac · seven oremen, at one thousand dollars each- se engineers, at one thousand dollars each; seven firemen at eight hh? dred dollars each; two tillermen, at eight hundred dollars each; nine hostlers, at eight hundred dollars each; sixty privates, at seven hundred and eighty dollars each; three watchmen, at six hundred dollars sac , one veterinary surgeon, three hundred dollars; repairs to enginehpulses, one thorzlsland dcglairs; {'pr fuel, lG$0£;10I18}Dd dollars; purchase o orses wo thousand veun ors·orageil thu nd ilve hundred dollars; hose, two thousand two ’hnndred ami flftysdollars; repairsto apparatus and new appliances, four thousand dollars;

¤ontmgen=¤‘exper;lses£cluding onlce-rent, horse-shoemg;)fu1n1ture,_iixi1.“§§$*";€. “‘.%.i’ 45E.. °&.m.¤-“" ““?£§.§¥‘L£?$3’ '2i""°““*.l ‘£°"“l”‘“l“Q.t

ousan ve nn dollars; in all, one hundred and eight thousand one hundred and iitty